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论后现代小说中的"孤独"情结   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以后现代小说文本中凸显的“孤独”感作为主题 ,以美国塞林格《麦田里的守望者》、日本村上春树《挪威的森林》和上海卫慧的《上海宝贝》为审视对象 ,将这三部不同国度、不同时期的后现代主义代表作并列 ,通过对作品文本和作家独特的审美追求的分析 ,来具体讨论“孤独”情结的形成原因。  相似文献   
2011年,中国散打选手上官鹏飞KO不治身亡,通过这个案例来分析竞技体育中搏击场上惨剧发生的原因,主要是竞技场上的"战争思维"和参与赛事者对赛事安全事宜缺乏理性思考.指出国内搏击场上出现的问题和纰漏:商业比赛的噱头、防护手段的缺失、运动员比赛保险的不完善都是惨剧发生时各种细节的不注重.惨剧的发生告诫我们不论竞技体育比赛中运动员本身的保护、裁判系统的确认还是在举办赛事的主办方和医疗保障方面,我们需要注重的细节还有很多.  相似文献   
伴随着上世纪的婴儿潮步入适婚年龄,母婴市场开始成为新的增长点。母婴期刊作为专业权威的育儿信息的传播媒介,成为年轻妈妈的选择。本文从优势、劣势、机遇和威胁四个方面,分析母婴期刊的发展现状,为我国同类期刊的发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

To determine the resources baby boomers use or develop to strategise successful engagement as later life university students, informal semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 Australian baby boomers. The phenomenological data was analysed, themes identified and aligned with the volition phase stages of the adapted Health Action Process Approach model. Interviewees displayed varying levels of self-efficacy and coping strategies. Having a sense of purpose and involvement in the social environment of a university appears to create positive functioning that can contribute to healthy ageing and well-being. The findings from this study could assist university administrators and policy makers to develop strategies to attract and support this niche sector of university students.  相似文献   
试论学校武术的现状与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中华武术是我国传统文化的重要组成部分,但在学校体育教学中的地位远不及田径、篮球等项目,本文通过调查分析,指出在当前的学校素质教育中,更新教学内容后的学校武术教育,将会有广阔的前景.  相似文献   
文章采用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法对少林武术的发展阶段及其指导思想在一定程度上进行了概括、总结。旨在阐明少林武术各个发展时期的主导思想是随着历史前进的车轮与社会发展的步伐不断在进行变更、丰富、完善的,以适应自身发展的需要和社会发展的需要,表明少林武术自古以来就有着“与时俱进”的文化底蕴和优良传统。  相似文献   
《小虎娃儿童文学精品丛书》汇辑了当代湖南优秀的12位儿童文学作家的佳作,集中展示了湖南儿童文学创作的重要成就,也较为鲜明地折射出当代湖南儿童文学的创作特色:坚守儿童本位立场,具有浓郁的生活实感:善于从经典作品中吸取营养,提升审美境界;显示出鲜明的湖湘文化底蕴和浓郁的区域风情色彩。  相似文献   

This paper discusses contradictory imperatives in contemporary Australian pedagogy – the notions of ‘controversy’ and ‘diversity’ as they relate the subjects of genders and sexualities. It is a common view that both gender and sexuality are important organising features of identity, society and politics. Consistent effort is made in the Australian educational context to combat discrimination, prejudice against sexually, and gender ‘diverse’ people. However, the state’s commitment to diversity policies must be balanced with a secondary focus on appeasing those who are hostile to non-heteronormative expression, or who view such expression as inherently ‘political’ in nature and therefore inappropriate for the school setting. Australia has arguably demonstrated this dilemma recently in two notable controversies: an intervention in planned school screenings of Gayby Baby, a documentary exploring the experience of children in same-sex families, and media furore over the trans-positive All of Us teaching kit. Using these case studies, this paper explores the competing imperatives of controversy and diversity, commenting on the tendency for the lives and experiences of LGBTIQ people becoming consequently politicised. To do so, is arguably detrimental to the meaningful participation of LGBTIQ people as social citizens.  相似文献   
"长春盗车弑婴"事件经由大众媒体与微博的发酵迅速升级为受关注的新闻事件。通过分析网易新闻对此事件的报道,发现以网易新闻为代表的网络媒体能够兼顾多方立场,重视权威媒体报道,及时反映政府的实际举措,表达民情民意,体现了良好的社会责任感,积极推进了事件的良性发展。更为重要的是,网络媒体报道传递了正义的能量,呼唤人们对人性的思考和对真善美的追求。  相似文献   
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