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科学训练、健康传播与奥运的平民化战略   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
运动员内稳态的品质表征了健康水平和运动水平。运动训练的平台期对应于运动员的内稳态。运动训练的过程是打破低水平内稳态重建高水平内稳态的过程。竞技训练对运动水平的提高也是对健康水平的提高。内稳态品质的提高至少包括体力和智力两个密切联系的部分,智力提高的空间远远大于体力提高的空间,加强智力开发有助于运动水平的提高和运动寿命的延长。对运动的兴趣和喜好是运动训练的内在奖赏机制。对运动的兴趣越浓,对运动疲劳的忍受能力越强,运动水平的提高和运动寿命的延长就越显著。因此,科学训练的信息应该通过健康传播普及到大众健身活动中,奥运健儿应该在全民健身的基础上选拔。  相似文献   

Cognitive activation is known from education research but has found only limited applicability in physical education research; therefore, this paper presents a proposal for a definition as well as a theoretical structure and process model of cognitive activation in physical education based on the currently dominant representational theory of memory and a subsequent theoretical action perspective. A central aim of this theoretical framework was to take an action theoretical perspective based on mental representation and model cognition of students in physical education classes. Accordingly, cognition and information processing in physical education are considered as constructive cognitive activities. Furthermore, mental representations of actions form the basis for movement and physical activity. This paper integrates intradisciplinary coordinates from sports psychology, exercise science and didactics and discusses interfaces between cognitive activation and cognitive activity of students in physical education. The present framework can be understood as a theoretical basis for physical education research.  相似文献   

Athletes need excellent vision to perform well in their sports, and many athletes have turned to vision training programs as a way to augment their traditional training regimen. The growing practice of ‘sports vision training’ relies on the notion that practice with demanding visual perceptual, cognitive, or oculomotor tasks can improve the ability to process and respond to what is seen, thereby improving sport performance. This enterprise is not necessarily new, but has been advanced greatly in the past few years by new digital technology that can be deployed during natural training activities, by perceptual-learning-inspired training programs, and by virtual reality simulations that can recreate and augment sporting contexts to promote certain sports-specific visual and cognitive abilities. These improved abilities may, in turn, instill a competitive advantage on the playing field, underscoring the potential value of these approaches. This article reviews emerging approaches, technologies and trends in sports vision training. Where available, critical review of supporting research is provided.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment is prevalent, disabling, and poorly managed in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS). This cross-sectional study examined the associations among physical activity, cognitive processing speed, and learning and memory in 33 persons with MS who underwent neuropsychological assessments and wore a physical activity monitor for 7 days. Cognitive impairment was greatest in cognitive processing speed. Physical activity was significantly correlated with cognitive processing speed (pr = .35), but not learning and memory (pr = .20), after controlling for sex, age, and education. Researchers should examine exercise training and physical activity effects on cognitive performance, particularly processing speed, in MS.  相似文献   


Soccer players are required to have well-developed physical, technical and cognitive abilities. The present systematic review, adhering to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines, examined the effects of cognitive training strategies on motor and positive psychological skills development in soccer performance and identified the potential moderators of the “cognitive training–soccer performance” relationship. Thirteen databases were systematically searched using keywords related to psychological or cognitive training in soccer players. The review is based on 18 studies, employing 584 soccer players aged 7–39 years. Cognitive strategies, particularly imagery, appear to improve sports performance in soccer players. Regarding imagery, the combination of two different types of cognitive imagery training (i.e., cognitive general and cognitive specific) has a positive influence on soccer performance during training, whereas motivational imagery (i.e., motivational general-arousal, motivational general-mastery and motivational specific) enhance competition performance. Younger soccer players employ cognitive general and cognitive specific imagery techniques to a greater extent than older soccer players. Combined cognitive training strategies were more beneficial than a single cognitive strategy relative to motor skills enhancement in elite (particularly midfielders) and amateur (i.e., when practising complex and specific soccer skills in precompetitive period) soccer players. In conclusion, it appears that there are differences in cognitive/psychological training interventions, and their efficacy, according to whether they are directed towards training or competition, and the age, standard and playing position of the players.  相似文献   

