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测试相同人群穿跑鞋和板鞋行走时足底压力、压强及冲量特征,结合运动学采集分析不同速度行走时人体下肢的运动学和足底力学特征,结果显示:穿慢跑鞋和穿板鞋相比,第一趾骨与第二跖骨及足跟区存在非常显著差异;行走过程中这两个区域足底平均压力峰值板鞋组显著大于慢跑鞋组(P<0.05).慢跑鞋较板鞋表现出跖骨区压力小、足中部压力大、足跟区压力小,均存在显著差异(P<0.05).以期为健步走人群不同速度行走时提供可行性建议.  相似文献   

对正常女性149例体力劳动者和126例脑力劳动者(年龄范围均在25~44岁之间)进行了桡骨骨矿含量测定。结果显示在同一类型的不同年龄组中不论是BMC或者是BMC/BW,其数值变化均无显著性差异(P>0.05),而在不同类型的同龄组中比较,脑力劳动者的骨矿含量值(BMC、BMC/BW)明显低于体力劳动者(P<0.01)。故我们认为在正常值的确定中,除有性别差异外,还应对不同工作(即脑力劳动和体力劳动)的骨矿含量的正常值分开。我们的调查结果在女性25~44岁内,脑力劳动的骨矿含量的正常值BMC为>0.62g/cm,BMC/BW为>0.559g/cm2,体力劳动的正常值为BMC>0.77g/CM,BMC/BW为>0.66g/cm2,以上正常值均为-1.645SD。另外,在判定骨密度是否正常应以BMC/BW的数值变化为主。  相似文献   

目的:探讨分析体育舞蹈专业女大学生足底压力的分布特征,为参加体育舞蹈训练的普通大学生和体育舞蹈专业学生提供数据参考。方法:采用footscan USB足底压力平板测试系统对8名普通女大学生和8名体育舞蹈专业女大学生进行正常行走、伦巴走步的足底压力测试。结果:裸足正常行走过程中,体育舞蹈专业和普通女大学生在足底各分区压力分布基本一致,无显著性差异;普通女大学生在第2-5趾、第1跖骨、第2跖骨、第5跖骨、足中部区域左、右差异有统计学意义,而体育舞蹈专业女大学生除了在第1趾存在差异外,左右足无显著性差异;体育舞蹈专业大学生在伦巴走步过程中,压力中心轨迹与正常行走时有很大差异。这种差异在足底各分区压力-时间积分中表现为,左右脚的脚前掌、足中部压力-时间积分变大,足跟部位压力-时间积分明显变小,且与正常行走相比有显著性差异,做舞蹈动作时,压力主要集中于脚前掌和足弓部位。结论:体育舞蹈专业女大学生在做舞蹈动作时,压力主要集中于脚前掌和足中部,且外侧跖骨受力显著。参加体育舞蹈训练时必须穿着适当高度、适当硬度的舞蹈鞋来缓解脚前掌和足中部的压力。  相似文献   

以上海市蹦床队5名一线男子运动员为研究对象,通过视频与足底压力同步测试的研究方法,对蹦床运动员的预跳和5个基本的技术动作进行测试,研究男子蹦床运动员在完成不同基本技术动作过程中足底压力的分布的特征及足底压力分布的一般规律。为蹦床运动员进行科学训练提供理论依据,为蹦床运动员运动技术诊断提供客观指标。研究结论:运动员完成不同基本技术动作足底压力分布特征规律相同,足底压力合力变化、压强峰值分布和压力中心变化无显著性差异。触网起跳过程双足压力合力呈单峰曲线网面达最低点时双足压力合力最大,双足压力合力最大值可达体重的3.04倍。压强峰值表现为双足第五趾骨区较高。运动员在起网蹬伸阶段双足呈现出压力中心偏移现象,与运动员起跳过程中双足用力不均有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨武术运动专项学生与普通系学生在不同方格刺激下的视觉诱发电位的差异情况。方法:选取健康的在校男性大学生志愿者63人(武术系学生33人,普通系学生30人),采用NDI-200(海神号)神经电检诊仪记录并分析受试者在不同方格刺激下的模式翻转视觉诱发电位N75,P100,N145的潜伏期、峰间期和峰峰值。结果:与普通系相比,武术系学生视觉诱发电位的潜伏期在不同方格测试中都有不同程度的缩短,且中方格的N75,P100潜伏期存在显著性差异(P〈0.05);武术系学生视觉诱发电位的峰间期在不同方格测试中都有不同程度的缩短,其中大方格刺激组PRVEP的N145-N75峰间期存在显著性差异(P〈0.05);武术系学生视觉诱发电位的P100-N75的峰峰值增加,其中在中方格刺激组有显著性差异(P〈0.05),大方格刺激组存在有极显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论:经过长期系统的武术运动训练的学生的视觉诱发电位的N75和P100潜伏期及N145-N75峰间期较普通人显著缩短,P100-N75的峰峰值显著增加。  相似文献   

