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引用本文:王占锋,程相娟. 西方后现代主义思潮述评[J]. 邢台学院学报, 2007, 22(4): 26-28
作者姓名:王占锋  程相娟
摘    要:西方后现代主义是一种具有反本质主义、反理性主义、相对主义和无政府主义色彩的较为激进的社会思潮。运用马克思主义的基本立场、观点、方法,分析它的产生背景、基本内容,并就如何评价提出一些建议。

关 键 词:后现代主义  西方  现代性

Commentary on the Thought of Western Post-modernism
WANG Zhan-feng,CHENG Xiang-juan. Commentary on the Thought of Western Post-modernism[J]. Journal of Xingtai University, 2007, 22(4): 26-28
Authors:WANG Zhan-feng  CHENG Xiang-juan
Abstract:Western post-modernism,which is characterized by anti-essentialism,anti-rationalism,relativism and anarchism,is a kind of radical social thought.This article analyzes the background and content of post-modernism on the basis of the Marxist stand,viewpoint and method,and puts forward some suggestions on how to evaluate western post-modernism.
Keywords:post-modernism  western countries  modernity
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