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为了解近十年技术支持教师专业发展的研究现状及技术助力教师专业发展的实践领域,文章以教师专业发展的三种理论取向为研究框架,对2010—2020年国内外的技术支持教师专业发展研究文献进行了全面调研和系统梳理。研究发现,在不同的教师专业发展取向中,技术所起的作用分别为:(1)拓展知识获取机会;(2)提供反思工具;(3)促使多元主体跨越边界成长。研究也发现技术支持的教师专业发展研究聚焦于五大主题:(1)技术支持的教师专业发展模型研究;(2)技术环境中的教师学习活动设计研究;(3)支持教师教学的技术工具开发研究;(4)技术环境下教师学习适应性及其成效研究;(5)以技术环境为依托的教师专业发展特征研究。最后,对该领域的研究现状做了小结并指出了未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

国际上越来越多的研究表明,专业学习社群能够促进教师专业发展及推动学校变革。本研究对专业学习社群进行概念化,并基于中国的学校背景,探索出一套教师专业学习社群的表现指标,对上海市7所中小学进行抽样调查。运用主成分分析法对数据进行分析,得到适用于中国大陆的指标体系,并进一步分析教师专业学习社群的内涵与发展状况。研究发现,所调查的学校在教师合作学习、专业能力、校长领导、结构支持方面均具有良好的表现,且组织变革障碍不大。可通过改善校长领导和结构支持,控制学校内部的组织变革障碍等途径促进教师合作学习和专业能力的发展,以进一步促进教师专业学习社群的发展。  相似文献   

通过研读文献,统计20002016年间在CSSCI外语类和教育类期刊上发表的与教师专业发展环境研究相关的论文可以发现:(1)构建生态的发展环境是研究者形成的普遍共识;(2)虽然对教师专业发展环境的层级结构有不同划分,但总体分为教师心理环境、学校环境和社会环境三个层次;(3)研究多以介绍专业发展环境或划分层级结构为主,缺乏实证研究;(4)探索改善外语教师专业发展环境的策略是今后研究的趋势。文章所得结果对我国外语教师专业发展环境研究具有启示意义。  相似文献   

通过研读文献,统计20002016年间在CSSCI外语类和教育类期刊上发表的与教师专业发展环境研究相关的论文可以发现:(1)构建生态的发展环境是研究者形成的普遍共识;(2)虽然对教师专业发展环境的层级结构有不同划分,但总体分为教师心理环境、学校环境和社会环境三个层次;(3)研究多以介绍专业发展环境或划分层级结构为主,缺乏实证研究;(4)探索改善外语教师专业发展环境的策略是今后研究的趋势。文章所得结果对我国外语教师专业发展环境研究具有启示意义。  相似文献   

教师领导是教师所实施的领导.在我国教师领导实践中常常表现为行政领导、专业领导和人际领导等实践样态,其领导动因既是教师外在环境激发的结果,更是个体教师成长需要的合理性诉求.从教师领导的外部动因分析,群体动力是教师领导的主要动力,专业资本、惯习等是教师领导的主要影响因素;从教师个体内部动因分析,发展需要所伴生的成就动机、权力动机以及自我实现动机是引发教师领导的关键因素,而专业自尊的获得是教师领导的主要动力.  相似文献   

为推动《中等职业学校教师专业标准(试行)》实施,以标准的能力框架为基准,选取其中三个维度(专业理念与师德、专业知识与专业能力)中16个具体指标,对9个省市1000余名中职教师专业素质开展了调查分析。调查发现,中等职业学校实习指导教师、专业课教师和文化课教师在专业素质结构方面表现差异较大,不同类别教师专业素质结构各异。教师专业素质中的主要问题包括:(1)专业实践知识严重缺乏。对于知识的类型、知识本质及其如何获得有效知识等方面亟待提升;(2)教育科研能力是短板,特别是实习指导课教师;(3)缺少企业合作与企业培训。近四分之一的教师没有参加过企业的培训,文化课教师基本没有接受企业实践;(4)缺少专业发展规划和发展平台。近四分之一的教师没能结合行业企业需求和专业发展需要设计。为此,需要针对不同类别教师有针对性加强专业的培训设计和职后教育,推进《中等职业学校教师专业标准(试行)》和《职业学校教师企业实践规定》的落实,确保职教教师队伍朝着标准化方向发展。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷和访谈法,以重庆市316名农村中小学教师为样本,从专业发展内容、方式和环境三个方面对农村中小学教师专业发展需要现状进行了研究。结果表明:1.在专业发展内容上,农村中小学教师对学科知识的需要程度最高,对普通文化知识的需要程度最低;对思想教育能力和教学实施能力发展的需要最为强烈;对教学评价能力和教学反思能力发展的需要低于对科研能力发展的需要。2.在专业发展方式上,对外出培训和观摩学习的需要程度最高,对个体引导式和校本培训的需要程度较低。3.在专业发展环境上,对学习资源的需要明显高于对组织制度的需要;在学习资源中,对外出进修的机会、学校的鼓励支持需要较为强烈;在专业发展的“重要他人”中对领导支持、专家引领和配偶理解的需要强烈。  相似文献   

