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通过对不同学段的104名小学生进行性别意识情况的调查,探讨小学生性别意识现状并以结果为依托,科学设计学校性别教育以及性健康教育的形式和内容。采用《国小中高年级学童性别意识与图像性别表征之调查研究》中的"国小学童性别意识量表"进行调查,结果发现小学生群体整体性别意识较弱。其中,各个学段的学生性别平等意识较强,高于临界值;但性别特性、性别认同、性别角色和性别理想意识较弱。以四年级学生为代表的中段学生性别意识最强,女生的性别意识显著强于男生。这些结果为小学生性别意识的培养与教育提供了一些依据与启示。  相似文献   

为了了解中职生职业锚及其与人格类型的匹配水平,从而为职业指导提供理论依据,本研究选取某中等职业学校数控、模具和电子三个代表性专业194名学生为被试,采用职业锚问卷和MBTI人格类型量表进行了测试与调查。结果发现:(1)中职生的主导锚型是安全型,随后为创造型和管理型。(2)不同性别、不同年级中职生职业锚类型的人数百分比差异显著。男女生的主导锚型都是安全型,但女生安全型的人数百分比显著高于男生,男生创造型的人数百分比显著高于女生;一年级挑战型的人数百分比显著高于二年级。(3)在职业锚与人格类型的匹配水平上,12.9%中职生完全不匹配,75.8%中职生处于部分匹配水平,11.3%中职生完全匹配。  相似文献   

目的本研究旨在探讨父母教养方式与大学生自信心的相关性。方法采用个人评价问卷和父母教养方式问卷对洛阳市两所大学的240名学生进行调查。结果(1)不同性别、家庭背景的大学生自信心水平存在显著差异。男生运动自信和一般自信显著高于女生;城镇学生运动自信高于农村学生,而城镇学生学业自信低于农村学生:男生的自信总分高于女生。(2)大学生的父母教养方式存在一定程度上的性别差异。男女生在父母的惩罚严厉、拒绝否认和过干涉过保护上有不同程度的差异,男生体验到的父母的惩罚严厉、拒绝否认和过干涉过保护高于女生。(3)父母教养方式之间存在不同程度的差异。在惩罚严厉因子上,父母教养方式之间不存在显著差异,而在情感温暖、理解,偏爱被试,拒绝否认和过干涉过保护四个因子上,父母教养方式之间差异有统计学意义。(4)大学生自信心与父母教养方式之间存在相关。大学生PEI各因子与EMBU各因子之间存在不同程度的相关,大学生PEI总分与EMBU各因子之间存在不同程度的相关。  相似文献   

对中职学校学生心理健康现状的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查中等职业学校学生心理健康状况,并与同龄高中生进行比较分析.方法:主要采用MHT问卷,选取郑州市三所职业技术学校学生作为被试.结果:调查结果显示,学习焦虑的检出率最高;MHT总分,对人焦虑和恐怖倾向分项女生显著高于男生;孤独倾向男生显著高于女生;学习焦虑和孤独倾向上中职生显著高于高中生.结论:中职生心理健康的总体状况良好;中职生的心理健康状况存在性别差异;中职生与高中生心理健康水平存在显著差异.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生归因风格与职业自我效能感之间的关系。方法:对483名大学本科生进行归因风格问卷的调查和职业决策自我效能感量表的测试,探求二者相关性;设置实验组和控制组,对实验组进行归因干预,探求归因对职业自我效能感的影响。结论:①大学生归因风格没有非常显著的性别和年级差异,但职业自我效能感却存在显著差异,男生高于女生,大一新生高于二、三年级学生。②大学生归因风格与职业自我效能感之间存在显著相关性。③通过归因风格的实验干预,大学生被试职业自我效能感有显著提高。  相似文献   

目的:研究警校大学新生心理健康水平与性别、独生子女相关因素之间的关系。方法采用大学生人格问卷(UPI)对986名新生进行心理健康状况调查。结果:在性别方面,女生的一类人数所占比例高于男生:在独生子女与非独生子女比较时,独生子女的一类人数所占比例高于非独生子女。结论:在警校大学新生中女生的心理健康水平低于男生,独生子女的心理健康水平低于非独生子女。  相似文献   

在STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)领域就业的女性极其有限,可能是因为这些领域的学位获得者中仅有31%是女性。在美国,女生往往在教育发展方面获得更大的成功。根据美国教育部2012年教育性别平等报告,幼儿园的男生人数比女生多,为54%比46%,但到了高等教育阶段,57%的学士学位被授予给了女性。虽然尚没有任何经验证据表明,男生确实在学校中处于不利地位,但是我可以根据我的职业经验,提出一  相似文献   

