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目的:研究快速伸缩复合训练对青年男子篮球运动员下肢爆发力的影响,旨在为篮球运动员下肢爆发力的训练提供参考。方法:采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验法、数理统计法等,选取16名青年男子篮球运动员为研究对象,随机分成实验组和对照组,每组各8人。对照组采用下肢传统抗阻力量训练,实验组采用下肢快速伸缩复合训练,训练时长为8周,每周3次课,每次60min。训练前后对反映篮球运动员下肢爆发力的立定跳远、原地双脚起跳摸高、助跑单脚起跳摸高、"T"字折返跑和30m冲刺跑指标进行测试。结果:经过8周的训练,对照组各测试指标成绩均有提高,其中立定跳远、原地双脚起跳摸高成绩有非常显著提高(P<0.01),助跑单脚起跳摸高成绩有显著提高(P<0.05),"T"字折返跑和30m冲刺跑成绩提高但不显著(P>0.05);实验组的立定跳远、原地双脚起跳摸高、助跑单脚起跳摸高、"T"字折返跑和30m冲刺跑成绩均有非常显著提高(P<0.01)。实验后实验组各项爆发力测试指标的成绩均非常显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:传统抗阻力量训练和快速伸缩复合训练均可以提高青年篮球运动员的下肢爆发力,但快速伸缩复合训练比传统抗阻力量训练提升效果更为明显。  相似文献   

探索了六周的悬吊训练对散打运动员下潜抱摔动作的影响,结论显示:悬吊训练可以明显提高散打运动员的核心力量和核心稳定性以及动作速度,改善神经肌肉的协调控制能力。  相似文献   

立定跳远是一项以考察运动员下肢爆发力、腰腹力量和上下肢协调能力为主的运动项目。从运动技术方面看,主要通过展腹、收腹举腿、团身落地动作完成。通过对相关肌肉的科学训练,对提高立定跳远成绩有很大的作用。当今,立定跳远已被很多体育院校列为招生必考项目,很多地区也把立定跳远列为各级学校毕业升学考试项目。然而,国内对其训练方法阐述的不多,所以,笔总结自身的实践经验撰写此。  相似文献   

快速伸缩复合训练(Plyometrics)是一种有效发展肌肉的反应力量和弹性力量,将机体的速度和力量巧妙地结合在一起的训练方式。是迄今为止提高运动员爆发力、肌肉力量和反应速度训练中重要的理念和方法。本文通过对实验组和对照组为期12周的快速伸缩复合训练和传统一般力量训练,实验后发现快速伸缩复合训练法对跳远运动员的下肢爆发力有明显的提升作用。  相似文献   

目的为了研究增强股后肌群力量训练对初中生立定跳远的影响。方法采用实验法对72名初中生进行测验,采取两种训练方法,即用下肢力量训练与下肢力量训练+专门的股后肌群训练。结果两种训练方法均可提高跳远成绩,对照组、实验组干预前后成绩相比有显著性差异;实验组在增加专门的股后肌群训练的干预后,立定跳远成绩明显优于对照组,干预后的对照组成绩(188.75±24.09cm)与实验组成绩(205.33±26.38cm)存在显著性差异(p=0.007,t=-2.785);从不同性别分析,男、女生在干预后的跳远成绩都有明显提高,男生干预后的对照组(204.00±19.97cm)与实验组(224.50±17.31cm)之间有显著性差异(p=0.001,t=-3.468),女生干预后的对照组(169.69±12.31cm)与实验组(181.38±11.90cm)之间存在统计学上差异(p=0.010,t=-2.730),男生在第4周之后实验组与对照组有明显性差异,女生则在第12周之后实验组与对照组之间出现显著性差异。结论下肢力量训练可以提高跳远成绩,但增加专门的股后肌群力量训练对提高立定跳远的成绩效果更佳。  相似文献   

白春林 《中华武术》2006,(10):23-24
立定跳远是高考的一项身体素质加试项目,它不仅要求考生具备良好的专项技术,同时还要求考生具有良好的腿部爆发力和全身协调能力。通过近几年训练和总结我认为要想提高立定跳远成绩,只有在发展腿部的爆发力,腰腹部肌肉力量及完善技术动作三方面训练上进行总结研究,才能很好地提高立定跳远成绩。  相似文献   

曹政 《健与美》2024,(3):90-92
本文选取60名学生进行随机对照实验,以8周的干预方案来证实核心稳定性训练对于中学生体育测试成绩的影响,记录在这个过程中学生Y平衡能力、50米、立定跳远这几个项目成绩的变化,进而为日后的体育课内容安排提供一定参考依据。通过对实验组和对照组的前后成绩变化,发现核心稳定性训练对学生平衡能力和立定跳远的成绩提升非常显著,而对于提高学生50米成绩也具有一定的作用。由此可推断在常规的授课能容中增加核心稳定性训练对于提高学生体测成绩具有较好的作用。  相似文献   