学校本位教师专业发展涉及三个要素:一是需求驱动,即教师专业发展必须是基于教师自身的兴趣与需求,它揭示了教师专业发展的源动力;二是专业合作,即对于教师个体而言,专业发展的重要路径和标志在于如何通过专业合作提升自身基于情景的专业知识和智慧,它揭示了教师知识是基于情景的,而情景知识的获得有赖于教师同伴为了实现知识共享而开展的专业合作;三是支持制度,即无论作为个体还是群体,教师专业发展都是一种过程,需要学校建立一套支持的制度,以保障此过程是专业的、可持续的,它揭示了教师专业那种持续的发展过程有赖于专业的支持制度的保障。本文以上述三个普遍要素作为三个维度,试图建构学校本位教师专业发展的分析框架。  相似文献   

大学教师发展是由教师个人发展、专业发展和组织发展三个维度构成的。墨尔本大学重视教师发展,成立专门部门来负责教师发展事务,通过丰富且有针对性的课程体系建设来满足教师发展的需要。同时注重支持教师发展的组织建设,建立起绩效发展框架来支持大学教师发展。墨尔本大学教师发展实践有其突出的特点:注重从学校发展战略层面支持教师发展;注重教师专业发展中课程体系的构建;注重教师发展实施过程中的对话与合作。墨尔本大学的实践经验对于促进中国大学教师发展启示在于:加强教师专业发展的战略地位以及组织建设;拓宽教师专业发展的课程体系;提升教师个人发展的主体性和内在动机;在整个大学教师发展过程中,要注重协调各种关系与加强多方合作。  相似文献   

教师专业自主发展意识对教师的专业成长至关重要,采用《教师专业自主发展意识问卷》对西北连片特困地区1000名中小学教师进行了调查,研究发现:(1)随着教龄和职称的提升,教师专业自主发展意识也在不断提高;(2)大专学历教师的专业自主发展意识最高,中专其次,本科最低;(3)女教师的专业自主发展意识略高于男教师;(4)主课教师的专业自主发展意识高于非主课教师;(5)建校历史越长,教师的专业自主发展意识越高;(6)13-24个班级规模学校的教师专业自主发展意识最高;(7)城市教师的专业自主发展意识明显高于乡镇教师。  相似文献   

Current education reforms have increasingly advocated schools to create facilitative organizational conditions to promote teacher learning. However, limited research has examined the effects of different aspects of school organizational conditions on teacher professional learning in China. Using a sample of 339 primary and secondary school teachers in Shanghai, this study examined the effects of three aspects of school organizational conditions (i.e., learning-centered leadership, learning opportunities, and cultural barriers) on teacher professional learning in China, with a particular focus on the mediating role of teacher self-efficacy as an important psychological condition. The results showed that two aspects of school organizational conditions (i.e., learning-centered leadership and learning opportunities) had significant and positive effects on teacher learning. Teacher self-efficacy significantly mediated the effects of both learning-centered leadership and cultural barriers on teacher professional learning. Practical implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the social and professional dynamics “when teachers face teachers” seeking to impact colleagues’ instructional practices to improve student learning. Specifically, it examines a group of 40 teachers leading staff development sessions at their schools in an effort to bring more literacy strategies into the pedagogies of disciplinary teachers. Drawing from the research on distributed leadership and teacher leadership, the study looks at how three factors impact teacher leaders: (1) the actions of the principal; (2) relationships among teachers; and (3) teachers’ own beliefs about leadership.