对27名青年大学生志愿者肘关节进行等速向心测试,探讨肘关节屈、伸肌群在不同运动速度下的峰力矩(PT)、峰力矩比(F/E)、疲劳指数(WF)及其变化情况和性别差异,为今后运动医学、临床医学、康复医学的实践提供参考。结果表明:随速度增加,肘关节屈、伸肌群的PT值皆明显下降,F/E值显著提高;男性在不同测试速度下,肘关节屈伸肌群PT值指标均明显高于女性;不同性别的肘关节F/E值,在慢速测试时,不存在显著性差异,但快速测试中,差异却极显著;男女肘关节屈伸肌群的WF值皆存在差异,但差异不显著。  相似文献   

研究目的:观察高弓足和正常足在赤足行走过程中的运动学和动力学参数变化,分析高弓足易损伤的原因,为高弓足的康复治疗提供实验依据。研究方法:选取9名高弓足受试者为实验组,10名正常足受试者为对照组。利用Vicon-MX红外摄像系统进行动作捕捉,采集受试者常速行走时髋、膝、踝三大关节的运动学参数,同时利用KISTLER三维测力台采集行走过程中的足-地接触力。研究结果:在行走过程中,高弓足者髋关节在足趾离地时的外展角度小于正常足(P﹤0.05);在垂直方向上的第二峰值地面反作用力(GRF)两组间差异存在统计学意义(P﹤0.05),垂直方向的第一、第二峰值GRF和向后方向上的峰值GRF出现的时间均早于正常足(P﹤0.05)。结论:高弓足与正常足行走时所表现出的差异性可能是造成高弓足易损伤的原因,也反映了它们控制机制的不同。  相似文献   

为探讨体育运动对脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)各指标影响的规律,采用NDI-200(海神号)神经电检诊仪对体育系学生(n=119)及普通系学生(n=50)的BAEP进行了记录分析并进行了横向比较研究。发现体育系学生左右耳BAEPⅢ波及Ⅴ波的潜伏期均明显长于普通系学生(P〈0.05);左右耳BAEPⅠ—Ⅲ波及Ⅰ~Ⅴ波的峰间期较普通系学生明显延长(P〈0.05);体育系与普通系学生左右耳BAEPⅠ波、Ⅱ波的潜伏期以及Ⅰ~Ⅲ波的峰间期均存在有显著性差异(P〈0.05);体育系学生左右耳听觉反应时明显短于普通系学生(P〈0.01)。表明体育运动可使BAEPⅢ波和Ⅴ波的潜伏期及Ⅰ-Ⅲ波和Ⅰ—Ⅴ波的峰间期显著延长,说明长期的体育运动可提高上橄榄体的信息加工处理能力,使上传至大脑的听觉信息更加准确、清晰,大脑皮层对传入的听觉信号能更加及时、快捷地做出相应的反应.  相似文献   

