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1.研究对象与方法(1)研究对象:中国:1984~2000年国内女子100m栏历年排名前10名运动员。美国:1984~2000年美国女子100m栏历年前10名运动员共58人。(2)研究方法:文献资料法、个别访谈法、问卷调查法、统计法。2.结果与分析(1)我国优秀女子100m栏运动员运动成绩的全运会年特征本文所定研究对象国内共47人。考虑到部分运动员仍在继续训练,故其最好成绩及其最好成绩的年龄未标出。47人均达运动健将以上水平,其中16人为运动健将,27人为国际健将,4人未统计,有13人的最好成绩在13.0s以上。47人平均身高171cm。(2)我国优秀女子100m栏运动员历年平均…  相似文献   

一、流星锤招法单练:1、反面锤砸脸单连法(1)左门预备。(2)左拳反面锤向前上砸出,位高同脸(图1)。(3)连动不停,左拳一收再出反面锤,前上砸击,位高同脸(图2)。2、反面锤砸脸砸阴单连法(1)左门预备。(2)左拳反面锤向前上砸出,位高同脸(图3)。(3)连动不停,左拳一收再出反面锤,向前下砸击,位高同裆(图4)。  相似文献   

罗汉短八手一、天罡肘招法单练:1、捣肘法(1)左门预备。(2)左肘向前上捣击,手臂里屈,肘头在前,位高同头(图1)。2、拐肘法(1)左门预备。(2)左肘向前上拐击,手臂里屈,肘头在前,位高同头  相似文献   

一、研究方法(一)研究对象,广州大学体育学院体育教育2002级三个教学班共57人,其中女生10人、男生47人。(二)研究方法,采用文献资料法、数理统计分析法、调查法。二、结果与分析(一)七项全能总分的分布情况偏度系数P值等于0.877858,峰度系数P值等于  相似文献   

一、铲子腿招法单练:1、踢骨法(1)左门预备。(2)左腿向前下铲击,脚腕钩起,脚尖向右,脚掌向下,脚棱向前,位高同胫(图4-1)。2、踢膝法(1)左门预备。(2)左腿向前下铲击,脚腕钩起,脚尖向右,脚掌向下,脚棱向前,位高同膝(图4-2)。  相似文献   

青少儿篮球运动员踝关节损伤原因及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 研究对象和方法 1.1 研究对象:参加篮球业余训练的12-18岁青少年运动员和本、专科篮球专项学生共112人(其中男81、女31),运动年限在1-6年之间,踝部骨、关节均无先天性畸形和缺限,损伤前踝部一切正常。 1.2 研究方法: (1)访问调查:通过比赛和训练交流,对13位篮球教师和教练员进行了专访。;(2)随诊观察统计:根据4位医生和两位运动医学老师诊治足踝损伤帖况资料统计;(3)文献资料法:查阅踝关节结构与功能、损伤机理、篮球运动损伤规律,结合实际情况总结损伤原因及预防措施。  相似文献   

一、跺山腿招法单练:1、中跺法(1)左门预备。(2)身体右侧,左腿向前中位跺击,脚腕钩起,脚尖向右,脚跟向前(图1)。2、高跺法(1)左门预备。  相似文献   

目的比较IC法与心率法能量消耗的差异,以IC法为标准建立Actigraph GT3X+三轴加速度计法能量消耗的预测方程,寻找一种科学简便的运动员能量消耗测评方法。方法优秀重剑、现代五项运动员30名,运用Cosmed Quark PFT运动心肺功能仪监测能量消耗、摄氧量、心率,三轴加速度计记录加速度计数。结果 (1)IC法所测能量消耗与加速度计数ACz、VM、心率及心率法能量消耗均相关(P<0.01);(2)小、中等运动强度心率法能量消耗显著高于IC法(P<0.01),大运动强度下两者无显著性差异(P>0.05),极大运动强度心率法能量消耗显著低于IC法(P<0.01);(3)以20名运动员为对象,ACz和体质量、VM和体质量为自变量建立加速度计法能量消耗方程,以另外10名运动员为对象验证方程的准确性,所建方程的预测值与实测值之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 (1)采用的心率法能量消耗较为准确地预测70%-90%VO2max(大强度)跑台运动的能量消耗,高估中小强度、低估极大强度跑台运动的能量消耗;(2)三轴加速度计可以预测运动员能量消耗,所建分段加速度能耗预测方程适用于类似本研究方案的跑台运动。  相似文献   

