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在线学习导学体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在线学习过程中导学教师角色职能的泛化,致使其职业化.因此,构建一个由"学科或课程需要分析、学生群组特征分析、导学教师的确立、导学环境的创设、导学活动的设计和导学监控机制"六部分组成的导学体系,可以给导学教师以更加明确的职能定位,从而为学习者提供更加有效的引导和支持.本文在借鉴英国开放大学的在线学习经验,和美国网络课程学习体验的基础上,构建了一个在线导学体系,以期对在线学习或网络课程学习质量的提高有所启示.  相似文献   

导学教师在教学资源建设、学生自主学习、集中实践教学环节和教学质量监控体系中都发挥着重要的作用。开放教育的学生通过导学教师的一体化设计方案获取助学服务,通过流程课表获取教学服务,学校通过流程课表对教学活动实施监控。  相似文献   

钱星星 《文教资料》2009,(4):239-240
开放教育提倡学生自主学习,但学生的"学"离不开教师的"导".本文针对现代远程开放教育条件下的<人类与社会>课程导学工作作了一些探讨,阐述了在学习模式、学习方法、教学资源、教学过程监控等方面如何进行有效导学.  相似文献   

教师对学生的指导和学生向教师的学习,构成基本教学活动。导学流程通过整合教师的指导方式和学生的学习方式,从操作层面改进师生合作行为。它将教师的指导融入到学生执行学习任务的过程中,为营建以学习为中心的课堂生活提供稳定的运作机制。导学流程包括选题、对话、作答与认证等环节,全面回答学习内容怎么呈现、学习力量怎么产生、学习问题怎么解决和学习成果怎么分享等问题。  相似文献   

导学,就是指教师对学生的学习动力、学习方法、交流方式、学习过程、学习效果的关注、组织和指导.导学是一种教学的手段,更是一门教育艺术.  相似文献   

在导学体系中,教师导学必须适应学生的自主学习,运用多种教学媒体,采用多种途径为学生的教学过程服务,只有这样才能够发挥教师的积极作用。  相似文献   

进入初中学习的新生学习方式会有很大的变化。《新课程标准》和当前的素质教育形式要求学生合作学习,教师指导。教师要从预习、课堂学习、巩固练习、作业及知识总结等方面对学生进行指导,在学生进行合作学习中教师也应该对学生进行指导,促使学生在学习中共同进步、共同提高。  相似文献   

教师导学方法的核心在于优化教学过程,形成以学生为中心的教学模式,其目的在于培养学生参与企业和社会生活的决策能力。一、导学教学方法与传统教学方法的区别导学教学方法是建立在改革学生学习过程的基础上,建立以学生学习为中心的一种教学模式。教师导学的目的,在于着重培养学生适应未来社会发展需要的专项能力,以及在环境变化中的信息加工与处理能力、分析和解决问题能力、思辩与创新和再学习能力。导学教学法和传统教学法的主要区别在于:1、传统教学法是以教师为中心,更多的只是注重教的过程,而忽略学生学的过程。尽管课堂上有…  相似文献   

导学式教学法的实践与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代教学过程 ,是教师启发学生积极能动地学会学习的过程。在此过程中 ,教师的主要作用不是灌输知识 ,而是指导学习。利用导学式教法不仅有助于提高学习效率 ,更重要的是能够坚持以学生为主体 ,尊重、发挥学生学习的主观能动性 ,从而为其创设个性发展的空间  相似文献   

语文教师要十分重视培养学生的自学能力,自学是获取知识的主要途径。就学习过程而言,教师只是引路人,学生是学习的真正主体,学习中的大量问题,主要靠自己解决。要以学生为主体,在引导学生自读上狠下工夫。  相似文献   

Process diagrams describe how a system functions (e.g. photosynthesis) and are an important type of representation in Biology education. In the present study, we examined students’ learning activities while studying process diagrams, related to their resulting comprehension of these diagrams. Each student completed three learning tasks. Verbal data and eye-tracking data were collected as indications of students’ learning activities. For the verbal data, we applied a fine-grained coding scheme to optimally describe students’ learning activities. For the eye-tracking data, we used fixation time and transitions between areas of interest in the process diagrams as indices of learning activities. Various learning activities while studying process diagrams were found that distinguished between more and less successful students. Results showed that between-student variance in comprehension score was highly predicted by meaning making of the process arrows (80%) and fixation time in the main area (65%). Students employed successful learning activities consistently across learning tasks. Furthermore, compared to unsuccessful students, successful students used a more coherent approach of interrelated learning activities for comprehending process diagrams.  相似文献   

以素养发展为本的发展性学习发生于学生能动参与的活动之中。发展性学习的过程是学生借助能动改造外部客观世界而能动改造内部主观世界的过程。发展性学习的过程属性集中体现为,学习活动的主体归属是学生,而不是学生之外的他人,学生在学习过程中的主体性具体表现为学习的能动性、独立性和亲历性。发展性学习所特有的过程及其属性,既决定了教师教导的必要性,也决定了教师教导的基本特征。教师教导是使学生成为学习主体并表现学习能动性、独立性和亲历性的条件;为引起和促进学生能动、独立地学习,教师教导在机制、功能及具体方式等方面必须实现相应的转变。发展性学习的过程属性及由其决定的教导过程的特征共同要求,应建立一种以学习为中心的教学结构或教学形态。在学习中心教学中,教师的教导作用主要聚焦于使学生学习成为一种能动、独立的学习,并使这种状态的学习占据教学过程的主要时间和内容空间。  相似文献   


