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面对经济全球化引发的农业国际化竞争带来的机遇和挑战 ,并针对中国农业发展中存在的主要问题 ,提出 :中国农业发展需要坚持市场化的改革 ,才能适应当今农业国际化竞争的形势。这是艰巨的、复杂的、系统的工程 ,是全方位的工作。为此 ,要在土地使用制度与户籍管理等诸多方面进行一系列的创新 ,以提高中国农业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   
Can a floating collection thrive in a large multicampus academic research library? Floating collections have been successful in public libraries for some time, but it is uncommon for academic libraries and unheard of for a large academic library system. This article will discuss the investigation into the feasibility of a floating collection at Penn State University Libraries, its implementation, and continuation for a period covering 2009 through 2015. Attaining the floating collection, limited to monographs in the general stacks of campus libraries, proved to be easier to implement than imagined and resulted in unintended benefits as well as some surprises.  相似文献   
公元前三世纪左右,日本进入弥生文化时期。弥生文化是比绳纹文化更为进步的一种新文化,水稻的栽培和铁器的开始应用是其主要特点。许多中日两国学者怀着对弥生文化自然演进的怀疑和通过对考古发掘遗物、遗迹的研究,认为日本的弥生文化是中国移民携带的大陆新文化要素促使形成的。在这一作用过程中,中国移民做出了不可磨灭的贡献。公元前二、三世纪,大批的中国人进入日本列岛。与此同时,他们向日本传入了从中国大陆带来的稻种、铁器、青铜器和水稻栽培技术及金属器具冶炼技术等,使日本由绳纹文化进入到弥生文化,对日本的社会发展产生了重大影响。  相似文献   
论述了中西方思维方式的差异及其对翻译的影响。首先论述了中西方思维方式的差异,其差异主要表现在对具象思维与抽象思维,综合型思维与分析型思维,本体型思维与客体型思维,求同思维与求异思维等四个方面,然后分别论述各个方面对汉英翻译的影响,并用《红楼梦》两个译本中的一些例子来论证其影响。  相似文献   
This study examined how one academic framed the enablements and constraints to her project of being and becoming an academic. Complexity facilitated reflection in that it provided a visual representation of data, which was used to generate a concept map, which represented as equal all the component parts of her landscape. Five spaces with emancipatory potential to assist the academic in her professional development emerged, namely: communities of practice, academic freedom, position statements, development opportunities and a supportive environment. Rather than suggesting any generalisability in the findings, the authors argue that the significance of this study is theoretical and methodological. Complexity theory has the potential to help academic development practitioners understand the landscapes in which their academics operate, and guide appropriate development opportunities.  相似文献   
进化史观的传播,新史学思潮的初步确立,冲击着传统学术史的编纂方式。进入二十世纪后,摆脱由纪传体史书演化而来的学案体学术史束缚,编撰崭新的章节体学术史,成为历史编撰学的重要课题。在建构中国学术史的新体系的历程中,出现了象梁启超著的《论中国学术史变迁之大势》,刘师培的《周末学术史序》,章太炎的《清儒》、《学隐》、《学变》等用新观点、新方法写成的学术史著作,开创了学术史研究的新境界。本文主要对梁启超著的《论中国学术史变迁之大势》做较为系统的分析,兼顾对其他用新观点写出的学术史著作进行阐释。  相似文献   
彭桂萼的边疆论著,是当前研究西南边疆有价值的历史资料之一,也是云南的重要文献之一。他的研究克服了前代学者研究滇西南囿于书本的局限,以实地履勘与文献考证相结合,著述真实可信。综观他的边疆论著,具有明显的爱国爱乡的思想倾向;实地调查,创新体例;认清边疆形势,加强边防建设;风土人情,记载周详的特点。  相似文献   
为了管理集中部署的远端服务器,系统管理员需要采用远程管理方式。云南广播电视大学教务管理系统采用SSH安全外壳协议对Linux服务器进行远程管理,利用Windows远程桌面工具完成对Windows服务器的远程管理是两种简单易行、安全可靠的远程管理方法。  相似文献   
西汉由弱到强,更由盛转衰,寻找其变化原因多种,其中一最重要原因是其官制设置与变化的合理与否,自古以来,许多人称赞汉唐盛世。进而赞美西汉官制的总体合理;当然亦有不少人,甚至当时人也指出其官制的局部不合理和弊端。文章亦就西汉官制所处时期及六次改革观察,大略陈述、评论其合理的地方、合理的时候,不合理的地方、不合理的时候,以及坏乱地步:略说西汉官制在当时的积极及消极作用,对后世的影响。  相似文献   
Students who engage in challenging behaviour compromise the fundamental ability of schools to educate children. Consequently, teachers face the daunting task of designing effective strategies to promote positive educational outcomes for their students. Since the 1997 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act amendments, the use of positive behaviour supports (PBS) to address the behavioural needs of children challenged by disabilities has expanded. There is evidence to support the utility of PBS in reducing challenging behaviour among students. However, successful schools are also gauged by the academic achievement of their students. Hence, it is important to examine the extent to which behavioural outcomes are related to academic outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which PBS interventions aimed at reducing challenging behaviour result in corresponding improvement in academic achievement. A meta‐analysis of extant research indicated a positive correlation of 0.40 between improvement in problem behaviour and academic achievement. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at: http://youtu.be/c9OUU0GkGrw .  相似文献   
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