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在当今的篮球比赛中,场上竞争日趋激烈,进攻队员在运动战中得分也变得愈发艰难,比赛的胜负往往在一两分之间决定,因此罚球命中率的高低对比赛的结果产生直接的影响。本文通过文献资料法、对比分析法、逻辑分析法对篮球的罚球进行系统的分析,对篮球罚球在篮球比赛中的重要性进行总结,分析了技术因素、内在心理因素、外部环境因素对罚球命中率的影响,以图对篮球的罚球训练和教学提供理论支持。  相似文献   

作为一项普及率较高的运动项目,篮球比赛备受人们喜爱,在比赛过程中罚球命中率对比赛得分具有十分关键的影响。尤其是在对抗激烈、比分差距小的情况下,罚球命中率就成为决定比赛成绩的关键因素。但罚球命中率受到诸多因素的影响,比如运动员体能、心理、技术水平及比赛环境等,所以要根据这些影响因素进行针对性的训练,以提高罚球命中率。该文主要对篮球比赛中罚球命中率的影响因素进行全面分析,并在此基础上提出相应的训练方式,为提高篮球运动员的罚球命中率提供参考。  相似文献   

篮球比赛罚球程序新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了篮球比赛中罚球技术动作与罚球运动员的心理控制能力是提高罚球命中率的关键,并总结了一套提高罚球命中率的有效程序。  相似文献   

罚球是篮球比赛中主要得分手段,从现代篮球发展看,由于规则的改变,1 1罚球的出现,比赛节奏加快,激烈对抗的程度明显强,场上的队员罚球机会也就越来越多。因此,罚球命中率就是一个不可忽视的问题。根据多年的教学和训练实践就罚球出现失误的心理因素及其训练做初浅的分析和研究,仅供参考。 1、造成罚球失误的原因和表现形式 1.1 双方比分接近,关键时刻罚球心  相似文献   

影响罚球命中率的心理因素的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
罚球是篮球比赛中主要的得分手段。在比赛中影响罚球命中率的主要是运动员的心理作用。在训练中,有针对性地加强心理训练与自我控制训练,是提高罚球命中率的有效途径  相似文献   

在现代篮球比赛中,激烈程度日益增强,因而使得比赛中的犯规次数急剧增加,罚球次数随之增加。罚球命中率的高低往往在实力相当的比赛中起关键作用。而决定罚球命中率不仅有技术因素,罚球时的心理状态也是重要的因素。经过对部分市区少体校男女篮球运动员在罚球时心理状态进行调查,发现有83%的运动员罚球的命中率受到心理因素的影响,且73%的运动员认为自己在比赛时罚球的命中率低于平时的训练水平。本通过对比赛中罚球失误的心理分析,提出罚球时的心理调控措施与训练方法。  相似文献   

罚球是篮球比赛中决定胜负的重要因素,在比赛中影响罚球命中率的主要因素是运动员的心理作用。因此,在训练中有针对性地加强心理训练,是提高罚球命中率的有效途径。  相似文献   

罚球是篮球运动员得分的一个主要组成部分,据资料统计,在高水平篮球比赛中,大约有四分之一的比赛的胜负结果是由罚球决定的。本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、访谈法阐述影响篮球运动员罚球命中率的心理因素,提出心理训练的方法,提高罚球命中率。  相似文献   

王新冠 《辽宁体育科技》2003,25(2):10-10,12
罚球在篮球比赛上可算是最容易的得分方式了,然而,在一些重要赛事上,常见有些平时投篮很准的运动员发球失常。本文通过对篮球比赛罚球命中率失常的原因进行分析,指出应该有针对性地、有计划地对运动员进行集中注意力的“脱敏”训练,并提出了一套行之有效的罚球时自我心理调节和动作控制流程。  相似文献   

张云 《体育世界》2012,(12):125-127
罚球命中率的高低是影响篮球比赛结果的一个很重要的因素,现代中学生篮球比赛,速度越来越快,对抗性越来越强。由于比赛中犯规次数的增加,提高了罚球的频率。罚球是比赛中的一种重要得分手段,随着篮球运动的迅猛发展.罚球在比赛中的地位越来越重要。本文通过从队员身体素质、技术动作、心理素质三个方面分析阐述了影响罚球成功率的主要因素。  相似文献   

刘岗 《体育科技》2014,(1):64-65
运用实验法,对罚球时选择不同瞄准点训练后命中率的变化进行对比分析。结果表明,经过分组训练,有确定瞄准点的实验组训练后罚球命中率具有显著提高,而没有确定瞄准点的实验组训练后命中率提高不明显。其中,以篮圈后沿为瞄准点的实验组训练后罚球命中率提高最大,而以篮圈前沿为瞄准点的实验组命中率提高次之,选择篮圈中心和没有固定瞄准点的对照组训练后罚球命中率增加不明显。  相似文献   

