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模糊限制语在交际过程中具有不可或缺的地位。拟就模糊限制语的定义、分类以及在政治语篇中的语用功能做出分析,得出结论:政治语篇中,模糊限制语具有保全面子,增强说服力,赢取认同与支持,避免承担责任,进行自我保护等人际功能。  相似文献   
乔霞 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(6):119-120
通过黄巾起义发家的曹操,在不断地战争中有了统一天下的愿望。由于曹操的谋略、品行和军事才能,在其周围聚集了一批文臣武将,在他们的协助下,曹操的队伍不断地发展壮大,形成了独立的政权。建安元年,曹操建都许昌,以许昌为基点展开了统一天下的一系列军事征伐。曹魏政权对许昌也进行了一定的开发,一方面促进了许昌经济的发展,另一方面也为曹魏统一北方奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors that affect undergraduates' behavioral intention to use digital library among the private universities in Malaysia. The target respondents are undergraduates from Malaysian private universities. Questionnaires were distributed among 500 undergraduates through either online or face-to-face method. Reliability test, normality test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient analysis, and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) were carried out for data analysis. Performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, habit, and information quality had a positive and significant association with behavioral intention to adopt a digital library except for effort expectancy. This research successfully reinforced that the inspiration to ameliorate Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) by synthesis of Information Systems Success Model (ISSM). This proposed framework with a combination of ISSM and UTAUT 2 has enhanced the fitness of UTAUT 2. Universities that have yet to implement digital library can comprehend undergraduates' needs better by considering all the significant factors to develop a digital library. The universities with the digital library may also notice the important features of the existing digital library that should be maintained and upgraded constantly so that they can fulfil undergraduates' requirements.  相似文献   
互联网作为当代获取信息的基本手段之一,不仅仅作为通信工具而存在,更重要的是时刻影响着当代大学生的行为处事方式、世界观、人生观、价值观乃至日常生活。然而互联网也是一把“双刃剑”,在给大学生们的生活带来便捷的同时,也占据了大学生的大量时间,在虚拟的世界当中思想处于悬空状态,心无安处,强烈的“孤独感”油然而生。如何利用好网络的优势,完善当代大学生的网络生活,同时减轻他们的“孤独感”,使其身心健康发展是我们亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
论文结合当前郑州市高校的实际情况,采用调查、数理统计、逻辑分析等科研方法对郑州市部分高校羽毛球开展现状进行了调研,对高校羽毛球课程开设进行探讨。  相似文献   
张巧 《美育学刊》2021,(2):78-83
在中西方绘画史上,肖像画发展的程度截然不同,作为西方绘画主要类型的肖像画,在中国绘画史上却没有独立的位置。可以说,“肖像画的诞生”是一个现代性事件,只有足够成熟的现代化社会才能为其提供存在的普遍性条件——自主性精神。通过比较中西肖像画所植根的文化系统,可以展现肖像画作为现代性的文化表征所包含的双重性,它既显示了其所植根的那种普遍性的条件——文化现代性,同时也展示了现代性的自主化精神在艺术中的内在化——审美现代性。可以说,肖像画作为一个特殊的艺术门类,表征了普遍的现代性精神在文化和艺术中的同源共生。  相似文献   
本文以鄱阳湖生态经济区中的6个城市作为研究对象,选取综合指标层、评价指标层、考核指标层三个层次构件鄱阳湖生态经济区可持续发展指标体系,并查阅相关的统计资料获取相应的指标值,用统计软件SPSS进行数据处理与分析,借助粗糙集中的知识分类思想和指标约简原理提取关键指标,并对其进行重要度的计算来确定权重,从而对鄱阳湖生态经济区可持续发展进行实证评价。  相似文献   
程巧 《科技广场》2014,(8):145-149
本文从数字档案馆网络用户视角出发,以问卷调查数据为基础,客观分析了用户参与数字档案馆评价的几个维度,进一步分析及确认影响数字档案馆品质的馆藏、技术、服务、管理四个因素十个指标,通过对数字档案馆用户评价体系的构建,进一步指导数字档案馆的规划与建设工作。  相似文献   
基于引文分析的3D打印技术研究主题发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用汤森路透公司的Web of Science数据库,以1994-2014年出版文献中关于3D打印技术的8000多篇文献为数据源,借助Histcite和Pajek软件分析3D打印技术引文编年图和研究主路径,判断3D打印技术的研究主题发展趋势。研究结果对于把握当前研究重点和预测未来研究方向提供了依据。  相似文献   
Thermotaxis has been demonstrated to be an important criterion for sperm evaluation, yet clinical assessment of thermotaxis capacity is currently lacking. In this article, the on-chip thermotaxis evaluation of human sperm is presented for the first time using an interfacial valve-facilitated microfluidic device. The temperature gradient was established and accurately controlled by an external temperature gradient control system. The temperature gradient responsive sperm population was enriched into one of the branch channels with higher temperature setting and the non-responsive ones were evenly distributed into the two branch channels. We employed air-liquid interfacial valves to ensure stable isolation of the two branches, facilitating convenient manipulation of the entrapped sperm. With this device, thermotactic responses were observed in 5.7%-10.6% of the motile sperm moving through four temperature ranges (34.0-35.3 °C, 35.0-36.3 °C, 36.0-37.3 °C, and 37.0-38.3 °C, respectively). In conclusion, we have developed a new method for high throughput clinical evaluation of sperm thermotaxis and this method may allow other researchers to derive better IVF procedure.  相似文献   
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