通过对男子青少年中跑运动员进行髋、膝关节等速肌力测试,发现男子青少年中跑运动员髋、膝关节肌力特点及薄弱肌群。方法:对16名上海优秀男子青少年中跑运动员进行髋、膝关节单侧等速向心60°/s×6和240°/s×6测试记录测试峰力矩、最大功率、屈伸肌峰力矩比值。结果:髋关节屈肌峰力矩和相对峰力矩在两个速度存在显著差异(P〈0.05),伸肌峰力矩和相对峰力矩两个速度存在高度显著差异(P〈0.01),屈伸肌峰力矩比值存在显著差异(P〈0.05),膝关节屈肌峰力矩及相对峰力矩无差异,而伸肌峰力矩和相对峰力矩在两个速度存在显著差异(P〈0.05),屈伸肌峰力矩比值无差异。研究对象髋关节屈肌最大功率和相对最大功率在两个速度存在高度显著差异(P〈0.01),伸肌最大功率和相对最大功率存在显著差异(P〈0.05),膝关节屈伸肌最大功率和相对最大功率在两个速度存在高度显著差异(P〈0.01)。结论:髋关节随测试速度增加最大力矩呈现下降趋势,高速测试时峰力矩屈/伸值下降,髋关节屈肌力量需加强;膝关节伸肌峰力矩随测试速度增加减小,屈肌及峰力矩屈/伸值变化不明显。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对山东省高校在职体育教师的髌骨损伤情况进行调查,结果显示:1)男女教师髌骨受损的发生率相比无显著差异(P〉0.05);2)男女教师急性髌骨损伤在各年龄组间有显著差异,教龄短者更易于受损伤;3)教师各年龄组间慢性髌骨受损情况有非常显著性差异(P〈0.01)以教龄〉10年以上受损率最高,其受伤原因为冲撞、跳跃、扭伤,据此提出治疗康复方法。  相似文献   

为探索生长发育突增期青少年自然行走时左右足底各区域压力分布特征,采用比利时Footscan平板式足底压力分布测试系统对20名青少年(13-14岁)正常行走时左右足底压力的测试。研究显示,13-14岁青少年自然行走过程中左右双足各区域的压力分布存在一定的差异性意义,但左右双足的足底压力分布规律基本一致。  相似文献   

通过对13名高水平女子羽毛球运动员进行下肢等速肌力测试,以及静态、行走、跑步、起跳、正反手跨弓步共5种运动状态的足底压力分析,发现:女子羽毛球运动员下肢肌群力量双侧较为均衡,髋部内收肌群、屈膝肌群、膝部内旋肌群、踝内旋肌群随运动速度加快而贡献程度不断增加;常速行走时左侧下肢用力自动化过程较敏感,双腿反向纵跳(CMJ)落地时右侧下肢承担了主要的缓冲负荷,单腿CMJ落地时左侧下肢离心负荷较右侧更大;反手区域步法受力高于正手区域,反手区域步法更多是足跟部受力,正手区域步法更多是足前部受力,限制下肢旋内运动的肌群均能影响常见步法的足内侧足底受力。  相似文献   

为了对慢跑鞋的舒适性进行评价以及对不足进行改进提供参考.通过问卷调查法对测试鞋的舒适性进行主观评价,并借助红外光点运动分析系统和足底压力测试系统等生物力学测试方法,分别对在自然行走和慢跑两种状态下下肢步态的一些运动力学指标进行测试与研究.结果表明:测试鞋宽度和长度的合脚性较好;测试鞋的缓冲支持性能稍差;男女测试鞋在弓部舒适性及足底压强的表现存在差异.  相似文献   

青少年女性穿不同鞋行走时足底压力分布研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴剑  李建设 《体育科学》2006,26(6):67-70
通过F—scan足底压力分布解析系统对青少年女性穿不同类型鞋行走时的步态进行足底压力分布的测量和分析。结果表明,青少年女性穿跟高6.5cm以上的高跟鞋行走时,足底第1跖趾关节最大受力值是穿球鞋行走时该点最大受力值的4倍,是穿中跟鞋和松糕鞋行走时该点最大受力值的2倍。穿松糕鞋行走时,足底3点压力变化曲线图与裸足行走时足底3点压力变化曲线图相似,但是,穿松糕鞋行走时,足底3点最大受力值比裸足行走时足底3点最大受力值大。因此。也说明穿松糕鞋行走时下肢肌肉负荷较大。提示,穿高跟鞋行走对青少年女性足的生长发育有严重影响,建议他们日常生活中少穿或者不穿高跟鞋。  相似文献   