四、子母钉招法单练:1、钉肋子母法(1)左门预备。(2)左腿踢出钉子腿,位高同肋(图56)。(3)连动不停,右腿踢出钉子腿,位高同肋(图57)。  相似文献   

研究对象:第24~28届奥运会、第1~10届世界田径锦标赛前八名运动员成绩。研究方法:本文运用了文献资料法、归纳法、数理统计法等。研究结果与分析:1.我国田径运动发展过程中存在的主要问题(1)运动训练科学化水平较低;(2)运动员心理素质较差、大赛经验少、训练比赛反差较大;(3)  相似文献   

对泳装游泳与着装游泳时心率及游泳能力的变化进行了研究。采用实验法将实验对象随机分成两组,测试实验前后泳装游泳与着装游泳时心率及游泳能力的变化通过数理统计进行对比,证实着装游泳练习对意外落水自救与着装救生的作用,推出提高自救和救生能力的方法与练习内容。  相似文献   

Breast displacement has been investigated in various activities to inform bra design, with the goal of minimising movement; however, breast motion during swimming has yet to be considered. The aim was to investigate trunk and breast kinematics whilst wearing varying levels of breast support during two swimming strokes. Six larger-breasted females swam front crawl and breaststroke (in a swimming flume), in three breast support conditions while three video cameras recorded the motion of the trunk and right breast. Trunk and relative breast kinematics were calculated. Greater breast displacement occurred mediolaterally in the swimsuit condition (7.8, s = 1.5 cm) during front crawl and superioinferiorly in the bare-breasted condition (3.7, s = 1.6 cm) during breaststroke, with the sports bra significantly reducing breast displacements. During front crawl, the greatest trunk roll occurred in the sports bra condition (43.1, s = 8.3°) and during breaststroke greater trunk extension occurred in the swimsuit condition (55.4, s = 5.0°); however, no differences were found in trunk kinematics between the three breast support conditions. Results suggest that the swimsuit was ineffective as a means of additional support for larger-breasted women during swimming; incorporating design features of sports bras into swimsuits may improve the breast support provided.  相似文献   

随着罗马游泳世锦赛的圆满收官,游泳池的疯狂和世界纪录的打破也暂告一个段落,但留给我们的思索却远远没有结束。通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法和归纳总结法,从材料科学与新型泳衣的革新、流体力学与游泳池、生物科学与运动员体能、游泳技术创新四个方面分析科学技术对游泳运动的促进和影响。  相似文献   

This article explores the mutually beneficial relationship between the American swimsuit and film industries during the first three decades of the twentieth century. Three examples will be used: Fatty and the Bathing Beauties from 1913 (prior to regulated film content), Footlight Parade from 1933 (when limited self-regulation had been put in place, but was not yet rigorously enforced) and the Tarzan film franchise (which spans both the second period and a later, third period of actual implementation and subsequent negotiation). Using these examples, the paper will consider several of the popular associations attached to the swimmer and the swimsuit. It will discuss the ways in which Hollywood utilised the swimsuit, the swimmer and swimming in both its films and its promotional materials and will demonstrate how through the sporting associations of both the garment and sports stars, film producers negotiated the processes of censorship and self-regulation while allowing the continued use of semi-naked and eroticised bodies, to their own profit and to that of the increasingly fashionable swimwear industry.  相似文献   

Objective: Effective warm-ups are attributed to several temperature-related mechanisms. Strategies during the transition phase, preceding swimming competition, have been shown to prolong temperature-related warm-up effects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of two different clothing strategies during the transition phase, on subsequent 100-m maximal swimming performance. Methods: Nine competitive swimmers (3 female, 21?±?3?yrs; 6 male 20?±?2?yrs, mean performance standard 702 FINA Points, mean 100-m seasons best time 61.54?s) completed their own 30-min individual pool warm-up, followed by 7-min changing time and a 30-min transition phase, straight into a 100-m maximal effort time-trial. During the transition phase, swimmers remained seated, either wearing warm or limited clothing. Swimmers returned 1 week later, where clothing conditions were alternated. Results: Post-transition phase skin and core temperature remained higher in the warm clothing condition compared to the limited clothing condition (Mean Core: 36.90?±?0.17°C, 36.61?±?0.15°C, P?P?P?Conclusion: Wearing warm clothing during a 30-min transition phase improved swimming performance by 0.6%, compared to limited clothing.  相似文献   

