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目的:本文旨在探讨不同动态腹直肌训练动作对腹直肌下部锻炼效果的影响,为腹直肌训练提供参考。方法:让受试者做屈腿卷腹、直腿卷腹、屈腿仰卧起坐、直腿仰卧起坐、仰卧两头起、健腹轮、下斜板仰卧起坐7种常用的徒手腹直肌锻炼动作,同时应用ME6000-16表面肌电仪对左侧腹直肌测出做每种腹直肌锻炼动作时的表面肌电信号,并对其信号的时域指标平均振幅AEMG进行对比分析。结果:屈腿卷腹动作AEMG标准化值最低为0.327±0.160;仰卧两头起AEMG标准化值最高为0.805±0.190。卷腹、屈腿仰卧起坐、俯身滚动健腹轮之间的AEMG标准化值也较低,且相互之间差异不显著。但与腹直肌AEMG标准化值较高的下斜板仰卧起坐、直腿仰卧起坐、仰卧两头起动作差异显著。结论:仰卧两头起,下斜板仰卧起坐,直腿仰卧起坐动作对腹直肌刺激程度较高。仰卧两头起的刺激程度最高,俯身滚动健腹轮对腹直肌刺激程度较低。  相似文献   

分析上腹部(腹直肌)肌肉肌电变化特点,找出肌电变化的一般规律,减少训练调控过程中的盲目性,为科学训练提供参考依据。采用文献资料法、实验和数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,通过收集右侧和左侧(腹)肌肉的肌电图,观察分析肌肉肌电变化特点。结果表明:仰卧起坐运动中左右腹直肌的积分肌电值存在明显的差异,左腹直肌积分肌电大于右腹直肌积分肌电,左右腹直肌的振幅、肌电均方根均无显著性差异。在仰卧起坐运动过程中左腹直肌的收缩强度较大,左腹直肌比右腹直肌先进入疲劳,左右腹直肌参与活动的运动单位数目、放电频率同步化程度具有相似性。  相似文献   

二级练习1.骨盆提起(1)要点:不要利用腿的动量快速完成练习动作。做动作时要缓慢地抬起脊柱的下部,用躯干肌肉力量使双腿缓慢提起,双膝向肩部靠拢。2.板凳仰卧起坐要点:这是一个高级练习,开始做时上体可能不能抬起很高。但不要以加快速度来试图使胸部与大腿的距离缩短。因为这样只会加大躯干的动量,而不会增加腹肌的练习效果。4.板凳腹斜肌练习要点:与做板凳仰卧起坐一样,练习时要保证动作缓慢,在控制之中。快速的动作会使你上体的动作幅度加大,但那是躯干动量的作用,对提高练习效果没有帮助。3.屈膝左右摇摆要点:在练习过程中要保持正常呼…  相似文献   

仰卧起坐是一种简单、常用的身体练习手段。它的运动形式是躯体的屈体运动,其练习的意义主要在于发展腹直肌、髂腰肌和骨盆底肌以及腹内、外斜肌等的力量。仰卧起坐对肌肉影响最大的是髂腰肌和腹直肌。但是仰卧起坐应在屈腿条件下完成,因此,预先的屈腿,迫使髂腰肌先行缩短,这样  相似文献   

采用芬兰产Mega6000肌电仪和肌电仪器自带的Megawin2.4软件系统,让实验对象在做大腿后部肌群的力量练习手段如直腿后摆拉橡皮条、俯卧屈小腿拉橡皮条、俯卧后摆腿、俯卧跪起和仰卧挺髋力量练习手段的状态下,对实验对象的臀大肌、股二头肌、半腱半膜肌、腓肠肌内侧、阔筋膜张肌、股直肌和胫骨前肌进行肌电测试,并结合高速摄影技术分析肌电特征和肌肉的工作机制。结果表明,各块肌肉在力量练习过程中放电顺序、放电强度、放电时间、肌电积分值都不相同。因此,在力量训练时,应根据动作结构、肌肉收缩方式、收缩速度和力量大小等方面进行训练,使训练手段更能符合专项运动的规律。  相似文献   

