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引用本文:严峻. 对二战前夕的德苏关系的几点讨论[J]. 郧阳师范高等专科学校学报, 2008, 28(2): 111-113
摘    要:1941-1945年在广袤的苏联平原上爆发了人类历史上最波澜壮阔的一场战争——苏德战争,在这场战争中双方可以说都是以倾国之力,动用了几乎当时世界上所有能够动用的战争手段,其战争的残酷性在世界战争史上是不多见的。但是在这场战争之前战争双方却有过一段不寻常的关系亲密期。

关 键 词:军事合作  经济合作  苏德关系  苏德战争  《苏德互不侵犯条约》

On German-Soviet Union Relation before the World War Two
YAN-Jun. On German-Soviet Union Relation before the World War Two[J]. Journal of Yunyang Teachers College, 2008, 28(2): 111-113
Affiliation:YAN-Jun(School of Socio-sciences,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China)
Abstract:Between 1941 and 1945,GermanSoviet Union War broke in the Soviet Union Plain,in which the two countries applied all its national strengths and war means that the world could use then,whose cruelty was rare in world war history.However,before the war,the relation between them was very intimate.What had made them go together? Was it that German just wanted to deceive the Soviet Union? This paper will made a review of the 20 years German-Soviet Union relation between 1922 and 1941 and analyse the deep reasons...
Keywords:military cooperation  economic cooperation  German-Soviet Union Relation  German-Soviet Union War  Non-invasion between German and Soviet Union  
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