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1946年的下关事件,我是目击者。当年,老百姓企求和平,巴望重整被日本侵略者践踏破碎的祖国河山。对进攻各解放区的大战即将全面爆发而焦虑万分。各大城市开展了反对内战的群众运动。运动高潮在上海。上海人民反内战,派代表赴京请愿上海人民团体联合会、上海市学生和平促进会,几经酝酿,联合组织了上海人民和平请愿团,推选马叙伦、蒉延芳、盛丕华、阎宝航、  相似文献   

谷秀青 《兰台世界》2016,(17):98-100
抗日战争结束后,南京国民政府为发动内战,运送大批军队到东北战场。新六军的两名下级军官李涤生、陆中杰正是在此背景下,被迫跟随所在军队从上海乘坐美国军舰远赴东北战场。怀有忧国忧民思想的李、陆二人,反对内战,渴望和平,希望建立一个"富强康乐"的新中国,但是这种希望最终被南京国国民政府"假和平、真内战"的企图所击破,二人被迫充当了南京国民政府发动内战的工具,这违背了二人的初衷,也违背了战后大多数国人对于和平的渴望,最终其命运与南京国民政府一样被历史所淹没。  相似文献   

1946年的下关事件,我是目击者.当年,老百姓企求和平,巴望重整被日本侵略者践踏破碎的祖国河山,对进攻各解放区的大战即将全面爆发而焦虑万分.各大城市开展了反对内战的群众运动.运动高潮在上海.  相似文献   

<正>1995年12月14日,巴黎和平会议签署通过了《代顿和平协定》,正式名称为《波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那之间的和平总体框架协议》,标志着波黑之间长达4年之久的内战停火,为北约联盟开辟了一个新纪元——新伙伴关系与维和成为北约向"后冷战时代"转变的中心。联合国安全理事会1031号决议支持  相似文献   

1946年初,旧政治协商会议闭幕伊始,国民党反动派就在重庆一手制造了较场口事件。这是一起反共、反民主、反人民的严重事件。围绕这一事件,中国土地上层开了一场民主与反民主的激烈斗争。 一、事件之前 在1945年重庆谈判中,国共两党签订了《双十协定》,蒋介石表面上接受了中国共产党提出的和平团结的方针,同意结束“训政”,迅速召开政治协商会议,讨论和平建国方案和各项重要问题。但是,蒋介石并非真的放弃了打内战的方针,他不断命令国民党军队进攻解放区。  相似文献   

1946年4月,国民党军队向东北解放区发动大规模进攻,全面内战一触即发。此时,国共谈判仍在进行,谈判地点由重庆移至南京。为争取和平,在上海地下党的推动下,6月18日上海各民主党派和爱国民主人士组成“上海人民和平请愿团”,准备赴南京请愿,呼吁和平,反对内战。上海各大、中学校也纷纷成立反内战团体。6月19日,“上海学生争取和平联合会”成立,发表宣言,要求美军撤出中国,永久停止内战,并在全市学生中开展反内战签名运动,组织学生到上海北火车站欢送请愿团代表晋京,进行反内战宣传活动等。本辑史料选录了上海学生“和平联”及部分学生反内战团体的宣传材料,供研究者参考。档号D1-1876,由杨雅伦整理。  相似文献   

《广州日报》通过精心策划于党的生日前夕隆重推出"红色足迹在广东"、"领袖在广州"、"纪念西藏和平解放60周年"三个大型新闻报道。这些报道既有政治高度,又突出了广东和广州的地域特色,既有历史的纵深感,又有鲜明的时代气息,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

民主建国军忆往我访问过几个国民党将军,印象都不好。1946年10月30日,民主建国军总司令高树勋将军率部起义一周年,我奉命访问,耳目一新. 1945年9月,日本侵略者的炮火刚刚停息,蒋介石立即步其后尘,向解放区进攻。10月下旬,蒋军四十军、三十军、新八军等三个军,强渡(?)河,继续北犯,被我包围于磁县马头地区。国民党政府十一战区副司令长官兼新八军军长高树勋将军战场起义,宣言反对内战,主张和平。四十军、三十军顽抗,被我全部歼灭。起义部队成立民主建国军,高任总司令。在蒋介石气焰熏天,妄想一口吞掉解放区之际,高树勋振臂一呼,大有石破天惊之势,在全国人民、蒋党蒋政府特别是蒋军中产生了巨大影响,中共中央高度评价,号召开展“高树勋运动”,打击蒋介石发动全面内战的阴谋。此后,遇有关系和平、内战,民主、独裁的大事,民主建国军总要发表意见,反对内战、独裁,主张和平、民主。这个部队的动向,为全国人民所关心。  相似文献   

南北朝时期长兴人陈武帝(陈霸先)兵解广州之围的事件,由于《陈书》记载不详,宋朝司马光在编辑这一事件时,在时间上出现了差错;近年历史普及著作《二十五史新编.陈书》出现了更大错误:作者把"交州之乱"与"广州之围"混在一道,变得夹杂不清。文章通过对陈霸先兵解广州之围前后的史料分析,以纠正两书的误编,还交州平叛的历史本来面目。  相似文献   

1993年1月21日下午2时42分左右,北京新华社国际新闻发稿中心的电脑屏幕上突然跳出了一条消息:中国新华社的一位记者在索马里首都摩加迪沙遭一伙身份不明者的袭击,身负重伤。这位受伤的记者就是41岁的新华社非洲总分社副社长刘江,到这一天,他累计在索马里战区的时间已超过30天。饮血沙场 1月20日这天,作为新华社战地记者,刘江的收获可以说已很丰盛。三进索马里,他写了大量的报道,诸如《我们最需要的是和平》、《美法军队将打开通往巴德拉地面通道》、《索马里灾情缓解》、《索马里对立两派达成新的和平协议》、《索马里再次发生部族冲突》等。但他一直希望能直接采访内战两大派的领导人,直接获取、报道他们对索马里局势的看法和他们的主张。几经周折之后,索内战两方之  相似文献   