Using primarily qualitative methods, supplemented by pre‐and‐post quantitative survey data, the study found: strong administrative and collegial support for teacher leadership, the use of savvy and emotionally attuned leadership techniques by teachers, and overall impactful sessions. However, not all school environments were conducive to teacher leadership. The article concludes with suggestions for better utilizing teacher leaders for the local enhancement of education reforms.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a three-year, qualitative study of teachers enrolled in a Masters of Teacher Leadership program. Researchers sought to understand the ways teachers’ beliefs about and understandings of teacher leadership were affected by their participation in a formal teacher leadership program, as well as the kinds of actions they took up as a result of this participation. Data indicate three significant ways participants’ work as teacher leaders was developed and enhanced, including: (a) identifying and amplifying their professional voice, (b) deepening and extending their voice as they plan, and (c) reframing their work/shift responsibility through constructing widening circles of influence and impact. Authors identify implications of their research for growing teacher leaders, school improvement and change, changing school culture, enhancing student engagement, and building new structures.  相似文献   

Consensus is growing that teacher leadership benefits teaching quality and student performance. Despite the recognition that teacher leadership contributes to teachers’ professional development, little is known about how it is developed and how teachers experience the transition to the teacher-leader role. This study explores the internal mechanisms underlying the transition to and formation of teachers’ professional identity as teacher leaders. It is based on 60 interviews: 41 teachers who were selected to participate in a leadership training programme, 10 principals and 19 teacher-leaders’ colleagues. The findings led to a model with four central components: (1) Overall professional identity; (2) The experience of ‘being chosen;’ (3) An internal meaning-making process; and (4) External forces.  相似文献   

Elaborating a model of teacher professional growth   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper details a model of teacher professional growth and relates the model to the research data on which the model is empirically founded. A key feature of the model is its inclusion of four analytic domains in close correspondence to those employed by Guskey (Educational Researcher 15(5), 1986) and others, but the model proposed in this paper identifies the specific mechanisms by which change in one domain is associated with change in another. The interconnected, non-linear structure of the model enabled the identification of particular “change sequences” and “growth networks”, giving recognition to the idiosyncratic and individual nature of teacher professional growth. One major value of a change model grounded in empirical data lies in its capacity to stimulate speculation, research and development regarding possible change mechanisms as yet unexplored and unexploited. In its current form, this model offers a powerful framework to support the analyses of those studying teacher change (or growth) and the planning of those responsible for teacher professional development.  相似文献   

领导力是不可或缺的教师教育者素养之要素,当代教师教育者应具备领导力。教师教育者领导力养成之路径在于:以先进的教师价值品质引领教师教育事业,以坚定的个人信念成就教师教育者个体与群体的职业理想,以强有力的教师教育者的领导力形塑未来教师的领导力。  相似文献   

A multifaceted approach to teacher induction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation and effectiveness of the components of two middle school induction programs through the perceptions of three participant groups – new teachers, mentor teachers, and principals. Effectiveness was defined as a systematic processes embedded in a healthy school climate that met new teachers' personal and professional needs. Data indicated that each element of the induction program – principal and new teacher interaction; mentor teachers; collaborative structures; professional development; and new teacher orientation – met different needs of the new teacher. This multifaceted approach appeared to effectively support new teachers.  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革要求教研员有较高的课程领导能力,本文使用自编区县教研员课程领导问卷,对重庆市40个区县教研机构的教研员课程领导现状进行调查,发现当前区县教研员由于受到职称、教龄、担任教研员时间、区域等因素的制约和影响,其课程领导在制订与宣传课程建设规划、组织与团队、推动与执行、教师专业成长、督导与评价、奖励与支持六个维度上表现出不同的差异和特点。基于此,提出区县教研员课程领导的改进策略:专题培训,引领区县教研员抓实课程建设;项目推进,全面提升区县教研员课程领导;优势互补,加强区域共同体新型智库建设;打造团队,全面强化区县教研员队伍建设等。  相似文献   

The Metal Trades     
Universities and schools are struggling with the critical issues surrounding teacher quality, student learning, and the gap between research and practice. This study employed a collective case-study design to explore the impact of leadership teams and school-university partnerships on teacher leadership, professional development, and overall participant dispositions of three grant-funded projects connected by their approach to implementing school reform. Analysis of interviews, focus groups, observations, and project documents yielded three primary themes: transformation of teacher roles, improved meaningful professional development, and increased collective efficacy. Discussion of the findings addresses implications regarding teacher leadership, professional development, and school-university partnerships, especially as they impact teaching and learning.  相似文献   

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