目的:探讨花样滑冰跳跃动作落冰过程中肌肉的工作特征及相关陆地模仿的训练效果。方法:以我国优秀双人滑男运动员张某为研究对象,利用 Mega ME6000肌电测试仪对其完成后外点冰两周跳、陆地两周跳、凳上跃起动作落地过程支撑腿落地后0.8 s内双侧胫骨前肌、腓肠肌外侧头、股直肌、股二头肌、臀大肌、竖脊肌、腹外斜肌和腹直肌的表面肌电信号进行采集,通过MegaWin2.4对原始数据进行处理分析。结果:完成专项动作时积分面积较大的8块肌肉依次为右侧股二头肌、右侧股直肌、右侧腓肠肌外侧头、左侧股二头肌、右侧胫骨前肌、右侧臀大肌、左侧臀大肌和右侧竖脊肌,多数工作肌的积分肌电峰值出现在落冰后的0.4 s左右;完成专项动作各肌肉积分面积与凳上跃起动作具有较高相关性(r=0.578,P=0.019),与 陆地两周跳动作不相关;肌肉贡献度较大的肌肉中,专项动作与两种陆地模仿动作相比,支撑腿股二头肌、股直肌和腓肠肌外侧头的平均积分肌电 值明显偏高,积分肌电峰值出现时间不同。结论:完成后外点冰两周跳落冰动作的主要工作肌为支撑腿各肌群、同侧竖脊肌及摆动腿的股二头肌、臀大肌;凳上跃起和陆地两周跳两种陆地模仿练习的肌肉工作特征与专项动作有一定差异,可作为辅助训练手段,但不宜过多采用。  相似文献   

<正>一、仰卧起坐的工作原理根据运动解剖学和运动生物力学分析,学生在完成一个完整的仰卧起坐动作时,从双手十指交叉贴于脑后,仰卧平躺大腿内收并下肢固定准备,到完成一个完整的仰卧起坐动作后再还原至仰卧平躺的准备姿势时,整个过程由躯干屈曲至身体坐起后双肘触膝后还原平躺,身体骨骼肌参与工作的主要肌群涉及到两个部分,分别是腹部核心肌群—腹肌和屈髋肌群。腹肌包括腹直肌、腹横肌、腹内斜肌和腹外斜肌,屈髋肌包括髂腰肌、股直肌、缝匠肌、阔筋膜张肌和髂胫束。腹直肌的作用主要是使身体躯干胸腰椎前屈,腹内斜肌和腹外斜肌负责躯干侧屈与转体,腹横肌主要是维持和保护躯干的稳定性。当下肢固定时,髂腰肌是负责拉动躯干脊柱和骨盆前屈,另外股直肌、缝匠肌、阔筋膜张肌和髂胫束主要是起到屈髋带动骨盆前屈,保证仰卧起坐完整动作的顺利完成。  相似文献   

研究目的:对长拳、太极拳冲拳动作进行肌电实验,分析长拳、太极拳完成冲拳动作时所调动的肌肉及其iemg值,得出在研究对象本身无差异情况下,不同拳术冲拳的发力对肌肉的调动情况。研究方法:在肌电实验中,以固定个体为研究对象,通过运用美国noraxon生产的t6无线导遥测肌电对练习长拳、太极拳冲拳时的上下肢肌肉表面肌电特征进行分析。研究结果:长拳冲拳过程中,肌肉活动顺序为腹直肌、三角肌前束、股内侧肌、股直肌、腹外斜肌、股外侧肌、股四头肌、肱三头肌、肱桡肌、竖脊肌;积分肌电显示在长拳冲拳阶段三角肌前束、肱桡肌的积分肌电最高;在整个长拳冲拳过程中,腹外斜肌的肌肉贡献率最大。太极拳冲拳过程中,肌肉活动顺序为肱桡肌、腹外斜肌、股内侧肌、竖脊肌、三角肌前束、腹直肌、股外侧肌、肱三头肌、腹直肌、股四头肌;积分肌电显示在太极拳冲拳阶段肱桡肌、股内侧肌的积分肌电最高;在整个太极拳冲拳过程中,腹内斜肌的机头贡献率最大。研究结论:长拳冲拳过程中,受试者较好完成技术动作,腹直肌首先放电,肌肉力量的发放大部分来源于肱桡肌、三角肌前束和肱三头肌,集中于上肢腰部和手臂。太极拳冲拳过程中,受试者未能掌握技术动作,肌肉发力顺序不符合太极拳冲拳技术要求。  相似文献   