中国国家男子篮球队技术指标与比赛成绩的相关分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过文献调研、数理统计等方法计算第15届世界男子篮球锦标赛8强球队比赛名次和各项技术统计的相关系数,各指标对比赛名次影响的重要程度依次是:场均罚球次数、罚球得分、抢断、失误、犯规、2分球命中率、场均得分、3分球命中率、3分得分、2分球投篮次数,2分占总分比例、3分占总分比例;中国队的优势指标:罚球命中率、盖帽、罚球得分、场均得分,但这些指标与比赛名次呈低度相关。中国队的劣势指标:抢断、失误、犯规,这些指标对比赛名次呈高度相关,是制约中国队走向世界强队的关键因素。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the nature and effect of certain highly patterned behaviours utilized prior to free‐throw shooting in basketball. Ten female basketball players comprising the varsity squad of Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, USA served as subjects for this study. Subjects were filmed with a high‐speed camera and monitored for heart rate during the performance of 10 free throws in each of two conditions: ritual and non‐ritual. For the ritual condition, subjects were given unlimited time and freedom of movement prior to each free‐throw attempt. For the non‐ritual condition, subjects were not restricted by time, but were instructed to shoot the ball without utilizing any movements other than those required to project the ball to the goal. Dependent measures were characteristics of behaviours, physiological changes measured by heart rates, mechanical data (speed, height and angle of release), and number of successful attempts. Condition x trials analyses of variance and low standard deviation concerning characteristics of behaviours indicated that the idiosyncratic behaviours prior to free‐throw shooting were rituals of the auto‐communicative type. Results indicated no significant difference between conditions for free‐throw success. However, partial correlation between dependent measures and successful free‐throw attempts indicated that duration of behaviours was most crucial to free‐throw shooting success.  相似文献   

Testing is one of the important tasks in any multi-step sport programme. In most ball games, coaches assess motor, physical and technical skills on a regular basis in early stages of talent identification in order to further athletes’ development. The purpose of the study was to investigate anthropometric variables and vertical jump heights as a free throw effectiveness predictor in water-polo players of different age groups. Two hundred and thirty-six young (10–18 years) male water-polo players partitioned into three age groups underwent anthropometric variables’ measures and squat- and countermovement-jump tests, and performed water-polo free throws. Anthropometric variables, vertical jump heights and throw speed – as a proxy for free throw effectiveness – resulted different over age groups. Particularly, throw speed changed from 9.28 to 13.70 m · s?1 (+48%) from younger to older players. A multiple-regression model indicated that body height, squat-jump height and throw time together explain 52% of variance of throw speed. In conclusion, tall height, high lower limb power and throwing quickness appeared to be relevant determinants for effective free throws. Such indications can help coaches during talent identification and development processes, even by means of novel training strategies. Further research is needed over different maturity statuses.  相似文献   

影响篮球比赛罚球的主要心理因素及其调控训练方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罚球是一种特殊的投篮技术,是篮球比赛中得分的重要手段之一。不少运动员在训练时命中率很高,而在比赛的关键时刻往往罚球不中。通过对比赛的观察统计及文献研究等方法,探讨影响罚球命中率的主要心理因素及其训练方法,供同行参考。  相似文献   

本文通过对影响罚球命中率的心理因素的分析,提出了以模拟训练和心理控制训练的方法,来形成积极的增力情绪,建立起正确适宜的罚球程序,提高罚球命中率。  相似文献   

运用文献综述法、调查访问法,对福建省女子篮球运动员神经类型进行研究。研究结果表明,福建省女子蓝球运动员罚球水平高者,其神经类型主要分布于灵活型、稳定型和兴奋型;罚球水平差者,其神经类型主要分布于中间型和易扰型。对运动员选材提供参考。  相似文献   

本文通过统计第15届男篮世锦赛中国队后卫与对手后卫队员比赛中投篮次数、两分命中次数、两分投篮命中率、三分投篮次数、三分投篮命中率、罚球次数、罚球命中次数、罚球命中率、防守篮板、进攻篮板、总篮板以及助攻、犯规、抢断、失误等16项技术指标,运用t检验、标准差等方法进行比较,对我国后卫队员比赛能力量行量化解析,分析了其与对手后卫之间存在的差距,为今后我国后卫队员的培养提供参考。  相似文献   

本文通过统计第15届男篮世锦赛中国队后卫与对手后卫队员比赛中投篮次数、两分命中次数、两分投篮命中率、三分投篮次数、三分投篮命中率、罚球次数、罚球命中次数、罚球命中率、防守篮板、进攻篮板、总篮板以及助攻、犯规、抢断、失误等16项技术指标,运用t检验、标准差等方法进行比较,对我国后卫队员比赛能力进行量化解析,分析了其与对手后卫之间存在的差距,为今后我国后卫队员的培养提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum release conditions for the free throw in men's basketball. The study used hundreds of thousands of three-dimensional simulations of basketball trajectories. Five release variables were studied: release height, release speed, launch angle, side angle, and back spin. The free throw shooter was assumed to shoot at 70% and to release the ball 2.134 m (7 ft) above the ground. We found that the shooter should place up to 3 Hz of back spin on the ball, should aim the ball towards the back of the ring, and should launch the ball at 52 degrees to the horizontal. We also found that it is desirable to release the ball as high above the ground as possible, as long as this does not adversely affect the player's launch consistency.  相似文献   

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