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随着《信息技术教育》课程在全国中小学校的开设和推广,越来越多的中小学生开始通过网络进行学习,然而,由于部分学生没有认识到网络学习与课堂学习之间的差异,在进行网络学习时心理上存在各种各样的问题。采用问卷调查和访谈的方法,对学生网络学习的注意力、学习兴趣和动机、学习自控力、学习时的情绪以及学习习惯等情况进行的调查分析结果认为:虽然学生们在网络学习的过程中会出现各种问题,大多数学生还是肯定了目前的网络学习,他们认为自己在心理上能够适应网络学习,适应网络教育的进度安排,并且相信自己能取得好的学习效果。但是尚有一部分学生在心理上还不能适应网络学习,主要表现为他们的注意力、自控力、学习的兴趣和动机以及学习习惯等方面还有待改善和提高。  相似文献   

21世纪是信息化的世纪和学习化的世纪,它对高校的人才培养提出了种种新的要求和挑战。然而,我国高校的现状却不能适应社会发展和人才培养的需要。笔认为,新一代的网络课程——智能化网络课程建设可以为解决我国高校面临的问题提供强有力的支持,本讨论了智能化网络课程的特点、教学形式和作用,并提出智能化网络课程的基本框架等。  相似文献   

随着《信息技术教育》课程在全国中小学校的开设和推广,越来越多的中小学生开始通过网络进行学习,然而,由于部分学生没有认识到网络学习与课堂学习之间的差异,在进行网络学习时心理上存在各种各样的问题。采用问卷调查和访谈的方法,对学生网络学习的注意力、学习兴趣和动机、学习自控力、学习时的情绪以及学习习惯等情况进行的调查分析结果认为:虽然学生们在网络学习的过程中会出现各种问题,大多数学生还是肯定了目前的网络学习,他们认为自己在心理上能够适应网络学习,适应网络教育的进度安排,并且相信自己能取得好的学习效果。但是尚有一部分学生在心理上还不能适应网络学习,主要表现为他们的注意力、自控力、学习的兴趣和动机以及学习习惯等方面还有待改善和提高。  相似文献   

网络精品课程建设是国家为了实现优质教育资源共享,促进教育均衡,实现教育信息化的重要举措。然而在移动互联的大背景下,移动学习与网络精品课程传统建设模式存在明显的冲突,具体表现为:网络精品课程传统建设模式与移动学习的特点之间的矛盾;网络课堂及课后交流讨论主题分散、讨论深度不足与在移动网络学习环境下学习者交流讨论主题明确、针对性强、讨论深入之间的矛盾;在传统网络课程环境下学习过程信息记录粗糙与在移动学习环境下学习过程信息大数据分析需求之间的矛盾。要缓解和进一步解决这些矛盾,一方面必须提高网络课程的服务意识,改进网络课程设计理念;另一方面必须提高网络课程制作技术,主动开拓网络精品课程服务领域。  相似文献   

余晶 《三明学院学报》2012,29(3):97-100
网络课程是实施网络教育的载体,优化设计网络课程是增强网络教育实效性和适应性的要求,也是适应网络教育快速发展的需要。以建构主义学习理论指导网络课程设计,能够增强网络课程设计的科学性和实效性。基于建构主义学习理论的网络设计应适应学习者的认知发展水平、注重创设学习情景、注重学习的连续性和系统性、促进信息技术与课程教学的融合,应把建构主义学习理论贯穿于学习资源、学习内容、教学系统和测评系统等网络课程的设计。  相似文献   

继论面向学习者特征,仍以中央电大教师教育类一门网络课程(作为教师教育必修课程的“课程与教学论”网络课程)的后续设计为例,分析讨论了开发设计网络课程必须适应的网络技术平台环境及其使用条件等因素,强调必须在真实学习需求的引导下,开发适宜运用的远程教育学习产品,重视教学系统现实条件的要求,以提高教师教育学习资源的普适性。  相似文献   

浅谈学生网络学习策略问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着网络技术的发展和应用,互联网络将成为学生学习的主要乃至惟一重要的工具。为适应网络环境下学习工具的变化,应确立在网上学习的基本观念和意识,适应网络学习方式,掌握在网上学习的基本技能,通过教师指导、问题启发和错误颔悟等途径培养网络学习策略。  相似文献   

《计算机组成原理》网络课程设计的方法与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
承着我国广播电视大学系统内网络教学条件的改善,加强网络教学的研究与网络课程的设计,成为电大教师面临的新的紧迫课题。文章结合中央电大计算机科学与技术专业《计算机组成原理》网络课程的设计方案,探讨网络课程设计中的有关方法和存在的问题。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出当前,以多媒体与网络技术为核心的现代教育技术的迅速兴起与蓬勃发展,正猛烈地冲击着高中学生的课程学习。传统的“教教材、学教材、考教材”;“考什么、教什么;教什么、考什么”的学习模式,已不能适应新课程改革倡导的“主动——探究——合作”学习方式的要求。网络技术的发展极大地拓展了教育的时空界限,使课程资源范围极大扩大,使课程资源共享的愿望得以实现,学习选择的自由度大大提高,人们向往已久的个性化、个别化教学、“主动——探究——合作”学习方式将成为可能。在基于校园网和 Internet 教育网络基础上的现代教育技术与地理学科教学的整合,将会发展成一种有可能适应新  相似文献   

