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引用本文:刘淑华. 法律教学中关于法律本质的哲学思考——普通高等院校“两课”教材重点处理意见之一[J]. 涪陵师范学院学报, 2002, 18(2): 83-84
摘    要:从哲学高度认识、分析和把握法律本质是法律教学中的一种重要方法。运用历史唯物主义原理、现象与本质、经济基础与上层建筑的关系以及法律在调整社会关系中的作用均可以认识、分析和把握法律本质。

关 键 词:法律本质 法律教学 “两课”教育 哲学思考 《法律基础》课 高校 教材处理 思想品德课

A Philosophical Perspective on the Essence of Law in the Teaching of Law
LIU Shu-hua. A Philosophical Perspective on the Essence of Law in the Teaching of Law[J]. JOurnal of Fuling Teachers College, 2002, 18(2): 83-84
Authors:LIU Shu-hua
Abstract:The exploration of historical materialism, the dialectical relationships between phenomenon and essence, between economic foundation and superstructure is helpful in the cognition, analysis and understanding of law.
Keywords:the essence of law  teaching of law  the course of politics and ideology  philosophical perspective
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