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This article begins by detailing some of the key ideas behind the concept of peers helping peers. The history of peer support schemes in the UK and of the author's particular and important role in this development are explored. The use of Re-Evaluation Counselling in this model is described. She also details the processes of setting up and sustaining peer support schemes in schools. The factors that are key to these processes are identified and exemplified via case studies.  相似文献   
为探讨美国高等教育发达背后的动力,本文通过人口统计特征、专业领域、个人成就与机构声望四个维度对美国四年制大学中在美国出生与在外国出生的教授发表的同行评审期刊文章进行比较。结果表明,在外国出生的教授发表的同行评审期刊文章数超过在美国出生的教授。可见,美国高等教育的强大在很大程度上归功于他们引进的杰出人才。如果中国将作为大国崛起,美国引进杰出人才的经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   
大学是人类社会进步的产物,也是人类社会发展的“动力站”。历史地看,任何一个国家只要有一流大学的兴起,那么这个国家就会在不长的时间内成为世界强国。世界一流大学的内涵非常丰富,表现形式多样,它不仅是一个动态性与比较性概念,也是一个类体性与综合性概念。与一般大学相比,世界一流大学有自己独具的标志,本质上表征为实力优势、贡献优势及良好国际声誉的有机统一。作为人类社会发展的“动力站”,世界一流大学本身是一个多动力系统,其演化与形成是系统内外多种作用力合力的结果。  相似文献   
以洛阳出土的唐代景教石刻《幢记》中的“举大事”为引子,结合唐代墓志中的其它语料,从语言学的角度进行考察,梳理出“举大事”的词义演变过程,得出“举大事”有“定葬”义,并揭示其内在的文化意义。  相似文献   
本文着重介绍了陕西南部石泉县城关方言的声韵调、语音特点和同音字汇.  相似文献   
Online lectures have been used in lieu of live lectures in our gross anatomy and embryology course for the past eight years. We examined patterns of online lecture use by our students and related that use to academic entry measures, gender and examination performance. Detailed access records identified by student were available from server logs. Total views per page of lecture material increased over the first six years, then decreased markedly between years seven and eight, possibly due to the recent availability of alternate forms of lecture audio. Lecture use peaked in midafternoon and again in the evening, although some use was seen at all hours. Usage was highest at midweek and lowest on Fridays as might be expected. Individual student's use varied widely from rates equivalent to less than one viewing/page to more than three viewings per page. Overall use by male students was greater than that of females and gender‐specific differences in the daily pattern were seen. Lecture use was correlated to the Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) Verbal Reasoning and Physical Sciences scores but not to composite MCAT scores or undergraduate grade point average. Overall use appeared to be driven by scheduled team‐based learning (TBL) sessions and major examinations. Specific subsets of lecture material were most often viewed before related TBL sessions and again during review for examinations. A small but significant correlation between lecture use and examination and course performance was seen, specifically in the male student population. These findings, along with earlier observations, suggest that varied use of online lectures is attributable to multiple factors. Anat Sci Educ © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
A focus on the interaction between cognitive schemas and context in situ has been suggested as fundamental in organizational decision making and information interpretation. Past research suggests that the situation and the social interaction that occur during learning at the cognitive level consist of factors that affect the process, but the research lacks a coherent explanation for how those factors affect it. We propose a conceptualization of learning, termed situated learning, which accounts for these factors. By drawing on situated cognition theory, social learning theory, and the theory of mental models, we identify and measure four components of situated learning, that is, thematic focus, cognitive absorption, social structure, and participation. Among the most important lessons for researchers and practitioners is the need to consider learning as a constellation of the four components instead of an indivisible phenomenon. This perspective can enhance our understanding of cognitive processes, such as information interpretation and decision making.  相似文献   
Arthur Sutherland Neill is one of the most debated personalities among the representatives of the classic reform pedagogy, due to his pedagogical concept and its practical realization, and his Summerhill School, equally. He is often mentioned during public debates, where mostly the "three S"--"sex, swearing and smoking", are existing as subject of the debates. While analyzing publications about Summerhill School appearing in Hungarian and German pedagogical special literature and press, a kind of polarized attitude has been realized towards the conceptions and school: Some talk about him admiringly; others criticize him while emphasizing the concept's drawbacks and unique features.  相似文献   
战后美国从其全球战略出发,在其主导下对日本进行了改革,随着冷战和美苏争霸的全面展开,美国对日政策由抑制改为扶植,减轻对日惩罚,对日改革半途而废,可以说美国的战后政策与日本右翼势力泛起密不可分;日本右翼势力再度泛起,对亚太和平特别是东北亚区域安全构成了潜在的威胁。  相似文献   
在改革开放30多年来,我国基础教育中的体育课发生翻天覆的变化,而随着近几年经济的快速增长,家长为子女的消费也在增加,导致学生的身体素质出现了明显下降,自私、抗挫折能力弱、嫉妒心强等一系列问题。这不仅与家庭教育有一定因素,同时学校对学生的教育也存在很大的影响。希望通过本论文的阐述可以让以往的"健康第一"教学模式向"团结、挑战"的思维转变。本文采用文献资料法对"健康第一"的教育思想进行研究,阐述当今学生对"团结、挑战"的需求,从而尊重学生个性特点、兴趣爱好、生活习惯、心理健康水平。  相似文献   
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