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胡军 《体育文化导刊》2012,(2):15-17,41
研究发现,伦敦奥运会的筹办体现可持续发展理念:将可持续发展作为奥运场馆建设的重要标准;注重可再生资源的利用;通过筹办奥运中的环境治理,体现可持续发展目标;寻求企业合作;将"后奥运"发展统一于可持续发展规划之中等。研究认为,伦敦奥运会的可持续发展理念的价值与启示体现在对其他大型体育赛事的举办理念发挥影响、将奥运会可持续发展理念辐射至社会、通过奥运倡导可持续生活方式等。  相似文献   

翻开奥林匹克的历史.我们会发现志愿者在第一届奥运会时已经存在了。奥林匹克运动的第一个志愿者——顾拜旦从1896年雅典到1908年的伦敦,奥运志愿者大都来自于奥运会的组织者。1896年雅典.1900年巴黎,1904年圣路易斯和1908年的伦敦.前四届奥运会上."志愿者"一词并没有在官方报告中被明确提出,组织者依靠家庭纽带和朋友关系为  相似文献   

路云亭 《体育与科学》2012,33(4):5-11,53
四年一届的奥运会堪称人类集会的轮回形态。2012年的伦敦奥运会同样呈现出活跃的态势。奥运会不仅是体育活动,其所拥有的诸多超体育的附属价值却更为中国人看重。复合化的奥运会不仅未能消解奥运会的竞技因素,反而提升了奥运会的传播学价值,也为过度竞争化的奥运会竞技添加了一种优美的情愫。中国人将参与奥运会当成全民族融入世界主流社会的捷径。进化论是资本主义时代高强度竞争意识的理论原生点。更高、更快、更强的现代奥运思想是人类竞争的终极性思想,进化论和现代奥运会是同一类思想的派生物。中国人更热衷于在各种常规的文化类型中强力地提炼出一种属于自己文化的信仰性元素,奥运会在中国就变成了一种抗拒祛魅的因子,并成为具有理论高度的奥运主义,且逐渐演化为一种中国人的信仰对象。奥运会及其所倡扬的奥运精神也成为百年来对中国文化影响较大文化类型。  相似文献   

伦敦奥运会的成功确立了中国体育大国的地位,创建了与国情紧密结合的奥运战略,肯定了中国竞技体育改革的策略。伦敦奥运会的成功得益于3个基本策略:体制外改革、渐进主义改革和举国体制。为了迎接将要到来的转折期,我国竞技体育改革应加快体制内的改革步伐,实行复合式的发展战略,构建"三位一体"人才培养模式,进一步完善相关法规。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,“以人为本”的人文体育思想体现出时代发展对“人”的呼唤。我国建立和谐社会和筹办北京奥运会,通过倡导人文体育理念,旨在实现体育自身的完善,让更多的人“参与”到体育这一社会文化活动中来,推进中国竞技体育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

体育理论书籍重点推荐:《2008年北京奥运会的理论与实践》本书由国家体育总局政策法规司编著,人民体育出版社出版。书中收集了2005年8月19日——22日,国家体育总局在沈阳召开的“2008年北京奥运会理论研讨会”的内容。与会代表紧密围绕2008年北京奥运会,结合我国筹办2008年奥运会的实际情况,从不同角度进行深入探讨,为成功举办2008年奥运会提出了许多好的建议,可为社会各界关心奥运、支持奥运、参与奥运的朋友们提供帮助和参考资料。邮购价:46元。大型画册《中国奥运冠军录》(1984-2004)480元人体运动能力检测与评定43元美国大学竞技体育管…  相似文献   