The role of the upper limbs in human locomotion and their influence on ground reaction force (GRF) have been extensively examined for walking and slow running. However, research has focused on unimpaired populations and has not evaluated high-speed running. In this study, the GRFs of an unilateral upper limb amputee athlete [missing right forearm, personal bests (PB): 400 m: 0:48.45 min, 800 m: 1:50.92 min] running at speeds of 5.4 and 8 m/s were collected using four floor-mounted force plates in a 100 m tartan track recording at 1000 Hz. The amputee athlete also performed trials with a running speed of 8 m/s wearing a weighted cuff on his impaired arm (0.5 and 1 kg, respectively). GRF data (without additional weight) were compared to those of an unimpaired athlete with similar PBs and anthropometry (age, height, weight). All data were evaluated for anterior–posterior, medial–lateral and vertical GRF as well as for stance phase (SP) duration and free moment (FM) values and a paired Student-t test (\(\alpha =5\) %) was performed on maximum and minimum values of the respective data sets comparing the left and right side of both athletes with each other, but no intersubjective comparisons were performed. The results revealed that vertical GRF showed significant differences for the impaired athlete at both running speeds comparing left and right foot, whereas the unimpaired athlete showed no significant differences in this matter at all. Medial–lateral GRF showed highly significant differences between the left and right foot of both athletes at both running speeds, whereas the results for anterior–posterior GRF and FM, however, showed ambiguous results. The trials with additional weight on the impaired limb led to significant differences for SP duration, but not for all conditions, and left–right differences did not change with additional weight. GRFs were found to differ in minimum medial–lateral GRF with no and heavy weight, maximum medial–lateral GRF within all weight conditions and maximum vertical GRF with no and heavy weight. For the FM, the overall pattern changed drastically and maximum FM showed a highly significant difference between the left and right foot, but none between the different conditions for both feet. Even though more significant asymmetries could be revealed for the impaired athlete, no general conclusion can be drawn at this point, given the limitations of the here presented study (low number of subjects available, anthropometric data of the impaired athlete could not be assessed).  相似文献   

Our purpose was to compare joint loads between habitual rearfoot (hRF) and habitual mid/forefoot strikers (hFF), rearfoot (RFS) and mid/forefoot strike (FFS) patterns, and shorter stride lengths (SLs). Thirty-eight hRF and hFF ran at their normal SL, 5% and 10% shorter, as well as with the opposite foot strike. Three-dimensional ankle, knee, patellofemoral (PF) and hip contact forces were calculated. Nearly all contact forces decreased with a shorter SL (1.2–14.9% relative to preferred SL). In general, hRF had higher PF (hRF-RFS: 10.8 ± 1.4, hFF-FFS: 9.9 ± 2.0 BWs) and hip loads (axial hRF-RFS: ?9.9 ± 0.9, hFF-FFS: ?9.6 ± 1.0 BWs) than hFF. Many loads were similar between foot strike styles for the two groups, including axial and lateral hip, PF, posterior knee and shear ankle contact forces. Lateral knee and posterior hip contact forces were greater for RFS, and axial ankle and knee contact forces were greater for FFS. The tibia may be under greater loading with a FFS because of these greater axial forces. Summarising, a particular foot strike style does not universally decrease joint contact forces. However, shortening one’s SL 10% decreased nearly all lower extremity contact forces, so it may hold potential to decrease overuse injuries associated with excessive joint loads.  相似文献   

足球运动员左、右脚技术动作水平普遍存在较大差异。从而影响技战术的发挥。本文通过大量的数据统计、调查,认证这种差异的普遍性,并提出了加台注信足球运动员两脚均衡发展的必要性。  相似文献   