Research on successful aging has shown that physical training can have positive effects on cognitive and motor functions in the elderly. The article describes a study involving a 12-week multidimensional exercise program (endurance, strength, flexibility and relaxation) with one session per week which was established for older adults (60 years onwards). Cognitive training (e. g. attention, concentration and memory) was additionally targeted in each exercise session. The exercise program was evaluated by different standardized tests regarding its effects on motor and cognitive performance as dependent variables. In a randomized controlled trial with experimental and waiting control group two points of measurement were conducted. The results showed a significant increase in fitness parameters (endurance, strength and dynamic balance) for the experimental group in contrast to the control group. The expected significant increase for cognitive functions was not found. There is still not enough known about the relationship between cognitive function and physical activity in older adults.  相似文献   

近年来,在新课改的影响下,不管是教育当中的教材还是训练模式都产生了巨大改变。尤其是将拓展训练充分运用到初中阶段的体育训练中已经逐渐成为提升整体体育训练水平、锻炼学生心理素质的重要措施。基于此,该文主要针对初中体育训练中有效应用拓展训练展开了详细探究,进而分析了应用拓展训练的具体举措,以期为初中阶段的体育教师在今后的训练中带来一些帮助。  相似文献   

坚定意志,团结合作,顽强拼搏,勇于奉献,这是中学生足球训练的理念。在当今实施素质教育的大环境中,教师必须坚持以学生的发展为中心,增强学生的体质为目的,根据学生的年龄特征和身心健康成长的规律,认真研究体育学科教材的人文性因素,切实引导学生加强体育锻炼的同时,积极构思足球教学方案,思考中学足球运动训练与足球教学的实施策略。该文分析中学阶段足球教学现状和加强中学体育社团建设,展现足球运动生机的问题,以及中学阶段足球运动训练策略。  相似文献   

社会进步、环境和生活方式的转变带来各种挑战,威胁着现代人的健康。身体素质下降、肥胖、运动损伤、焦虑、抑郁和认知功能障碍等都是值得关注的问题。对当今人们面对的这几大身心健康问题,以及动态脑适能在促进人们身心健康方面的作用进行综述。动态脑适能 (动适能,学适能)训练是通过具体的、专门的肢体训练,改变脑功能,使人们能更好地适应环境变化、保持身心健康的行为和大脑训练方法。动态脑适能训练具有简单易学、运动强度小、操作安全、效果明显的特点,适用于各个年龄段的人群,是现代人保持身心健康的重要方法。脑适能的提高可以体现在动适能(动作能力)和学适能(学习能力)两个主要方面。从发展学的角度出发,脑适能,动适能和学适能训练,对儿童动商发展,全面提升青少年的体育运动水平,也有促进作用。  相似文献   

对投掷运动员赛前心理训练的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代体育科学技术和心理科学理论的快速发展,运动员的心理训练已作为一种新的训练手段和方法纳入学校业余训练之中,同身体训练、技术训练和战术训练相结合,构成了现代体育运动训练的完整体系。赛前加强运动员心理训练,能消除运动员各种紧张的心理状态,对提高运动成绩,有不可估量的作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the relationships between cognitively engaging exercise (i.e., game-based and coordination exercises), executive functions (i.e., inhibitory control and working memory), and physical fitness. Forty junior tennis players (6–12 years old), who regularly participated in tennis lessons (2.55 years, SD = 1.61) prior to the study, were investigated. All participants completed evaluations of executive functions (inhibitory control and working memory) at rest. The duration of each lessons’ instructional activities, including coordination training, game-based exercise, rallying, and non-physical activity (explanations and breaks), was recorded. Physical fitness was evaluated using the Tennis Field Test. A longer duration of game-based exercise was positively correlated with inhibitory control and physical fitness. Coordination training was associated with improved working memory. Non-physical activity was inversely correlated with inhibitory control, working memory, and physical fitness. The results suggest that game-based tennis lessons have beneficial effects on inhibitory control and physical fitness levels, and a longer duration of coordination training is associated with better working memory. The present study indicates that shortened non-physical activity time within a sports setting is associated with the development of executive functions and physical fitness.  相似文献   

通过查阅大量相关文献,从体能训练学的角度研究,以篮球运动的体能特征为研究对象。重点对篮球运动员体能训练的含义和篮球运动项目的体能特征以及篮球运动员体能训练的基本特征进行了研究。研究表明:(1)重新学习体能训练以及对体能训练重要性的认识意义做一个全面的了解,以建立正确的观念。(2)创新思维,结合先进的技战术理念和体能训练的特征要求对篮球运动体能特征进行归纳与总结。(3)体能训练必须与篮球运动的特点和能量代谢的特点相结合。(4)体能训练必须重视疲劳与恢复。总之,体能是篮球运动的基础,是球队取得优异成绩和提高技术战术水平的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计等研究方法,分析了当前儿童少年散打运动员早期训练的研究成果,统计出了儿童少年在不同年龄阶段身体素质发展的敏感期和特点,及整个少年期的发展规律,并运用运动生理学、运动训练学等学科知识,结合当前散打运动早期训练的经验总结,得出了儿童少年早期训练应以散打运动的基本动作为主,结合各种体育项目或各种身体练习方法,使儿童少年散打运动员的反应、速度、柔韧等身体素质得到全面的提高与发展。  相似文献   