在伦敦奥运会期间,英国政府、伦敦奥组委和各国媒体等机构,共同参与设计、制造了大量的媒体景观。这些景观维护了英国社会的主流价值,传播了英国人对奥运的定义和解释,在全球范围内实现了价值整合和社会协同。本文以伦敦奥运会期间媒体景观为研究对象,通过内容分析、文化分析的方法,旨在探讨伦敦奥运会对传播英国文化和建设英国国家软实力的作用。论文研究有如下发现:首先,伦敦奥运会开幕式通过大量的视觉景观,传播了英国的历史传统和文化符号,唤醒了英国人的国家意识和爱国精神;第二,各国媒体对英国王室、英国乡村、英国建筑的报道,使全球观众欣赏到保守主义精神给英国留下的丰厚的历史遗产;第三,媒体大量报道英国人“节俭办奥运”的理念,赞誉伦敦政府不搞面子工程、盆景工程,帮助英国人在国际舞台上显示了他们的自信和从容;第四,伦敦奥运会的开幕式、闭幕式不追求盛大的、豪华的场面,英国人通过营造祥和、幸福的生活场景,诠释了人文精神在英国社会中的重要意义;第五,在奥运会的开幕式中,英国人能够包容不同的价值观,能够进行自我批判和嘲讽,充分展示了英国的大国心态和精神气质。研究伦敦奥运会包含的英国文化内涵,能够帮助我们以更加多元的视角看待国家软实力,也能够帮助我们以更加自信和从容的心态开展公共外交。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法对英国的奥运"金牌战略"进行剖析,为迎接2012年伦敦奥运会的到来,同时也为实现竞技体育本身的政治、经济价值,英国政府通过加强体育管理,采取政策措施,加大投资等方式在短时间内取得了斐然成绩,并对赛后遗产进行妥善规划。作为2008北京奥运的主办国,中国在今后发展竞技体育的过程中当汲取其成功经验,进一步完善举国体制,政府与社会共建,协调发展体育事业。  相似文献   

通过盘点我国在本届伦敦奥运会的成绩和表现,总结与反思如何进一步提升我国奥运工作水平和成绩,以推动我国在国际上更好地展示与提升自身国家形象是文章的出发点和落脚点。文章首先研究分析了奥运会始终和国家形象以及国际关系紧密相连的历史与现实,接着在剖析中国奥运事业发展存在的主要问题基础上,提出当前已经到了必须加快转变中国奥运事业发展方式的崭新阶段。最后研究提出为更好地展示提升中国国家形象,要做到"回归本源性的重在参与,构建中国的快乐形象;回归朴实性的为国争光,构建中国的向上形象;回归细节性的人文关怀,构建中国的魅力形象"的"三个回归"和实现"在发展战略上,实现中国奥运事业从精英体育发展向精英体育与全民体育并重发展的转变;在动力机制上,实现中国奥运事业从物质利益驱动向物质利益和精神道德双轮驱动的转变;在舆论导向上,实现中国奥运事业从争夺金牌光荣向争夺金牌和享受比赛同样光荣的转变"的"三个转变"。  相似文献   

随着国际形势的不断变化,奥林匹克运动的发展出现了许多新动向。有鉴于此,在巴西里约奥运会落下帷幕之际,《体育与科学》学术工作坊紧扣全球体育界的热点问题,举办了主题为"奥运会·虚拟时代·人类庆典方式——里约奥运会启示录"的学术沙龙,围绕着"里约奥运会后中国的奥运战略"、"奥运会与人类庆典方式"、"虚拟时代与奥林匹克运动"、"奥运会与全球城市发展"等议题进行学术对话,对未来奥运会的发展趋势进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

Since the first Modern Olympics in 1896 only a few cities have hosted or will host the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games more than once: London, Paris, Los Angeles, Athens and Tokyo. There is no doubt that the improvements in infrastructures and structural changes that were carried out for Tokyo in preparation for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics demonstrated that ‘Japan was experiencing remarkable economic growth’. The ‘development’ of Tokyo, 97% of the Olympic budget being earmarked for improvements to infrastructures, resulted in excessively centralised politics and economics. Looking at the bidding process to host the 2016 and 2020 Olympics, it can be seen that various expectations of sports are political in nature: from the political problem of remembering legacies as mere representations to the current situation of a nation basing its presence on involvement in the Olympics. The Sports Promotion Act enacted in 1961 was revised 50 years later, and policies on sport came to be regarded as national strategies. The new act became the basis for establishing the Sports Agency and specified governmental support for hosting the international sporting events it promotes. The time has come to seriously consider the necessity of critically arguing about nationalism, as well as how to determine the relationship between a nation and sport in terms of sport governance.  相似文献   