一、发展躯干力量(一)仰卧起坐目的:发展腹部肌群力量。方法:双脚支撑地面仰卧于健身球上。连续进行仰卧起坐练习。要求:1.仰卧时背部全部贴在健身球上。动作过程中颈部保持正直,不要收下颌。  相似文献   

“1分钟仰卧起坐”是中考体育的必考项目之一,主要是考查初中生腰腹肌群的力量和耐力。在当前的教学实践过程中,仰卧起坐练习的关注点主要集中于如何提高学生的力量素质,导致练习方法单一、枯燥,不能够调动学生的主动性。如何高效地指导学生练习仰卧起坐动作,并将练习效果迅速转化为中考成绩是教学实践过程中需要探索的重要问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare core muscle activation of the tradition prone plank with a modified version performed with a long-lever and posterior-tilt using surface electromyography. To further determine if a specific component of this modified plank was more effective than the other in enhancing muscle activity, the plank with a long lever and the plank with a posterior pelvic tilt were studied individually. Nineteen participants performed all four variations of the plank for 30 seconds in a randomized order with 5-minute rest between exercise bouts. Compared to the traditional prone plank, the long-lever posterior-tilt plank displayed a significantly increased activation of the upper rectus abdominis (p < 0.001), lower abdominal stabilizers (p < 0.001), and external oblique (p < 0.001). The long-lever plank showed significantly greater activity compared to the traditional plank in the upper rectus abdominis (p = 0.015) and lower abdominal stabilizers (p < 0.001), while the posterior tilt plank elicited greater activity in the external oblique (p = 0.028). In conclusion, the long-lever posterior-tilt plank significantly increases muscle activation compared to the traditional prone plank. The long-lever component tends to contribute more to these differences than the posterior-tilt component.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare kinematics and muscle activity between chin-ups and lat-pull down exercises and between muscle groups during the two exercises. Normalized electromyography (EMG) of biceps brachii (BB), triceps brachii (TB), pectoralis major (PM), latissimus dorsi (LD), rectus abdominus (RA), and erector spinae (ES) and kinematics of back, shoulder, and seventh cervical vertebrae (C7) was analysed during chin-ups and lat-pull down exercises. Normalized EMG of BB and ES and kinematics of shoulder and C7 for chin-ups were greater than lat-pull down exercises during the concentric phase (p < 0.05). For the eccentric phase, RA during lat-pull down exercises was greater than chin-ups and the kinematics of C7 during chin-ups was greater than lat-pull down exercises (p < 0.05). For chin-ups, BB, LD, and ES were greater than PM during the concentric phase, whereas BB and LD were greater than TB, and LD was greater than RA during the eccentric phase (p < 0.05). For lat-pull down exercise, BB and LD were greater than PM, TB, and ES during the concentric phase, whereas LD was greater than PM, TB, and BB during the eccentric phase (p < 0.05). Subsequently, chin-ups appears to be a more functional exercise.  相似文献   