以北京市跳水队11名运动员为研究对象,采用悬吊法针对核心力量进行3个月的训练.用SPORTKAT平衡仪测试系统、HUR测力台及电子秒表等对训练前后平衡能力、核心力量以及CMJ纵跳高度进行测试分析.结果表明,悬吊训练不仅仅使运动员变得更强壮,而且还能有效促进其运动能力,更好改善肌肉内部和肌肉之间的协调性,提高平衡与稳定能力,尤其是对运动员核心力量、核心耐力、核心爆发力和运动专项技术的提高等均有显著作用.悬吊训练作为一种较为新型的力量训练方法,对技能主导类表现难美性项目运动员核心力量训练提供了新思路、新方法,尝试悬吊训练具有较好的实用价值.  相似文献   

采用“超负荷训练法”对实验组运动员进行了3个月的下肢爆发力训练,在训练前后用Kistler三维测力系统对实验组和对照组共18名运动员进行了跳深摸高、跳深跳远的测试,并结合下肢最大力量,获得有关动力学和运动学指标。结果分析如下:1.下肢最大力量测试结果与分析把运动员分为两组进行3个月集中力量训练,训练后发现:下肢最大力量都有显著性提高,实验组增长绝对值为46.11kg;对照组增长绝对值为32.23kg。在当前爆发力的负重训练中,主要采用最大力量的80%左右负荷来发展运动员爆发力的力量基础,而具体的杠铃负荷最终要根据最大力量来安排。IRM…  相似文献   

探讨身体功能训练在我国优秀男子散打运动员的应用实践效果,采用随机对照实验设计对我国24名优秀男子散打运动员进行为期16周、每周3次、每次60 min的身体功能训练。结果显示:(1)在基本运动能力方面,实验组在平板支撑、仰卧脚撑瑞士球平板支撑、悬吊侧卧平板支撑(左和右两侧)、单腿站平衡垫、瑞士球静蹲、坐位体前屈7项指标上较对照组有非常显著性改善(P<0.01);(2)在一般运动能力方面,实验组在400 m跑、单足4级跳、立卧撑3项指标上较对照组有显著性提高(P<0.05),在Illinois跑、高翻、卧推、深蹲等4项指标上较对照组有非常显著性提升(P<0.01);(3)在专项运动能力方面,实验组在10 s冲拳、10 s侧踹2项指标上较对照组有显著性提高(P<0.05),在30 s变向击打靶、30 s夹背摔假人、单次鞭腿击打力量、10 s腿法击打力量、10 s拳腿组合击打力量5项指标上较对照组有非常显著性提升(P<0.01)。结果表明:优秀男子散打运动员实验组的身体功能训练方案相对于对照组传统力量训练方案,强化了运动员的核心稳定性,优化了动作模式,加强了核心力量及其传输效率,对发展散打运动员的身体功能效果更佳。  相似文献   

本文以广饶县第一中学的12名篮球运动员为实验对象,对其弹跳力训练进行了三个月的实验研究。结果表明:对照组和实验组的成绩都有明显的提高,而实验组成绩提高的幅度明显高于对照组;而实验组所采用的负重半蹲训练正好使弹跳所动用的肌肉群(股后肌群和腓肠肌)得到加强,其弹跳力比对照组有显著的提高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a 10 week contrast training (CT) programme (isometric + plyometric) on jumping, sprinting abilities and agility performance in prepubertal basketball players. Fifty-eight children from a basketball academy (age: 8.72 ± 0.97 years; body mass index: 17.22 ± 2.48 kg/m2) successfully completed the study. Participants were randomly assigned to experimental groups (EG, n = 30) and control groups (CG, n = 28). The CT programme was included in the experimental group’s training sessions – twice a week – as part of their usual weekly training regime. This programme included 3 exercises: 1 isometric and 2 plyometric. Jumping, sprinting and agility performance were assessed before and after the training programme. Significant differences were found in posttest between EG and CG in sprint and T-test: EG showed better results than CG. Furthermore, there were significant differences in posttest-pretest between EG and CG in squat jump, countermovement jump, drop jump, sprint and T-test with the EG showing better results than CG. The CT programme led to increases in vertical jump, sprint and agility levels, so that the authors suggest that prepubertal children exhibit high muscular strength trainability.  相似文献   


To determine the time course of performance responses after an acute bout of plyometric exercise combined with high and low intensity weight training, a 3-group (including a control group), repeated-measures design was employed. Changes in performance were monitored through jumping ability by measuring countermovement and squat jumping, and strength performance assessment through isometric and isokinetic testing of knee extensors (at two different velocities). Participants in both experimental groups performed a plyometric protocol consisting of 50 jumps over 50 cm hurdles and 50 drop jumps from a 50 cm plyometric box. Additionally, each group performed two basic weight exercises consisting of leg presses and leg extensions at 90–95% of maximum muscle strength for the high intensity group and 60% of maximum muscle strength for the low intensity group. The results of the study suggest that an acute bout of intense plyometric exercise combined with weight exercise induces time-dependent changes in performance, which are also dependent on the nature of exercise protocol and testing procedures. In conclusion, acute plyometric exercise with weight exercise may induce a substantial decline in jumping performance for as long as 72 hours but not in other forms of muscle strength.  相似文献   