The dynamics and culture of families are central to individual and community sport and physical activity participation. This research project examined the lived experiences and day-to-day realities of the London 2012 Olympics from the perspectives of five families in the East Midlands region of England. The aims of the project were to assess the influence the Games had on shaping family sports participation, influencing social and health relationships within the families through sports and reactions to the 2012 Olympics. The study was conducted through the generation of rich qualitative data from pre- and post-Games interviews as well as production of video diary data by the families and young people themselves to gather micro-level information on the realities of ‘legacy’ for families. Findings from this research project illustrate that prior parental socialisation into sport shaped current attitudes to legacy and children and mothers and fathers had mixed reactions to the actual presence of legacy. There are also clear sports development challenges around accessibility, cost, project design, the non-family-friendly nature of some schemes present during the potential consumption of legacy that have consequences for future research in this embryonic area. Implications from the study include the need to locate the family as a more central concern for policy makers in sports development practice. The study has questioned the assumed virtuous legacy of the London 2012 Games from the perspective of families on a day-to-day micro-level. Instead, a far more complex and diverse picture from the perspective of the family has been presented that requires further critical research on this little explored topic of policy and practice in sports development.  相似文献   

笔者对刚结束的广州亚运会和2008年北京奥运会中国奖牌分布状况进行了分析研究,指出目前我国竞技体育的优势项目、弱势项目和劣势项目。并对照2012年伦敦奥运会设定的比赛项目,提出我国参加下届伦敦奥运会在备战对策和参赛策略上的几点建议:①保持和稳定优势项目的夺牌强势。②挖掘弱势项目中个别小项的夺牌潜力。③抓好新设项目同一起点的竞争。④暂时放弃毫无夺牌希望的劣势项目。力争下届伦敦奥运会继续保持金牌和奖牌总数位居世界前列,实现我国从体育大国迈向体育强国的战略目标。  相似文献   


The Olympic Games of the modern era are powerful global mediated events. Olympic cities receive an overwhelming examination by world media. As the 2016 Olympic host, Rio de Janeiro has been given an enormous amount of attention, both by the international media and researchers who looked at the urban spaces of Rio, the struggles over the hegemony of the city and the social meanings the Olympics bring to the host city’s citizens. However, studies over the historical relationship between Rio, sport and media are rare. This paper addresses the historical uses of the term Olympic by Brazilian media during the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. By looking at the main articles in the newspapers of these periods, we examine the extent to which ideologies over sports have changed the way the Olympics were represented in Brazil’s national imaginary. We demonstrate how the use of expressions associated with the Olympics historically generated a closer appreciation of these events by the public. We also show how political authorities appropriated the Olympics for their own benefit. The paper concludes by asking whether or not the historical lessons from the early Olympic ideas in Brazil have been learned by the 2016 Rio Games organizers.  相似文献   

对参加2012年伦敦奥运会前济南集训的中国跳水队12名队员进行深入的半结构式访谈,把访谈录音逐字转化成文本,经运动员确认后,使用质性分析软件QSR Nvivo8对访谈结果进行归纳性内容分析。归纳出中国跳水运动员备战伦敦奥运会赛前心理准备的内容,共40个原始数据主题,进一步总结出14个高级主题,并且在14个高级主题的基础上得到4个概括性维度:日常生活规律,训练中的精神状态,对其他因素的认知,以及自由时间安排4个概括性维度。根据中国跳水运动员备战伦敦奥运会赛前心理准备的内容,开发奥运集训信息共享平台服务、训练基地心理综合调节室、重点运动员个性化心理干预、伦敦奥运会逆境应对心理手册及奥运比赛现场场景模拟训练等心理调节手段,从而为针对性的心理调节以及以后的备战提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

