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引用本文:杨斐. 吴起“先和而造大事”思想[J]. 滨州学院学报, 2010, 26(5)
摘    要:吴起先和而造大事思想是一种经国治军的大战略思想,是中国传统和合文化在军事上的反映。它既表现为内部的团结一致,也表现为战胜攻取之后对敌行仁、用仁,是朴素的人道主义精神的体现。从道、义、礼、仁四个方面入手内修文德,是实现和的主要途径。围绕治军问题外治武备,则是巩固和的局面和形势的必然要求。

关 键 词:吴起  军事思想  和合文化

Analysis of Wu Qi's Thinking of Achieving the Victory with Internal Harmony
YANG Fei. Analysis of Wu Qi's Thinking of Achieving the Victory with Internal Harmony[J]. Journal of Binzhou University, 2010, 26(5)
Authors:YANG Fei
Affiliation:YANG Fei(Nanjing Army Command College,Nanjing 210045,China)
Abstract:Wu Qi's thinking of achieving the victory with internal harmony is the grand strategic thinking for governing the country and directing troops and the military reflection of Chinese traditional harmony culture.It represents the internal unity as well as the benevolence to the enemy after the victory and occupation,which is the representation of simple humantarian spirit.The main approach to achieving harmony is to cultivate internal virtue in four aspects,that is,Tao,righteousness,propriety and benevolence...
Keywords:Wu Qi  military thinking  harmony culture  
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