本文采用《综合幸福问卷》对湖南省长沙市281名高中生进行问卷调查,发现:(1)高中生对自身主观幸福感的评价较积极;(2)除“健康关注”、“负性情感”维度外,省示范性学校和较好学校高中生在其余7个维度及单项目总体幸福感上的得分明显高于一般学校;(3)不同性别、不同年级高中生的主观幸福感不存在显著差异;(4)取样高中生在“健康关注”维度的得分出现了学校与性别的交互作用,省示范性学校女生的得分明显高于男生,较好学校男生的得分明显高于其他学校,省示范性学校女生的得分明显高于其他学校。  相似文献   

为探究小学生与初中生遭受校园欺凌的差异问题,本研究采用问卷调查法,以甘肃省3个地市20所学校的1864名小学生和初中生为调查对象进行调查研究。结果表明:小学生与初中生的欺凌行为存在显著性别差异,男生遭受欺凌的比率显著高于女生;小学生与初中生的欺凌行为存在显著学业差异,学业较差学生遭受欺凌的比率高于学业优秀、良好和一般的学生;小学生与初中生的欺凌行为存在显著父亲职业差异,父亲职业为农民的学生遭受校园欺凌的发生率明显高于父亲职业为市民、干部、教师、医生和其他的学生;小学生与初中生的欺凌行为存在显著家庭经济差异,家庭经济情况不好的学生遭受校园欺凌的平均水平显著高于家庭经济情况很好的学生;小学生与初中生在是否住校变量上存在显著差异,住校生更容易遭受欺凌行为。  相似文献   

采用自编的具有较高信效度的《大学新生心理需求调查问卷》,对重庆大学城五所大学的大一新生共600人进行调查,结果表明:(1)大学新生心理需求由强到弱主要表现为人际交往需求、成就目标需求、学习方法需求、影响力需求;(2)在学习方法需求上表现出显著的专业和性别差异,文科高于理科,女生高于男生,其他需求差异不显著;(3)非独生子女相对于独生子女在四种心理需求上都显著较高;(4)在生源地上各方面需求差异均不显著。根据本调查结果提出了相应的教育对策,以期对学校开展大学新生教育提供更有针对性的帮助和借鉴,使大学新生能够更快更好地适应大学生活.  相似文献   

为了考察小学生社会性适应的性别差异,研究选取小学二至六年级的儿童作为被试。采用修订的班级戏剧问卷和同伴提名法对儿童的积极社会行为、攻击冒犯行为、敏感退缩行为、师生关系和同伴接纳程度进行评定。结果发现:在社会行为上,女生表现出更多的积极社会行为和敏感退缩行为,男生则表现出较多的攻击冒犯行为。在师生关系上,女生更容易与教师建立亲密的关系,男生更易与教师建立冲突和依赖的关系。在同伴接纳上,女生受欢迎程度更高、男生受拒绝程度更高。  相似文献   

本研究以929名3-5年级的小学生为被试,采用问卷法探讨小学中高年级社交退缩亚类型儿童的同伴关系特征.结果表明:(1)退缩儿童的同伴关系存在性别差异,退缩女孩的同伴关系发展状况优于退缩男孩;(2)安静退缩儿童的同伴关系发展状况在各种退缩类型儿童中发展最好,而活跃退缩儿童和混合退缩儿童同伴关系较差;(3)退缩儿童的友伴存在更多的退缩行为,更容易遭到同伴拒绝,但退缩儿童的友伴比退缩儿童受到同伴更多欢迎.  相似文献   

Children who think poorly about themselves are considered at-risk for a myriad of negative outcomes. Thus, it is important to explore possible origins of such cognitions, particularly in young children. The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between various nonsocial behaviors (i.e., reticence and social withdrawal), observed peer acceptance at ages 4 and 7 years, and self-perceptions at age 7 years in both boys and girls, respectively.Participants included 163 children (89 females, 74 males) who were seen at age 4 and then again at age 7 years. For girls, results revealed that nonsocial behavior (both reticence and solitary-passive withdrawal) was negatively related to observed peer acceptance at both ages 4 and 7, and peer acceptance, as early as 4 years of age, was found to influence self-perceptions of competence at age 7 years. For boys, results revealed that (a) reticence at age 7 predicted negatively to perceived peer acceptance, perceived physical and perceived cognitive competence at age 7 years, (b) solitary-passive withdrawal at age 4 predicted positive cognitive self-perceptions at age 7, and (c) solitary-passive withdrawal at age 7 predicted negatively to perceived peer acceptance and perceived physical competence at age 7 years.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating roles of three types of child aggression in the relation between harsh parenting and Chinese early adolescents’ peer acceptance as well as the moderating role of child gender on this indirect relation. 833 children (mean age = 13.58, 352 girls) with their parents were recruited as participants from two junior high schools in Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China. The results showed that paternal harsh parenting was only associated with boys’ aggressive behaviors and maternal harsh parenting was only associated with boys’ and girls’ verbal aggression. Adolescents’ verbal and relational aggressions were negatively associated with their peer acceptance. Verbal aggression was more strongly and negatively associated with girls’ peer acceptance. The results imply that in the Chinese cultural context, paternal harsh parenting may compromise boys’ peer acceptance through boys’ verbal and relational aggression as mediators, whereas maternal harsh parenting may impair children’s peer acceptance through children’s verbal aggression as a mediator, especially for girls. These results provide a theoretical basis for ameliorating the negative effect of harsh parenting on early adolescents’ peer acceptance by reducing their aggressive behaviors, with different strategies between boys and girls.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The purpose of the present study was to examine the relations among teacher–child relationship quality (close, conflictive, and dependent), children's social behavior, and peer likability in a sample of Italian preschool-age children (46 boys, 42 girls). Preschool teachers evaluated the quality of the teacher–child relationship and children's social behaviors (i.e., social competence, anger-aggression, and anxiety-withdrawal). Peer-rated likability was measured using a sociometric procedure. Results indicated that conflictual teacher–child relationships were related to high aggressive behavior, and dependent teacher–child relationships were positively associated with children's anxiety-withdrawal. Moreover, we found an indirect association between close teacher–child relationship quality and peer likability through children's social competence. Practice or Policy: The findings provide evidence that the teacher–child relationship is critical for children's social behaviors and that social competence is uniquely related to peer likability.  相似文献   