运动负荷术语的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动负荷是运动训练和体育锻炼中的最常用术语 ,对运动负荷的实质进行了分析 ,认为运动练习负荷、生理负荷和心理负荷是运动负荷不可分割的三个方面 ,应防止在运动训练和体育锻炼中的应用的混淆。  相似文献   

为了充分证实不同的力量练习计划对老年人体质健康影响的效果,通过对比高速率的变阻训练(HV)、由慢到快速率的等阻训练(CT)以及高速率的变阻练习与身体功能练习相结合(CB)的3种不同的短期力量练习计划对老年人的肌肉功能和身体活动能力的影响进行了实证性研究。研究结果显示:与控制组(CO)相比,HV组、CT组以及CB组的肌肉力量都有显著性的提高,而CO的力量呈轻微的下降趋势;每周两次的HV练习在提高力量和爆发性身体功能时,要优于CT和CB组;与HV和CT组相比,CB组对增加老年人的力量也是有效的,这个结果对于那些不愿意或不能频繁参加力量练习的老年人是一个重要提示。  相似文献   

极限皮划艇激流回旋是新兴运动,探索运动项目的训练特征是提高竞技水平的基础,提高教练员对训练特征的认知水平是形成正确训练理念的前提。研究运用运动训练学理论,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和逻辑分析法对我国极限皮划艇激流回旋项目教练员对训练特征的认知进行调查研究,得出结论:绝大部分教练员对极限皮划艇激流回旋项目的技术、战术、体能和心理训练特征的认知符合项目的运动特征和竞赛特征;近4成教练员对该项目训练理念的认知不够清晰;我国极限皮划艇激流回旋项目运动员专项化训练水平较低。建议:加强项目供能结构等的基础研究;加强该项目运动员的专项化训练程度,以尽快提高竞技水平。  相似文献   

社会快速发展、生活日趋便捷背景下,医学生面临着生理和心理上的问题,且医学生由于专业特殊性,认知能力中记忆力的重要性被凸显出来。本文运用查阅文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、逻辑分析等研究方法,探究从运动处方角度出发的实验--"高强度间歇运动对医学生不同时长记忆力的影响"具有多方面重要性。同时建议医学院校应当跟据研究结果和实际情况,制定科学、合理的运动训练计划,为医学生生理和心理健康提供保障。  相似文献   

健美操运动是一项以有氧运动为基础,以健,力,美为主要特征,融体操,舞蹈,音乐为一体的身体练习。在众多健美操的种类中,竞技类健美操对运动员的力量、耐力、协调、灵敏、体能等素质以及技能要求较高。因此,如何更好的开展健美操项目的训练,一直是活跃在体育科研第一线上学者研究的重点,本文从健美操训练的恢复性训练角度入手,采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验法、对比分析法,把结合健美操运动特点的自我默念与暗示引入健美操项目恢复性训练中来,并运用实验对其效果进行验证,得出在健美操项目恢复性训练阶段适当加入场景暗示与自我默念有利于健美操运动员的疲劳恢复。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从功能性训练的概念、特性与功效出发,对功能性训练在竞技体育训练中存在的几点关系进行理论层面的思考与分析。研究认为:功能性训练与康复健身之间存在高度的互溶性;是介于一般体能训练和专项体能训练之间,三者应是一个有机过滤和循序渐进的过程;与传统体能训练存在优势互补的关系,两者应有效结合。此研究在理清功能性训练在竞技体育训练中存在几点关系的同时,以期为今后的运动训练提供一个科学的理论指导。  相似文献   

我国体育事业的不断发展加快体育舞蹈的普及脚步,体育舞蹈将体育锻炼和舞蹈艺术实现了有机结合,人们在体育舞蹈中不仅可以锻炼身体,而且也提升了自身的艺术素养。近年来,体育舞蹈拉丁舞受到了人们广泛的关注与喜爱,本文就体育舞蹈拉丁舞训练内容体系的构建进行了探索,以供参考。  相似文献   

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