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历史是通过人的活动创造的,历史又有着自己的规律,人是在自己意识支配下活动的,历史却并不完全遵照人的意识。马克思主义不到人以外寻找历史规律,却又把人置于历史规律即生产力发展进程之中。人是生产力的创造者,生产力又创造着人。  相似文献   
This small-scale research study looks at the PSHE/Citizenship framework and the opportunities for student teachers to understand and experience within school the relationship between values, personal and social development and learning. A questionnaire was given to two sets of student teachers on their final school-based placements. The research suggests that there needs to be greater recognition of the centrality of multi-cultural awareness and understanding within the political literacy section of the PSHE/Citizenship framework. This is the counterpart to a previous study of the opportunities for values education within the university-based elements of Primary Initial Teacher Education ( Mead, 2003 ).  相似文献   
The paper discusses elements of the findings of 'Iceberg', a doctoral study at the University of York addressing many issues of child bereavement through a retrospective study of nearly one hundred individuals who had either experienced the death of a parent when they were at school, or were the surviving parent of such a child. The research revealed issues of lack of control and information for children after a parental death. Forty-seven per cent of those in the study attended the funeral of their parent. There was correlation between the age of children and attendance at the funeral. Of the fifty-three per cent of children not attending, twenty-four per cent of them were forbidden to attend, whilst eleven per cent of them were distracted from attending the funeral, such as being sent to school or a neighbours and being unaware that it was taking place. None of the children attending the funeral reported any negative experiences, and two thirds of them reported it as a positive or helpful event. In contrast, over three-quarters of those not attending later wished that they had. Over a third had feelings of regret, others feeling that they had been excluded from the family at the time of the death, and felt anger, hurt, and frustration. The conclusion was that the best strategy is to give children informed choice about whether or not to attend. If children do attend a negative outcome seems unlikely, but it would be prudent to prepare them as to what to expect at the ceremony.  相似文献   
腐败问题一直是各国政府的一个顽症。也是各国政府都在花大力气去惩治的一个问题。目前,我国政府出台了很多法律法规、政策用以遏制腐败,惩治腐败。但是,腐败现象仍然盛行,腐败官员也层出不穷。应用制度经济学的原理从腐败的成本收益、我国关系经济模式的现状、政府权力界定以及我国在腐败与反腐败问题上的制度不均衡等角度出发。对我国行政腐败的成因予以理论分析,并提出相关对策。  相似文献   
长江大学建筑学专业有两个立足点:其一是历史文化名城荆州深厚的文化底蕴和乡土气息,其二是地方院校建筑教育的生存发展空间。建筑教育应该同本地具体的区域经济、历史文脉、生态环境相结合,利用数字化信息技术研究并促进乡土建筑与自然环境的完美和谐,引导学生探求一种具有乡土特色的建筑创作思想和理念。  相似文献   
This study investigated the basic cognitive skills soldiers must possess before entering the Army, skills that are needed for successful completion of entry-level training. Judgments of 126 instructors from 25 military occupational specialties were obtained on 129 candidate skills, which resulted in the identification of 55 basic skills. Factor analysis of these 55 skill items resulted in 11 interpretable factors. Mean scores on the factors were compared across factors and across Army training schools. The results of the study suggest that, for all occupational specialties studied, skills related to the learning process are as crucial as traditional academic skills for successful training course completion. These results have important implications for training for the Army as well as for industry.  相似文献   
"微博问政"在社会政治生活中的地位已显得越来越重要。事实证明,政府只要合理利用微博,是有利于创新社会管理的。但是,当下政府在管理微博过程中还存在一些不足,具体表现为:管理过程缺乏法律规范;治理措施相对滞后;对微博的利用率还比较低等等。因此,政府需要合理地利用和管理微博,以更好地传播其"为人民服务"的执政理念,促进和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   
根据国内外大量的研究,对胶束的分类、形成、特性及其在光度分析中的应用作了归纳和评述。  相似文献   
设计物证鉴定体制模式,应遵循以下两个原则:必须保证鉴定活动的科学性、合法性和公正性的本质;必须满足司法实践的客观需要。我国要最终精神病峨证鉴定体制的良性运行,应选择双轨多元的物证鉴定体制及行政主办单位与行业主管单位相结合的双重监督体制。在鉴定机构的具体设置,应取消法院系统的物证鉴定机构,设立公安、检察系统内独立的鉴定机构;取消司法行政系统内的物证鉴定部门,设立民办的鉴定机构。  相似文献   
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