随着《体育强国建设纲要》的战略任务明确指出:提升竞技体育综合实力,增强为国争光能力。构建科学合理的训练体系受到学术界和体育工作者的广泛关注。同时,还面临备战东京奥运会和北京冬奥会时间紧任务重的巨大挑战,更需要依靠科学理论指导下进行科学训练。本研究主要从训练与恢复携手并进、构设中国特色现代化体系竞赛体系与学校体育的衔接体系、构建训练理论与训练实践衔接体系、搭建体医融合的健康科学训练体系等方面进行研究;并建议:以跨界跨项选材为基础;以青少年的梯队建设为起点;以核心队员的培养为重点;以运动员的训练过程跟踪为途径;延长运动生涯。为我国构建竞技体育的科学训练体系,但是在借鉴、摸索和创新过程中仍需要进一步加强科学性和系统性,以便为我国竞技体育训练科学化和奥运备战工作的开展提供实践和理论依据。  相似文献   

从北京到伦敦,随着奥运主场的转移,TOP赞助商中的中国企业阵容也随之改变,尤其是大陆企业出现了大面积撤退的情况,几乎销声匿迹。那些在四年前不惜重金共襄盛举的赞助商和供应商们似乎放弃了进军伦敦奥运战场。调查发现,中国企业的大面积撤退与业绩并无太大关联。结合国外企业成功开展奥运营销的关键因素与中国企业体育营销存在的问题探讨对此现象的思考。  相似文献   

Roy McCree 《Sport in Society》2016,19(10):1385-1401
The paper examines the significance of British print media discourses surrounding the participation of Britain at both the 1948 and 1952 Olympics as well as former black British and Trinidad sprint champion, McDonald Bailey, who represented Britain at both Games. Based on textual analysis, it is argued that the print media discourses surrounding the Games and Bailey formed part of a much broader discourse concerning nationalism and national identity in post-war Britain which served to underline the role of sport as an invented tradition in shaping the construction of identities. Relatedly, the staging of the 1948 games in London had formed a critical part of the process of British reconstruction and renewal after the war not just in sport, but in society as a whole, which was intimately bound up with concerns over its pride, prestige and declining power in the world.  相似文献   

This article studies similarities and disparities between the two nations England and Norway as they could be observed before and during the London 2012 Olympics, and discuss them in the historical perspective of geopolitical and sportive relations. The main perspective is how these relations have been seen and experienced from Norway. The article also studies whether the London Olympics of 2012 did present new forms of relationships between the two geographical neighbours. The article discusses the role of ball games, preferably team handball at the 2012 Games, as one example of where sporting interests differ. The article reflects upon these matters in a historical context. It builds upon traditional historical methods, document and media analysis. It also looks at the 2012 London Olympics against the background of the former London Games of 1908 and 1948, and the overall historical sports relations between England, ‘land of sport’ and a small country like Norway, who generally has been on the receiving end of these interchanges. Such asymmetric relationships invite to a critical use of perspectives like cultural imperialism and post-colonialism. The article discusses whether such perspectives can be fruitful also when one discusses matters between the so-called First World nations. As the title of the article indicates, Norway and England are both close, politically and culturally, while also being strangers to one another, e.g. in parts of the sports culture. The 2012 Olympics seemed to reinforce this impression.  相似文献   

奥运会备战是为我国竞技体育在奥运会上取得优异成绩的重要准备工作。随着国际体育法治的发展和奥运会体育纠纷解决的法治化,以及近年来我国在奥运会和其他国际大赛中遭遇的体育纠纷不断增加,通过奥运会法律备战,为中国体育代表团参加奥运会提供全方位的法律保障已经成为奥运会备战的重要需求。文章采用文献资料法、案例分析法等方法,就我国奥运会法律备战的必要性、奥运会法律保障周期划分、奥运会法律备战的基本内容等进行了深入的分析。研究认为,在我国奥运会备战中,应该增加法律备战的内容,以东京奥运会为契机建立起包括奥运会在内的国际大型体育赛事的法律备战机制,成立奥运会体育法律团队,制定奥运会法律保障策略,为中国体育代表团在奥运会前、奥运会中和奥运会后的一定时间段提供全方位的法律保障。  相似文献   

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