Gender differences in young highly able children's psychosocial development were investigated using child and teacher ratings of prosocial behavior and peer acceptance. Developmental patterns were addressed by studying two groups – children in the primary grades (1 and 2) and children in grades 3 to 7. No gender differences were found on teacher or child ratings in the younger group. In the older group, gender differences favoring girls were found on teacher ratings of prosocial behavior and peer acceptance. Comparisons of child and teacher ratings by gender showed that the older boys viewed themselves as demonstrating more social skills and as being more accepted by peers than their teachers did. Implications for education and counselling are discussed.  相似文献   

Child-Mother Attachment of Six-Year-Olds and Social Competence at School   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
89 children and their mothers participated in a study examining the association between attachment and peer social competence. During the summer following kindergarten, quality of attachment was assessed from reunion episodes following a 1-hour separation. In the fall, measures of sociometric status, peer behavior nominations, and peer liking ratings were collected. Teachers completed liking ratings and ratings of behavior problems and competence. Consistent with longitudinal studies of infant attachment and peer relations, insecurely attached boys were less well liked by peers and teachers, were perceived as more aggressive by classmates, and were rated by teachers as less competent and as having more behavior problems than were their secure counterparts. No such associations emerged for girls. Possible explanations for unanticipated differences in the pattern of results for boys and girls are discussed.  相似文献   

95 boys at 3 developmental levels (ages 6–8, 8–10, 10–12) were selected on the basis of sociometric and aggression ratings to represent 4 groups: (1) aggressive and rejected, (2) aggressive (not rejected), (3) rejected (not aggressive), or (4) neither aggressive nor rejected. Behavioral observations, teacher ratings, peer ratings, and open-ended peer interviews were collected to characterize the behaviors of these boys in 3 social domains (conduct problems, sociability/withdrawal, and adaptability/responsivity to peer expectations). Distinct problem profiles emerged. Aggressive-rejected boys exhibited more diverse and severe conduct problems that did aggressive boys, along with greater deficiencies in the domain of adaptability. Nonaggressive rejected children were considered by teachers and peers to be shy and passive, deficient in prosocial behaviors, atypical, and socially insensitive. Grade-level decreases in physical aggression and increases in peer-reported atypical/insensitive behaviors corresponded to developmental differences in group characteristics.  相似文献   

Developmental pathways from child maltreatment to peer rejection   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Using a prospective longitudinal design, rejection by peers, aggressive behavior, and social withdrawal were examined among a representative community sample of 107 maltreated children and an equal number of non-maltreated children. Results revealed that chronic maltreatment was associated with heightened risk of rejection by peers. Chronically maltreated children were more likely to be rejected by peers repeatedly across multiple years from childhood to early adolescence. Maltreatment chronicity was also associated with higher levels of children's aggressive behavior, as reported by peers, teachers, and children themselves. Aggressive behavior accounted in large part for the association between chronic maltreatment and rejection by peers. Socially withdrawn behavior was associated with peer rejection, but did not account for the association between chronic maltreatment and peer rejection. These results held for both girls and boys, followed from childhood through early adolescence. Moreover, the links among chronic maltreatment, aggressive behavior, and peer rejection were already established by early school age. Implications of these results for developmental theory and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of children's aggression and three indices of social competence (peer‐preferred behavior, teacher‐preferred behavior, and school adjustment) in children's perceived relationships with their teachers was assessed. Participants were 1,432 third through fifth graders (688 males, 744 females) and their teachers. The results from hierarchical regression analyses showed statistically significant interaction effects. Poor school adjustment was associated with more negatively perceived child teacher relationships for boys than for girls. In addition, the perceived child–teacher relationship among aggressive children was more favorable among those with high levels of school adjustment than among those who were poorly adjusted at school. Implications for school psychologists and teachers are discussed. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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