There are differences in ground reaction force when wearing soccer boots compared with training shoes on a natural turf surface. Two natural-turf-covered force platforms, located outdoors in a field, allowed comparison of performance when six-studded soccer boots and soccer training shoes were worn during straight fast running (5.4 m s-1 ± 0.27 m s-1) and slow running (4.4 ms-1 ± 0.22 m s-1). Six male soccer players (mean age: 25 ± 4.18 years; mean mass 79.7 ±9.32 kg) struck the first platform with the right foot and the second platform with the left foot. In fast running, the mean vertical impact peak was significantly greater in soccer boots (2.706 BW) than in training shoes (2.496 BW) when both the right and left foot were considered together and averaged (P = 0.003). Similarly, the mean vertical impact peak loading rate was greater when wearing soccer boots at 26.09 BWs-1 compared to training shoes (21.32 BWs-1;P = 0.002). Notably, the mean vertical impact peak loading rate of the left foot (boots: 28.07 BWs-1; shoes: 22.52 BWs-1) was significantly greater than the right foot (boots: 24.11 BWs-1; shoes: 20.11 BWs-1) in both boots and shoes (P = 0.018). The braking force was greater for the left foot (P = 0.013). In contrast, mean peak vertical propulsion forces were greater for the right foot (P > 0.001) when either soccer boots or training shoes were considered. Similar significant trends were evident in slow running, and, notably, in both soccer boots and training shoes medial forces were greater for the left foot (P = 0.008) and lateral forces greater for the right foot (P = 0.011). This study showed the natural turf ground reaction force measurement system can highlight differences in footwear in an ecological environment. Greater forces and impact loading rates occurred during running activity in soccer boots than in training shoes, with soccer boots showing reduced shock attenuation at impact. Such findings may have implications for impact-related injuries with sustained exposure, especially on harder natural-turf surfaces. There were differences in the forces occurring at the right and left feet with the ground, thus suggesting the use of bipedal monitoring of ground reaction forces.  相似文献   

Efficient walking or running requires symmetrical gait. Gait symmetry is one of the key factors in efficient human dynamics, kinematics and kinetics. The desire of individuals with a lower-limb amputation to participate in sports has resulted in the development of energy-storing-and-returning (ESR) feet. This paper analyses a case study to show the effect of symmetry and asymmetry as well as energy transfer efficiency during periodic jumping between simulated bilateral and unilateral runners. A custom gait analysis system is developed as part of this project to track the motion of the body of a physically active subject during a set of predefined motions. Stance and aerial times are accurately measured using a high speed camera. Gait frequency, the level of symmetry and the non-uniform displacement between left and right foot and their effects on the position of the Centre of Mass (CM) were used as criteria to calculate both peak energies and transformation efficiency. Gait asymmetry and discrepancy of energy transfer efficiency between the intact foot and the ESR are observed. It is concluded that unilateral runners require excessive effort to compensate for lack of symmetry as well as asymmetry in energy transfer, causing fatigue which could be a reason why bilateral amputee runners using ESR feet have a superior advantage over unilateral amputees.  相似文献   

陶珊  曲峰 《体育科研》2014,(1):34-38
目的:研究不同速度下台阶对膝关节压力的影响,为运动健身和损伤预防提供生物力学支持.方法:对10名男性普通大学生分别以48、60、72、84、96、108步/分、慢速跑、中速跑、快速跑,这9种速度下台阶时膝关节峰值力和屈曲角度等进行分析.结果:随着下台阶速度的增大,膝关节垂直和水平方向的峰值力均不断增大.以中跑速度下台阶时膝关节所受的垂直方向的峰值力显著增大.以慢跑速度下台阶时膝关节所受的前后方向的峰值力显著增大.以快跑速度下台阶时膝关节垂直方向峰值力超过两倍的体重.同一速度下台阶,左右膝关节峰值力无显著性差异.随着下台阶速度的增加,峰值力时刻膝关节的屈曲角度不断增加.结论:膝关节负荷随着下台阶速度的增大而增大.膝关节屈曲幅度随着下台阶速度的增大而增大.同一速度下台阶时,右膝关节负荷较左膝关节大,但无统计学差异.  相似文献   

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