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引用本文:靳青万. 从《韩熙载夜宴图》看我国青白瓷的始烧年代[J]. 陕西理工学院学报(社会科学版), 2002, 0(5): 92-94
摘    要:五代画家顾闳中所作《韩熙载夜宴图》卷,是一幅历史纪实性绘画作品。画中局部绘有青白瓷器31件,从其器型,釉色和烧造技艺来看,均已达到相当高的水平,堪与北宋的青白瓷器精品媲美。这足以说明中国的青白瓷器起码始烧于五代以前,以往认为青白瓷始烧于北宋的观点应予纠正,从诸多要素分析。《韩熙载夜宴图》中的青白瓷器,当属五代时南唐景德镇窑的产品。

关 键 词:《韩熙载夜宴图》 青白瓷 始烧时间 景德镇窑 中国

On the Beginning of Chinese Celadon in "Painting of Han Xi-zai's Evening Banquet"
JIN Qing-wan. On the Beginning of Chinese Celadon in "Painting of Han Xi-zai's Evening Banquet"[J]. Journal of Shaanxi University of Technology(Social Sciences), 2002, 0(5): 92-94
Authors:JIN Qing-wan
Abstract:In the well known "Painting of Han Xi-zai's Evening Banquet" by Gu Hong-zhong, painter of the Five-generations Period, the 31 Chinese celadons are highly advanced as to be comparable with those of Northern Song Dynasty, judging from the shape, color of glair, and firing, which convincingly proves that Chinese celadon began at least before the Five-generations Period, thus correcting the previous belief that it began in Northern Song Dynasty. All factors considered, the celadon in the painting should be products of Jingdezheng Kiln of Southern Tang Dynasty of the Five-generations Period.
Keywords:Five-generations Period  beginning  Jingdezheng Kiln  "Painting of Han Xi-zai's Evening Banquet
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