目的:利用表面肌电指标定量反映中度和高度紧身压迫在恒定负荷踏蹬至疲劳过程中对股直肌sEMG特征的影响,并探讨其内在机制,以期为紧身运动服装在运动实践中的应用提供科学理论依据.方法:以12名年龄在20~25岁之间的健康男性大学生为试验对象,在3种不同程度紧身压迫状态下,分别以中强度和大强度负荷在功率自行车上进行恒速踏蹬运动至疲劳,共计6次测试;在对受试者一侧下肢股直肌的iEMG和MPF肌电指标进行监测记录和信号处理后,采用双因素方差分析进行试验数据间差异的统计和比较.结果:(1)与无紧身压迫相比,外加中度紧身压迫在中等强度踏蹬运动中,对股直肌iEMG及MPF的整体变化特征无明显影响;(2)外加中度紧身压迫在大强度踏蹬运动后期,以及外加高度紧身压迫在中强度踏蹬运动后期,均使股直肌iEMG(%)值的总体增长幅度较无紧身压迫时有所减少,MPF(%)值的总体降低趋势较无紧身压迫时有所下降;(3)外加高度紧身压迫在大强度踏蹬运动后期,使股直肌iEMG(%)值的总体增长幅度较无紧身压迫时有所增加,MPF(%)值的总体降低趋势较无紧身压迫时有所上升.  相似文献   


We estimated international/national temporal trends in sit-ups performance for children and adolescents, and examined relationships between national trends in sit-ups performance and national trends in health-related/sociodemographic indicators. Data were obtained by systematically searching studies reporting on temporal trends in sit-ups performance for apparently healthy 9–17 year-olds, and by examining nationally representative fitness datasets. Trends at the country-sex-age level were estimated by sample-weighted regression models relating the testing year to mean sit-ups performance. International/national trends were estimated by a post-stratified population-weighting procedure. Pearson’s correlations quantified relationships between national trends in sit-ups performance and national trends in health-related/sociodemographic indicators. A total of 9,939,289 children and adolescents from 31 countries/special administrative regions between 1964 and 2017 collectively showed a large improvement of 38.4% (95% CI: 36.8 to 40.0) or 7.1% per decade (95% CI: 6.8 to 7.4). Large international improvements were experienced by all age and sex groups, with the rate of improvement slowing from 1964 to 2000, stabilizing near zero until 2010, before declining. Trends differed between countries, with national trends in vigorous physical activity a strong, positive correlate of national trends in sit-ups performance. More sit-ups data are needed from low- and middle-income countries to better monitor trends in muscular fitness.  相似文献   

This study examined anterior chain whole body linkage exercises, namely the body saw, hanging leg raise and walkout from a push-up. Investigation of these exercises focused on which particular muscles were challenged and the magnitude of the resulting spine load. Fourteen males performed the exercises while muscle activity, external force and 3D body segment motion were recorded. A sophisticated and anatomically detailed 3D model used muscle activity and body segment kinematics to estimate muscle force, and thus sensitivity to each individual's choice of motor control for each task. Gradations of muscle activity and spine load characteristics were observed across tasks. On average, the hanging straight leg raise created approximately 3000 N of spine compression while the body saw created less than 2500 N. The hanging straight leg raise created the highest challenge to the abdominal wall (>130% MVC in rectus abdominis, 88% MVC in external oblique). The body saw resulted in almost 140% MVC activation of the serratus anterior. All other exercises produced substantial abdominal challenge, although the body saw did so in the most spine conserving way. These findings, along with consideration of an individual's injury history, training goals and current fitness level, should assist in exercise choice and programme design.  相似文献   

本实验通过测定老年人在功率自行车上运动时与恢复期间心电图T波、S-T段及R波变化,发现老年人运动时R波无显著改变;T波波幅下降,出现低平、双相及倒置波;S-T段普遍下移;提示老年人运动时心肌轻度缺血。这种缺血状况于运动结束恢复初期逐渐加重,尔后逐渐恢复。  相似文献   

This study estimated the difficulty of various sit-ups tests using an item response theory (IRT) model, the Rasch Poisson Counts model. Scores were obtained on 18 sit-ups tests. All tests were thought to vary in difficulty based on clinical observations. Item difficulty was defined by the Poisson model as the difficulty of Step 1, where the difficulty of a step represented the difficulty of completing a sit-up. The difficulty values of the tests ranged from -4.02 to -3.57. The easiest test was executed with hands on thighs and feet anchored. Most tests had good fit values. The results demonstrated that a variety of sit-ups tests can provide a range of difficulties and variety in forming a sit-ups test bank.  相似文献   

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