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基于伦理学视角,阐述高尔夫运动所引发的潜在矛盾,诠释环境正义的内涵,并从种际正义、代内正义和代际正义3个维度分析环境正义在高尔夫运动中的应然体现。认为高尔夫运动可持续发展观与环境正义理念相契合,环境正义为高尔夫运动可持续发展提供道德支持和伦理动力。通过树立环境伦理观、建立和完善相关制度、确定评价标准、加强执法和监督等策略来实现环境正义,促进高尔夫运动的可持续发展。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和访谈法回顾我国(大陆地区,下同)高尔夫赛事发展的历程,分析高尔夫赛事开发的意义,以及制约我国高尔夫赛事发展的因素,主要有政策限制、经济落后等宏观因素,也有球会规模小和分布不均、行业协会职能局限、高尔夫人才匮乏等微观因素。在此基础上,对我国高尔夫球赛事的开发提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
高尔夫运动在我国发展迅速,经济发达地区高校已经将其引入体育领域,但在经济欠发达地区却相对滞后。通过对高尔夫运动的文化特征、体育特征和高校高尔夫体育课程进行分析,认为应该在经济欠发达地区高校体育领域广泛开展高尔夫运动以促进高校体育教学内容的改革。  相似文献   
文章研究基于单项旅游资源的城市旅游形象定位设计方法,并以海口为例,论述海口将城市旅游形象定位为“中国高尔夫之城”的过程,探讨“中国高尔夫之城”城市形象定位的塑造与传播,期望对其他城市的旅游形象定位提供借鉴。  相似文献   
我国高尔夫发展面临人才数量供需不足、人才素养参差不齐两个重要瓶颈,其核心在于传统“体教结合”、“课内外一体化”、“校企结合”办学模式固化、培养途径单一、培养目标模糊,所培养的人才无法满足社会需求。本文通过对我国高校高尔夫专业办学现状调查分析,融合多种办学思想,探究出“校-企”、“校-校”、“校-中高协-体育赛事方”多元合作模式下的办学新思路,通过多元化联合培养,针对性的塑造高尔夫需求人才,提升学校培养质量,为我国高尔夫运动的健康发展提供支持和帮助。  相似文献   
高尔夫运动越来越受到国人的关注,不仅是因为它代表着一种绅士运动和休闲方式,而且也因为它在发展当中所表现出来的种种问题时刻牵动人心。本文通过对北京高尔夫运动及室内练习场的现状调查,对其进行了SWOT分析研究,并提出了合理化的发展策略。  相似文献   
通过文献资料法、数理统计法、比较法和逻辑分析法,对男子高尔夫奥运会重点球员在2014年世锦赛中的成绩和技术排名进行统计分析,结合梁文冲、吴阿顺2014年日巡赛的技术统计,以及他们在近三届世锦赛中临场发挥的变化规律,分析他们的技术特征和竞技特点。研究结果表明:在主场和客场参加比赛的过程中,每轮推杆数和沙坑救球率最容易受到球场的影响。梁文冲和吴阿顺的技术特征较相似,而李昊桐的技术特征与他们相反。吴阿顺在近几届世锦赛中不断调整,总结每天的临场发挥,取得了很大的进步;梁文冲在2014年世锦赛中发挥失常,需要加强竞技心理方面的训练;新生代职业球员李昊桐,多项技术成绩达到世界一流水平,成绩提升空间较大,但在第三天的比赛中发挥失常,需要认真分析研究。  相似文献   
Jie Zhang 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(12-13):1356-1368

This article explores Chinese chui wan from its earliest manifestation during the Tang Dynasty, through its development, prosperity, and decline during the Qing Dynasty. The similarities and differences between chui wan and early forms of golf in Scotland are compared from a cross-cultural perspective to explore the relationship between these two cultural phenomena. While the two games had very different origins and there is no clear evidence of exposure to chui wan in Scotland, the games themselves were remarkably similar in terms of rules, equipment, venues, and player roles. It is not understood why chui wan disappeared from Chinese society, but it is likely that the development and organizational support of the two games, as well as the cultural and political contexts in which they existed, have resulted in different trajectories for Chinese chui wan and golf. Whilst chui wan has faded away, golf has become a popular game around the world.  相似文献   

Since golf was introduced to South Korea in the early 1900s, it has been strongly influenced by the politics that reflects socio-political contexts. Therefore, it is important to explore the political influences of golf on the context of its socio-political transformation. In this study, we explored how social and political backgrounds under each of the political administrations have affected the development of golf in South Korea. For this purpose, we utilized the socio-historical approach through document analysis to summarize the golf-related policy stances of nine presidential administrations from the Syngman Rhee government (1948–1960) to Park Geun-hye government (2013–2017). As a result, the Syngman Rhee administration pursued the construction of golf courses to bolster national security. The military regimes of Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan constructed golf courses as a means of cementing support among military circles to establish political legitimacy, and also as a means of diplomacy. The Roh Tae-woo administration initiated a construction boom in golf courses to promote sports for all. The Kim Young-sam administration announced a ‘no golf’ stance, while Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun-both of whom had roots in the opposition-strove to encourage golf as a means of embracing their conservative counterparts while also diluting their progressive and contrarian image. Lee Myung-bak included golf among the core strategic tourist industries, while his successor, Park Geun-hye, first prohibited public officers from playing golf before pivoting to a supportive stance later on in her administration.  相似文献   
运用文献资料、实地调查法与专家访谈、理论分析和实证分析相结合的方法,对我国南方7个代表性的度假型高尔夫球场市场化运作特征进行了调查。在综合分析其现状基础上,结合当前高尔夫市场总体状况,就其进一步发展的发展策略提出以下建议:度假型高尔夫球场发展应加强高尔夫宣传,认识大众高尔夫休闲文化理念;与旅游、休闲度假地建设结合起来,形成彼此促进、良性互动关系;配套完善度假型球场软硬件设施,拓展客户来源;优化球场运作和管理,建立健全的企业运营机制,提高服务品质;加大球场营销措施力度,实现营销模式多元化;加快球场经营人才培养的发展策略。  相似文献   
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