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目的:构建男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系,研制选材标准的评价模型。方法:问卷调查、专家访谈、实验测试、数理统计等。结果:(1)构建了11~12岁、13~14岁、15~16岁、17~18岁四个年龄组的男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系,其中4项身体形态指标包括下肢长B/身高、体脂百分比、年龄-骨龄、指间距-身高;2项身体机能指标为最大摄氧量相对值、血红蛋白;5项运动心理指标包括反应时、速度知觉、意志品质量表、注意力测试、操作思维;10项运动素质指标包括上肢爆发力、纵跳、3 000 m跑、立位体前屈、闭眼单脚站立、立定跳远、20 m冲刺、引体向上、六边形跳、功能动作筛查(FMS);3项专项成绩指标包括雪上计时1.2 km、5 km、10 km。(2)选材评价模型集成于Web端自动化评估软件,基于越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系与评价标准表,通过百分位数法建立的“P60入围”与“P90精英”两条临界线,评价模型回代检验结果客观有效。结论:我国男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系涵盖4个年龄组,包括5项一级指标、15项二级指标、24项三级指标,并依据不同指标权重研制评价模型,为创新越野滑雪项目的精英运动员选拔方法提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中国军人体质的评价标准与综合评价方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用百分位数法为所选指标制定评分标准,并在此基础上利用逐步回归分析的方法建立体质综合评价的数学模型,对军人体质综合评价方法进行了探索。在各项指标贡献率的确定上,采用的是经逐步回归分析得来的“标准化偏回归系数”与“简单相关系数”的乘积。在对每一个样本各项选中指标进行评分之后,进行逐步回归分析,建立了体质总体、身体形态、身体机能、身体素质、有氧耐力和力量素质共6种体质评价的数学模型。这些模型的建立以及评价标准的制定为计算机评价系统的实现提供了基本算法,也为《中国军人体质评价系统软件》的开发提供了可能。  相似文献   

利用百分位数法为所选指标制定评分标准,并在此基础上利用逐步回归分析的方法建立体质综合评价的数学模型,对军人体质综合评价方法进行了探索。在各项指标贡献率的确定上,采用的是经逐步回归分析得来的“标准化偏回归系数”的乘积。在对每一个样本各项选中指标进行评分之后,进行逐步回归分析,  相似文献   

中国11省市大学生皮褶厚度测定与体成分分析   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
研究目的:建立我国大学生的肱三头肌和肩胛下皮褶厚度正常值并估测体成分。研究方法:对11省市17611名19~22岁男女大学生进行体成分分析并作分组差值检验,利用百分位数法建立正常值。主要结果和结论:我国大学生在皮褶厚度和体脂率、瘦体重等方面存在明显的城乡差异和地区间差异。体格发育和体成分指标间存在密切的相关关系。分别为男女生建立了两处皮褶厚度的百分位数正常值。建议:该正常值可广泛应用于对大学生人群进行营养状况评价,筛查肥胖和营养不良。  相似文献   

中国高身材青少年的地域分布特点   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
季成叶 《体育科学》2000,20(1):89-92
利用1995年全国学生体质与健康调研资料,分析中国高身材青少年的地域分布特点,对象249 492人,年龄7~22岁。分析证实影响中国高身材青少年分布的3个主要影响因素是城乡差异、同地区内不同社会经济状况人群间差异和不同地区间的差异。认为其中影响效应最大的是存在于不同地区间的由世代遗传与地理气候条件决定的因素。对中国高身材青少年的地域分布特点进行讨论,并推荐新建立的中国男女青少年(城乡合并)身高百分位数参照值作为筛选不同程度高身材青少年的依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、调查问卷、体育测量等研究方法,采用主成分分析法筛选出具有代表性的指标,运用层次分析法进行确定评价指标的权重以及采用百分位数法进行建立评价标准。建立的评价体系对青少年足球运动员体能状况进行评价,旨在通过构建评价指标体系为青少年足球运动员体能实际状态诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨我国儿童青少年体质健康水平与学业成绩之间关系的影响机制;以执行功能为中介变量,年龄为调节变量建立一个有中介的调节模型。方法: 对湖北地区1 970名学生进行体质健康水平测试,并采用问卷法对执行功能水平测试,以语文、数学、英语三门学科成绩的标准分作为学业成绩指标。使用AMOS21.0以及SPSS22.0对数据进行分析。结果: 体质健康水平指标中的有氧耐力、速度、肌肉力量以及柔韧性均与各科学业成绩存在显著正相关;执行功能作为中介变量存在于体质健康水平与学业成绩的关系中,模型拟合程度良好(χ2/df为4.246,NFI为0.98,CFI为0.98,RMSEA为0.041)。此外,该模型还受到年龄的调节作用,与其他因素一起构成了有中介的调节模型。结论: (1)儿童青少年的体质健康水平与其学业成绩间呈正相关,可以对其作出正向预测;(2)执行功能在体质健康水平与学业成绩间起到部分中介作用;(3)年龄在体质健康水平、执行功能、学业成绩的关系间起调节作用。  相似文献   

