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引用本文:高宇翔,买合甫来提•坎吉. 近30年我国聋校语文教科书研究述略[J]. 现代特殊教育, 2021, 0(4): 8-13,54
作者姓名:高宇翔  买合甫来提•坎吉
摘    要:语文教科书是聋生获取科学文化知识、锻炼语言文字应用能力、形成正确人生观和价值观的重要媒介。为了解我国聋校语文教科书的研究进程,采取内容分析法,整理了1991—2020年的101篇相关研究发现,一线教师是聋校语文教科书研究的主要实施者,研究内容主要关注教科书使用、开发和内容特点三个方面。我国聋校语文教科书的研究正从起步阶段迈向繁荣发展阶段,教科书的价值内容的课程社会学分析、新版教科书的使用、教科书资源体系的开发以及教科书的历史研究,可以作为今后的研究方向。

关 键 词:内容分析法  聋校  语文  教科书

A Review of Chinese Textbooks for Schools for the Deaf in China in the Past 30 Years
Affiliation:(College of Educational Science,Xinjiang Normal University,Urumqi 830017)
Abstract:Chinese textbooks are an important medium for deaf students to acquire scientific and cultural knowledge,exercise their language application ability,and form a correct outlook on life and values. In order to grasp the research progress of Chinese textbooks for schoolsfor the deaf in China,this study adopts the method of content analysis to sort out 101 relevant studies from 1991 to 2020. It is found that front-line teachers are the main implementers of Chinese textbooks for schools for the deaf,and the research content mainly focuses on the use,development and content characteristics of textbooks. The research of Chinese textbooks for schools for the deaf in China is flourishing from the initial stage. The historical research,the course sociology analysis of value content,the development of textbookresourcesystem and the use of new textbooks can be taken as the future research directions.
Keywords:content analysis  schools for the deaf  Chinese  textbooks
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