The effect of altering the rest period on adaptations to high-repetition resistance training is not well known. Eighteen active females were matched according to leg strength and repeated-sprint ability and randomly allocated to one of two groups. One group performed resistance training with 20-s rest intervals between sets, while the other group employed 80-s rest intervals between sets. Both groups performed the same total training volume and load. Each group trained 3 days a week for 5 weeks [15- to 20-repetition maximum (RM), 2 - 5 sets]. Repeated-sprint ability (5x6-s maximal cycle sprints), 3-RM leg press strength, and anthropometry were determined before and after each training programme. There was a greater improvement in repeated-sprint ability after training with 20-s rest intervals (12.5%) than after training with 80-s rest intervals (5.4%) (P = 0.030). In contrast, there were greater improvements in strength after training with 80-s rest intervals (45.9%) than after training with 20-s rest intervals (19.6%) (P = 0.010). There were no changes in anthropometry for either group following training. These results suggest that when training volume and load are matched, despite a smaller increase in strength, 5 weeks of training with short rest periods results in greater improvements in repeated-sprint ability than the same training with long rest periods.  相似文献   


The effect of altering the rest period on adaptations to high-repetition resistance training is not well known. Eighteen active females were matched according to leg strength and repeated-sprint ability and randomly allocated to one of two groups. One group performed resistance training with 20-s rest intervals between sets, while the other group employed 80-s rest intervals between sets. Both groups performed the same total training volume and load. Each group trained 3 days a week for 5 weeks [15- to 20-repetition maximum (RM), 2 – 5 sets]. Repeated-sprint ability (5×6-s maximal cycle sprints), 3-RM leg press strength, and anthropometry were determined before and after each training programme. There was a greater improvement in repeated-sprint ability after training with 20-s rest intervals (12.5%) than after training with 80-s rest intervals (5.4%) (P = 0.030). In contrast, there were greater improvements in strength after training with 80-s rest intervals (45.9%) than after training with 20-s rest intervals (19.6%) (P = 0.010). There were no changes in anthropometry for either group following training. These results suggest that when training volume and load are matched, despite a smaller increase in strength, 5 weeks of training with short rest periods results in greater improvements in repeated-sprint ability than the same training with long rest periods.  相似文献   

目的:研究前锯肌的力量训练对散打运动员出拳力量的影响。方法:通过以12名散打运动员为实验对象,随机分为实验组和对照组,分别采用传统的力量训练和传统的力量与前锯肌力量结合训练的方式进行8周的实验研究并对其力量训练进行监控,以及运用生物力学等方法对出拳力量进行分析,对实验前后结果进行对比分析。结果:对照组的训练效果呈显著差异(P<0.05),而实验组的训练效果呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01).结论:增强前锯肌的力量训练对运动员的出拳力量有重要的影响。此实验为散打运动员的出拳力量训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

周菲 《精武》2012,(35):31-32
本文通过文献资料珐、实验法和教理统计珐,以西安体育学院2010级20名休闲体育专业的学生为研究对象(A粗【单纯向心收缩】10人,B组【离心+向心收缩】10人),分别采用两种不同肌肉收缩形式进行为期8周的下肢力量训练。实验前后采用瑞士KILSTER9287C型三堆渊力台,对实验对象的静止纵跳、反弹从跳进行动力学分析。  相似文献   

Comparison of 1 and 2 days per week of strength training in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of 1 and 2 days per week of strength training on upper body strength, lower body strength, and motor performance ability in children. Twenty-one girls and 34 boys between the ages of 7.1 and 12.3 years volunteered to participate in this study. Participants strength trained either once per week (n = 22) or twice per week (n = 20) for 8 weeks at a community-based youth fitness center. Each training session consisted of a single set of 10-15 repetitions on 12 exercises using child-size weight machines. Thirteen children who did not strength train served as age-matched controls. One repetition maximum (1RM) strength on the chest press and leg press, handgrip strength, long jump, vertical jump, and flexibility were assessed at baseline and posttraining. Only participants who strength trained twice per week made significantly greater gains in 1RM chest press strength, compared to the control group (11.5 and 4.4% respectively, p < .05). Participants who trained once and twice per week made gains in 1RM leg press strength (14.2 and 24.7%, respectively) that were significantly greater than control group gains (2.4%). On average, participants who strength trained once per week achieved 67% of the 1RM strength gains. No significant differences between groups were observed on other outcome measures. These findings support the concept that muscular strength can be improved during the childhood years and favor a training frequency of twice per week for children participating in an introductory strength training program.  相似文献   

现代三级跳远运动员的速度训练   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭元奇 《体育学刊》2001,8(2):57-59
三级跳远技术由高跳型、平跳型已经发展成速度型。为了适应这种技术,应该重新认识现代三级跳远运动员的速度训练,它包括发展运动员跑的速度(跑的能力、绝对速度、助跑速度)、速度性力量和快速跳跃能力。  相似文献   

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