通过健身体质评价体系的建立,旨在为科学指导人群参与健身运动提供实证意义上的参考依据。以广州市30~39岁成年人为研究对象,通过文献资料调研与数理统计等方法,构建我国30~39岁成年人健身体质评价模型,包括指标模型、权重模型、均值模型及评价体系。结果表明,该阶段成年人健身体质评价指标可分为身体形态、血液状况、运动素质、红细胞状况和心血管功能,且各项评价指标在反映健身体质上有不同权重;其中,红细胞状况与身体形态各指标最能反映该阶段成年人健身体质特征,合理的膳食与匀称的体形更利于人们在参与健身运动中受益。  相似文献   

天津市幼儿(3~ 6 岁) 体质综合评价标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对天津市1736名3~6岁幼儿进行14项形态、机能、素质指标的测试,并对测试结果进行常规统计处理,筛选确定了12项评价指标,采用百分位数法进行等级划分,形态机能素质各类评价指标的权重分别为28%、27%、45%。本研究完成了天津市3~6岁幼儿体质综合评定标准,可对幼儿基本形态、心血管呼吸机能、神经系统反应功能、身体素质进行科学评价,在实际应用中效果良好。  相似文献   

杜尚勇 《辽宁体育科技》2010,32(3):45-46,57
根据辽宁省2005年学生体质健康测试数据,采用百分位数法、主成分分析法、加权积分法来制定辽宁省中学生的评价标准。  相似文献   

The aim of the this study was to establish age- and gender-specific physical fitness normative values and to compare percentiles and Z scores values in a large, nationwide sample of Greek children aged 6–18 years. From March 2014 to May 2014, a total of 424,328 boys and girls aged 6–18 years who attended school in Greece were enrolled. The studied sample was representative, in terms of age–sex distribution and geographical region. Physical fitness tests (i.e. 20?m shuttle run test (SRT), standing long jump, sit and reach, sit-ups, and 10?×?5?m SRT) were performed and used to calculate normative values, using the percentiles of the empirical distributions and the lambda, mu, and sigma statistical method. Normative values were presented as tabulated percentiles for five health-related fitness tests based on a large data set comprising 424,328 test performances. Boys typically scored higher than girls on cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and speed/agility, but lower on flexibility (all p values <0.001). Older boys and girls had better performances than younger ones (p?相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of international normative centiles for the 20 m shuttle run test (20mSRT) to identify youth at increased cardiometabolic risk. This was a cross-sectional study involving 961 children aged 10–17 years (53% girls) from the United Kingdom. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves determined the discriminatory ability of cardiorespiratory fitness percentiles for predicting increased cardiometabolic risk. ROC analysis demonstrated a significant but poor discriminatory accuracy of cardiorespiratory fitness in identifying low/high cardiometabolic risk in girls (AUC = 0.58, 95% CI: 0.54–0.63; p = 0.04), and in boys (AUC = 0.59, 95% CI: 0.54–0.63; p = 0.03). The cardiorespiratory fitness cut-off associated with high cardiometabolic risk was the 55th percentile (sensitivity = 33.3%; specificity = 84.5%) in girls and the 60th percentile (sensitivity = 42.9%; specificity = 73.6%) in boys. These 20mSRT percentile thresholds can be used to identify children and adolescents who may benefit from lifestyle intervention. Nonetheless, further work involving different populations and cardiometabolic risk scores comprising of different variables are needed to confirm our initial findings.  相似文献   