在五四新文化运动前后频繁的学术、思想论争中,一些知识分子开始产生了关于论争规范的意识;这也影响到他们所参加参与的报刊编辑业务。这些思考和实践,是我们今天重建论争规范的宝贵思想资源。  相似文献   

五四运动至抗战爆发我国图书馆事业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了1919~1937年我国图书馆事业的发展,图书馆学教育的开展,中华图书馆协会的建立以及图书馆学学术研究的进展情况等。  相似文献   

The dictatorship that ruled Greece between 1967–74 hadlasting consequences on the country's political culture. FromWorld War II and the Greek civil war until the dictatorship'scollapse, pro-Western, anti-communist, pro-business, sociallytraditional values had dominated public opinion. The dramaticfall of the dictatorship amidst a ‘national tragedy’made it a scapegoat and made what it stood for very unpopularespecially among the younger generation. So, when the lattercame of age, it contributed to the emergence of a new set ofvalues that were anti-rights, anti-Western, anti-business, anti-traditionalistand even historically revisionist, and were majoritrian in the1980s. These values have been so strongly entrenched that neitherthe Panhellenic Socialist Movement's (PASOK's) poor record inpower, nor the indictment of some of its leaders for seriousscandals in 1989, nor even the emergence, under PASOK rule,of a new more moderate generation, have helped the right toregain the absolute majority of the votes so to govern the country,although it has led to a partial moderation of the radical ‘juntageneration’.  相似文献   

This study expands on the work in operationalizing Johan Galtung's classification of peace journalism and war journalism by describing and comparing the news coverage of three Asian conflicts—India and Pakistan's dispute over Kashmir, the Tamil Tigers movement in Sri Lanka, and the Indonesian civil wars in Aceh and Maluku. By including vernacular newspapers in the analysis, this study adds to a research locus that has largely been ignored. A content analysis of 1,973 stories from 16 English-language and vernacular newspapers suggests that, overall, peace journalism as an alternative to traditional war reporting is subject to a body of structural limitations that have not been previously addressed. Media and institutional constraints in the form of story characteristics such as language, story type, and production source as well as contextual variables such as a conflict's length and intensity shape the patterns of war/peace journalism framing. The findings suggest that structural changes are needed for peace journalism to evolve into a viable, mainstream approach to news coverage of war and conflict.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to analyze the extent to which the visual coverage of the final stages (April/May 2009) of the long-lasting Sri Lankan Civil War relied on war and peace frames. Based on the revolutionary conceptual work of Norwegian scholar Johan Galtung, who viewed war and peace journalism as two competing frames in covering conflicts and wars, we examined news photographs available from Associated Press (AP), Reuters, and Getty/Agence France-Press (AFP). To date, this topic has been discussed from mostly normative viewpoints, and only little research combined the peace journalism concept with visual framing and/or the role of newswires as gatekeeper of information. We tested this concept empirically by using content analysis of editorial news photographs of the conflict in the three leading Western newswires. By and large, our results suggest that overall visual coverage of the conflict waxed and waned over time, but was primarily driven by visuals originated in the Sinhalese-dominated regions of Sri Lanka. Further, newswires are serving very different purposes and news markets: the AP–and to a lesser extent also Getty/AFP–with their focus on external events (therefore qualifying for peace journalism) and Reuters with a stronger focus on the conflict itself (thus qualifying for war journalism). Overall, the stock photo agency Getty/AFP was found to be the newswire that is most likely to provide media outlets with photographs highlighting peace frames, with the most balanced coverage between the two conflict parties and a particular emphasis on peace demonstrations worldwide, negotiations and summit meetings.  相似文献   

鼓词是一种大众化的中国文艺形式,抗日战争时期人们通过通俗的鼓词创作来表达对战争的厌恶、对和平的渴望、对知识的追求,见证了抗战对中国的影响。梳理抗战时期的鼓词文献85种,从鼓词作品内容着手对抗战鼓词进行分类,总结其特色及价值,利用SWOT分析法探讨抗战时期颇具特色的鼓词文献的开发策略。  相似文献   

《中国图书馆分类法》第4版连续复分若干问题的探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
分析和探讨《中国图书馆分类法》第4版“D925.1/.7各类诉讼法”(中国)和“中国时代表”类目展开后在连续复分时所存在的问题,并提出解决方法。  相似文献   

An annotated bibliography of approximately 50 U.S. and Canadian magazines, newsletters, and journals with a focus on the guest for peace. Divided into four categories: (l) "For All Libraries"; (2) "Professionally-Oriented"; (3) "Academic and Research Libraries"; (4) "Grassroots/Activist." The majority of the titles fall into the last group. Includes a brief introduction discussing the value of adding these periodicals to library collections. Contends that they will enable libraries to help their users both in research activities and in their personal struggles to deal with the threat of nuclear war in a positive, constructive way.  相似文献   

论文针对《中图法》(第4版)总论复分表中存在的主表与总论复分表类目重复、“-05与其他学科的关系”专指度差等问题进行了分析,并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

文章就《中图法》第四版、《中图法(第四版)使用手册》及有关论著涉及的“I212/217中国各时代文学作品集”类目分类标引方法和相关例证,进行了类比分析。通过具体实例,对照说明了若干著名图书馆对“I212/217”类文献的分类标引情况,同时,就自己的理解,谈了一点看法和建议。  相似文献   

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