The present study investigates primary school students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) process by exploring the sequence in which SRL activities are conducted during learning. The aims of this study are twofold: investigating the presence of the theoretically hypothesized cyclical nature in students’ SRL process, as well as potential differences herein for high, average, and low achievers. Think-aloud data of 104 upper primary school students were analysed by means of process mining analysis. The results indicate that students commonly adopt a cyclical approach to learning by implementing preparatory, performance, and appraisal activities during learning. However, the results indicate clear differences in the quality of students’ SRL process. High achievers, compared to low and average achievers, show a more strategic and adaptive approach to learning during all phases of their learning process. They more strategically and effectively orient on and plan assignments, combine different cognitive strategies, and adopt self-evaluation to regulate their learning process.


提高大学生的学习策略水平,使他们用良好的学习策略来控制自己的学习过程,成为一个能够真正独立学习,进行终身教育的人,是教学工作的一个重要任务。大学生运用学习策略是极为重要的,教师在教学过程中给予学生学习策略的训练也是十分必要的。  相似文献   

学习心理学认为,学生学习英语的过程,是以学生的整体心理活动为基础的英语认知活动和情智活动不断相互统一的过程。在学习过程中,每个学生个体都具有独特的情感体验。因此,在英语教学过程中要加强学生学习情感的培养与激发,以境激情、以知育情、以情生情、以情优教,从而达到学生对英语的有效学〉--j。  相似文献   

Researchers have recognized the potential of educational computer games in improving students’ learning engagement and outcomes; however, facilitating effective learning behaviors during the gaming process remains an important and challenging issue. In this paper, a collaborative knowledge construction strategy was incorporated into an educational computer game to facilitate students’ knowledge sharing and organizing during the game-based learning process. An experiment was conducted to examine the students’ learning behavioral patterns, group efficacy, and problem-solving awareness. The experimental results revealed that the proposed approach improved the students’ learning achievements and awareness of problem-solving. Moreover, from the analysis of the students’ behavior sequences, it was found that, with the collaborative knowledge construction mechanism, the students revealed significantly more aggressive learning behavioral patterns, such as “comparing and observing the learning targets” and “seeking clues and answers” during the gaming process. This implies that integrating the collaborative knowledge construction mechanism into the gaming process has great potential for helping students effectively learn and organize knowledge as well as fostering their awareness of applying the acquired knowledge to dealing with problems.  相似文献   

作为“互联网+”时代全新的教育理念和学习方式变革,深度学习成为地方本科院校学生学习质量的重要表征。深度学习是高阶思维的认知重构过程,是深度参与的交往互动过程,也是积极投入的主体成长过程。地方本科院校学生从浅层学习到深度学习的演进经历了接受学习、参与学习和创造学习三个阶段。从认知内容、学习动机和社会互动三个维度来看,地方本科院校学生深度学习的实现机制和发展价值是:从原理记忆到项目实践的认知内容高阶化,促进学生文化性发展;从被动接受到主动创新的学习动机内化,促进学生自主性发展;从主客体互动到实践共同体的社会交往深化,促进学生社会性发展。基于此,促进地方本科院校学生深度学习的实践策略为:重视价值观引导和生涯规划、重构充满“获得感”的课程体系、创建学习实践共同体、打造智慧学习生态。  相似文献   

Students’ work in ePortfolios was assessed through a case study supported by observation techniques and eQuestionnaires to gather data from a sample of eighty students over a period of 4 years (20 students per academic year). The main purpose of the study was to explore whether ePortfolios can be used efficiently to support the learning process of postgraduate business students taking a course where finance modules were a major component. The use, role and learning value of integrating ePortfolios into the learning process in a higher education institution was analysed over the period of study. The empirical findings suggest that ePortfolios could be used to facilitate and enhance students’ self-regulated learning. Additionally, the role of the instructor was found to be fundamental during early stages of the learning process to guide and coach students on how to use the tool. This role diminished as students became familiar with the course requirements. Overall, students judged the ePortfolio as being positive to their education, noting a significant improvement in their learning experience when compared to a traditional learning approach. The evidence suggests that ePortfolios could be used to support technical and complex modules in a controlled environment. At the same time, ePortfolios were found to be flexible enough to give students creative space by helping them to integrate their own ideas and views through their learning process. Students were also able to offer their instructors feedback on their learning achievements.  相似文献   

高职英语教学成效如何最终取决于学习主体,即学生的学习过程。通过对高职学生英语学习过程的研究,进一步发现学习成效和正确有效的学习策略之间有着直接的正关系。学习策略对于高职学生学好英语来说至关重要,学生一旦掌握了科学的学习策略,他们的英语学习效率就会明显的提高。高职英语学习策略训练的多途径性是当今高职英语教师面临的一项重要任务,笔者通过对高职英语学习策略训练的多途径性进行研究,希望能对促进现时代高职英语教学做出有益贡献。  相似文献   

文章以经济法课程的实践教学为例,探讨少数民族地区大学生探究式自主学习能力培养存在的问题,并提出少数民族地区大学生探究式自主学习能力培养措施:加强互动交流,激发学生学习积极性;贯彻创新人才培养理念,创新教学模式;结合多媒体教学,重视学生的个性培养;强化过程评价,重视学生的学习过程。  相似文献   

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