论网络自主学习环境的创设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学习环境的创设对网络教育至关重要,它在网络课件中的体现程度已成为衡量一个精品课件的标准。网络课程中的学习环境应包括自主学习环境与协作学习环境两部分。自主学习环境的设计包括直观情境、知识情境、问题情境的创设。基于Fleming的VARIK学习类型测量表和Fielder的ILS量表所确定的学习风格类型,结合有关的调查结果,探讨适应学习者学习风格的自主学习环境创设问题对网络课程的完善有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

基于Mashup聚合技术对网络学习的有效支持探微   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张豪锋  王小梅 《现代教育技术》2009,19(4):109-112,38
如何将网络中海量学习资源高效、快捷地组织到统一的网络环境中,有效地服务并促进网络学习,是当前网路学习发展中所面临的问题。Mashup作为一种新型聚合技术能将多个外部数据源进行整合,提供一种创新服务,成为未来网络学习的重要应用模式。针对网络学习中存在的问题,探讨了Mashup聚合技术对网络学习的有效支持,以期提高网络学习绩效。  相似文献   

Distance Learning on the Internet: An Exploratory Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Internet and Web-based technologies have become a popular platform for the development and delivery of distance learning (DL) programs in an online class setting. While these programs have proven popular with both students and faculty, few research studies have been done to determine the impact of these virtual courses on student learning and/or satisfaction. This article presents the development of a Web-based course model and the results from an exploratory study conducted to determine the effectiveness of this model on student satisfaction. Results from the survey reveal that the students had a positive experience with this Web-based course model. Students were generally satisfied with the online learning environment, appreciated the flexibility of being able to access course material any time and any place, and were satisfied with quality and course content.  相似文献   

Student growth patterns in Web-enhanced and on-line courses lead the University of Central Florida (UCF) to expect large populations for both categories. The authors describe the UCF process for implementing and evaluating Web-based instruction. The office of Course Development and Web Services supports faculty in preparing and delivering their on-line courses. Additionally, faculties are given support for the transition through a semester-long course in Web-based teaching. The Center for Distributed Learning provides administrative and registration services in addition to coordinating and marketing interactive television, video, and Web-based courses. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning provides additional support for faculty as they work with the new technologies. Finally, UCF is conducting a comprehensive impact evaluation of distributed learning including differential success, demographic trends, impact on teaching, and impact on students with differing learni ng styles. The model used at UCF is compared with the Twente TeleTOP method (De Boer, 1999) and the generalizability of this model to other institutions is discussed.  相似文献   

Web-based courses have been used to appeal to many segments of potential students. While there has been a rush to develop Web-based courses in universities, there has not been a corresponding publication of research linking Web-based course development to the characteristics of students being taught. Today's universities have a student population that is demographically diverse. This research explores students' reasons for choosing a Web-based course and their perceptions of course quality and benefit.  相似文献   

The current study examined four factors affecting retention in Web-based community college courses. Analyses were conducted on student demographics, student learning styles, course communication and external factors. The results suggest that Web-based courses are more attractive to busy students who are also more likely to fail or drop the course. The combined results from the four factors provided evidence that time management and procrastination are the primary reasons that community college students fail or drop a Web-based course. The study also found evidence that inability to get feedback from instructors may contribute to student dropout and failure in Web-based community college courses.  相似文献   

网络课程的个性化及其构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络教育倡导以学习者为中心,个性化的学习方式。文章在分析我国目前网络课程的个性化现状的基础上,针对网络课程普遍缺乏个性化机制等问题,结合中国教育信息化技术标准(CELTS),构建了基于学习对象的网络课程系统框架,并重点讨论了基于学习对象的特性实现网络课程的个性化及其优势。  相似文献   

本文基于电大在线远程教育技术有限公司的项目"网络课程开发工具的研究",对国内外比较成熟的网络学习平台进行了深入文献调研和使用,从而对各种平台的功能进行比较分析,在借鉴了它们的优点和改善了它们的不足的基础上,提出了本研究应该努力的方向。  相似文献   

The author discusses the results of a study about the effect of students' and instructional variables on satisfaction and achievement in a Web-based course. Results indicated that gender, age, learning styles, time spent on the course, and perceptions of student–student interactions, course activities, and asynchronous Web-based conferences were not related to satisfaction and learning outcomes. Those students who entered the course with better Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) scores achieved higher final grades in the course, but did not express more satisfaction with the learning environment. Computer experience did not influence achievement but experienced computer users were more satisfied with the course. Students who perceived the student–instructor interactions positively felt that their discussion group had performed well during the conferences, and viewed the learning materials used in the conferences positively improved grades and were more satisfied with the course. Students expected instructor-led learning. There is a need to explicitly design an organising strategy to assist students in completing the problem-based learning processes during the Web-based conferences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between learner personality types and perceived satisfaction when using Web-based instruction for mandatory and self-regulated continuing professional development. Two hundred and four real estate practitioners who participated in a Web-based professional development course completed the Millon Index of Personality Styles (MIPS) instrument and a survey to compare personality type and satisfaction. No relationship was found between personality types and satisfaction when using Web-based instruction. The majority (97%) of participants were satisfied with the course regardless of their personality characteristics.  相似文献   

A comparison of correspondence and Web versions of the same course indicated that, although the students were very satisfied with the Web version, the correspondence section achieved the higher mean final scores in three of the four semesters while the Web course achieved the higher mean score in only one semester. A literature search indicated that there are very few studies which compare the relative successes of Web-based courses and traditional (lecture) courses as this present study does. In addition most of these other comparative studies are based on only one offering of the Web-based course, whereas the present study evaluates the Web-based course over four different semesters.  相似文献   

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