建立以大学生为评价对象,以提高防溺水技能和规避溺水风险为目的的大学生安心游泳技能等级标准。通过专家访谈、问卷调查、问卷筛选以及专家论证等研究方法,确定了大学生安心游泳技能等级评价标准,该标准包括游泳技能和自救技能两个方面,并使用3个层级(初级、中级、高级)9个等级(初级:1-3级;中级:4-6级;高级7-9级)来评价大学生安心游泳技能的等级。通过内回代方法对评价标准进行检验,表明该研究标准能够初步应用于大学生安心游泳技能等级评价。  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between baseline physical training and the use of firefighting thermal protective clothing (TPC) with breathing apparatus on functional balance. Twenty-three male firefighters performed a functional balance test under four gear/clothing conditions. Participants were divided into groups by physical training status, and task performance was analyzed. There was an effect of equipment and training status on performance with the group reporting both aerobic and resistance training performing better than the group reporting no physical training. In conclusion, firefighters walk more slowly as a strategy to maintain balance when wearing TPC, which may be suboptimal given the emergent nature of fire suppression. This result was most prominent in the group reporting no physical training.  相似文献   

自2004年以来国内外人类学、体育学界研究者通过研究发现,参赛运动员(队)服装的颜色对体育比赛结果有影响,颜色对比赛结果的影响研究呈如下趋势:在个人项目和集体项目比赛中,当双方实力相当时,穿红色服装的运动员和运动队会赢,选手都没有穿红色比赛制服而是穿蓝色或白色,穿蓝色服装的运动员和运动队会赢。颜色对比赛结果的影响机制主要有,不同颜色比赛服装具有其特殊的内隐性;比赛服装颜色会引起植物神经内稳态偏离;不同颜色队服具有不同的视觉属性;不同颜色队服影响队员情绪体验的积极性。  相似文献   

在游泳教学中,如何用量化的指标来科学地评判游泳者的游泳能力一直是游泳学界研究的热点。本文通过检测游泳能力掌握程度的不同对人体水中俯卧滑行能力的影响,讨论不同游泳能力者俯卧滑行能力的差异,反映游泳熟练程度对被动阻力的影响,来检验俯卧滑行能否作为评判游泳能力的强烈因子。选取华南师范大学体育专业38名身体健康的大学生按游泳能力的不同分为三组(平均年龄19岁,身高1.72cm,体重64.23kg)作为实验对象分别测量俯卧滑行的距离。要求实验对象采用双手置于头前蹬边滑行的方式进行测试,以手到池边的距离为测量距离。采用单因素方差分析检验俯卧滑行距离是否存在组间差异。结果表明,游泳能力会影响俯卧滑行距离(被动阻力)。不同水平游泳者其俯卧滑行的距离在统计学中有显著性差异,说明俯卧滑行能力可以作为评判游泳能力的强烈因子。  相似文献   


This study seeks to identify when the replica football shirt transitioned from children’s sportswear to adult leisurewear, and explain why this occurred. Four distinct facets of this process are examined – the production of adult sizes by manufacturers, the promotion of replica shirts by clubs and retailers, purchasing by adults, and the ‘parading’, i.e. wearing of shirts at matches. Data collected from manufacturer’s catalogues, magazine adverts, match programmes and over 900 crowd photos indicates that replica shirt adoption by adult males as match-day clothing was not initially driven by an existing industry, but began as a fan-inspired process with roots in big-match fancy dress traditions, changes in wider social dress codes, and youth subcultures. Replica football shirts were adopted by adult males in distinct phases, each involving different sub-groups of fans, with the coincidental removal of barriers to wearing replica shirts more influential than manufacturer strategies or promotions. Moreover, the specific timings and drivers of each stage reflect the dramatic changes in English football culture over the last two decades of the twentieth century more accurately than the established but simplistic pre- and post-1990 World Cup or pre- and post-Premier League narratives.  相似文献   

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