中国体质研究的进程与发展趋势   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
结合我国古代医学、现代医学、人类学和生物学等学科的理论,采用专家访谈、文献调研等方法,回顾我国体质学的由来、理论基础和发展历程,并重点论述当前我国体质研究的不足以及对未来体质学发展的思考。研究认为,中国"体质"一词最早来源于《黄帝内经》,"形神合一"是我国古代体质观的精华。随着历史的演变和科学文化的发展,体质的概念也在不断地完善和充实。目前公认的观点是,体质是人体的质量,是在遗传性和获得性的基础上表现出来的人体形态结构、生理功能和心理因素等综合的、相对稳定的特征。开始于20世纪70年代末的"中国青少年儿童身体形态、机能和素质的研究"。成熟于"中国国民体质监测系统"的建立。2000年在我国开展了幼儿(3~6岁)、儿童青少年(7~19岁)、成年(20~59岁)和老年(60~69岁)人群的体质监测工作。标志着体质研究已上升为我国体育科学界最为活跃的研究领域之一。我国的体质研究应该尽快提升体质测量与评价的多样性和多层次化,以便科学和便捷地指导国民进行体育健身。  相似文献   

目的探讨小学儿童体力活动与身体素质、骨密度的关联,为促进小学儿童体质健康干预策略提供理论基础。方法通过ActiGraph GT3X+型加速度计与CM-200超声骨密度仪分别对扬州市某小学313名六年级学生进行体力活动水平与骨密度的测量,最后对小学儿童身体素质指标进行测试。结果与结论男孩的MVPA与50m跑、1min仰卧起坐、1min跳绳都具有弱效应的相关性(p<0.05),女孩的MVPA与50m跑、握力、1min跳绳都具有弱效应的相关性(p<0.05),男孩与女孩的MVPA都与立定跳远具有中度效应的相关性(r=0.32,r=0.394,p<0.001);女孩的MVPA与骨密度Z值、SOS都具有弱效应的相关性(p<0.05)。小学儿童中高强度体力活动与身体素质、骨密度具有关联性。  相似文献   

目的:对5~18岁学龄期儿童青少年的24 h活动研究进行系统综述,总结并归纳现有文献报道的研究特征、研究方法与研究结果。通过系统检索,共有20篇文献纳入本综述,结果发现,平均30.84%、41.32%、45.04%的儿童青少年分别达到了身体活动、屏幕时间、睡眠时长3项指标推荐量,17.56%、46.16%、35.06%、6.85%的儿童青少年分别达到了0、1、2、3项24 h活动指标推荐量。男生的身体活动达标率优于女生,但男生屏幕时间指标达标率普遍低于女生。随着年龄的增长,屏幕时间的达标率显著降低。父母教育程度越高,其子女的24 h达标条数越多。并且,纳入的研究一致发现24 h活动的指标多项达标可以改善儿童青少年不同的健康指标,包括体重状况、心血管健康、心理状况、认知发展、生活质量以及饮食模式。  相似文献   

目的:对5~18岁学龄期儿童青少年的24 h活动研究进行系统综述,总结并归纳现有文献报道的研究特征、研究方法与研究结果。通过系统检索,共有20篇文献纳入本综述,结果发现,平均30.84%、41.32%、45.04%的儿童青少年分别达到了身体活动、屏幕时间、睡眠时长3项指标推荐量,17.56%、46.16%、35.06%、6.85%的儿童青少年分别达到了0、1、2、3项24 h活动指标推荐量。男生的身体活动达标率优于女生,但男生屏幕时间指标达标率普遍低于女生。随着年龄的增长,屏幕时间的达标率显著降低。父母教育程度越高,其子女的24 h达标条数越多。并且,纳入的研究一致发现24 h活动的指标多项达标可以改善儿童青少年不同的健康指标,包括体重状况、心血管健康、心理状况、认知发展、生活质量以及饮食模式。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse, through a limited number of fitness tests, the main conditioning and coordinative abilities in children aged 8-9 years, and their relationship with gender, anthropometric variables and physical activity habits. The height and weight of 256 boys and 241 girls were measured and information about physical activity habits was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Physical performance was assessed by means of a few standardised tests: 'sit & reach', medicine-ball forward throw, standing long jump, 20 m running speed, and forward roll test. In both boys and girls, body weight and body mass index (BMI) were positively correlated with the medicine-ball throw performances and negatively correlated for the standing long jump and speed tests, while no association was found with tests measuring back flexibility and total body coordination. Daily physical activity and participation in sport were not significantly correlated with body weight and BMI, but were positively associated with children's motor performance. The standardised fitness tests selected in the current study have been found to be suitable to identify fitness levels of primary school children. Thanks to their limited number and ease of measurement, they can be used in any school context to classify children and for monitoring the effects of targeted interventions promoting physical activity.  相似文献   


A cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse, through a limited number of fitness tests, the main conditioning and coordinative abilities in children aged 8–9 years, and their relationship with gender, anthropometric variables and physical activity habits. The height and weight of 256 boys and 241 girls were measured and information about physical activity habits was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Physical performance was assessed by means of a few standardised tests: ‘sit & reach’, medicine-ball forward throw, standing long jump, 20 m running speed, and forward roll test. In both boys and girls, body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) were positively correlated with the medicine-ball throw performances and negatively correlated for the standing long jump and speed tests, while no association was found with tests measuring back flexibility and total body coordination. Daily physical activity and participation in sport were not significantly correlated with body weight and BMI, but were positively associated with children's motor performance. The standardised fitness tests selected in the current study have been found to be suitable to identify fitness levels of primary school children. Thanks to their limited number and ease of measurement, they can be used in any school context to classify children and for monitoring the effects of targeted interventions promoting physical activity.  相似文献   

Body dissatisfaction is a phenomenon that may already occur in childhood and is linked to a variety of psychosocial risks. As the role of physical activity in the context of body dissatisfaction is still ambivalent, a cross-sectional study with 602 normal weight children (50.2% girls; Mage?=?9.23 years; SD?=?0.79) was conducted. The children filled in the MoMo-Questionnaire, including items about their physical activities and motives for being physically active, as well as Bender’s Body Esteem and Muscularity Concern Scale with the three subscales “body satisfaction”, “weight and shape concerns”, and “muscularity concerns”. Independent t-tests revealed that girls were less worried about muscularity than boys (Mgirls?=?1.94, SDgirls?=?1.11 vs. Mboys?=?3.12, SDboys?=?1.43; t(560)?=?11.33, p?d?=?0.92), whereas girls showed greater weight and shape concerns than boys (Mgirls?=?2.24, SDgirls?=?0.97 vs. Mboys?=?2.05, SDboys?=?0.92; t(549)?=?2.32, p?=?.02, d?=?0.20). In boys, physical activity is associated with less muscularity, weight, and shape concerns. Body satisfaction increases with health and fitness motives. In girls, the role of physical activity is ambivalent: girls who engage in sports do not differ in body dissatisfaction from non-active girls. In sportive girls, weight and shape concerns increased with more health and fitness motives. Finally, the study provides first insights into body dissatisfaction and the different role of physical activity in boys and girls in childhood.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were: (1) to observe participation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during school recess periods; (2) to determine the relative importance of physical activity during recesses to overall daily physical activity; and (3) to examine differences in physical activity between the sexes during unstructured recess periods. The participants were 22 school children (10 boys, 12 girls) aged 8 - 10 years (mean = 8.9, s = 0.7) in the third and fourth grades. Daily totals for the physical activity variables were calculated by summing the values for each hour of 14 h of physical activity measurements (08:00 to 22:00 h). Recess times (minutes) were as follows: morning 10:30 to 11:00 h and afternoon 15:30 to 16:00 h. We did not differences between boys and girls in daily total accelerometer counts or the overall time spent in MVPA. However, girls were significantly (P < 0.05) more involved (38%) in MVPA during recess time than boys (31%). Participation in MVPA during recess contributes significantly more (P < 0.05) for girls (19%) than boys (15%) to the total amount of physical activity suggested by international health-related physical activity guidelines, while the percentage of time engaged in MVPA during recess time at school accounts for a small amount of the daily MVPA (6% for boys and 8% for girls). The results of this study suggest that school recess time is an important setting to promote MVPA and contributes to daily physical activity in young children, especially in girls.  相似文献   

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