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引用本文:周婷. 银行个人理财业务发展的策略思考[J]. 河南广播电视大学学报, 2008, 21(4)
摘    要:“创造条件让更多群众拥有财产性收入。”这是“十七大”提出的深化收入分配制度改革的崭新理念。个人理财,是在对个人收入、资产、负债等数据进行分析整理的基础上,根据个人对风险的偏好和承受能力,结合预定目标运用诸如储蓄、保险、证券、外汇、收藏、住房投资等多种手段管理资产和负债,合理安排资金.从而在风险可以接受范围内实现资产增值的最大化的过程。由此,现代意义的个人理财不同于单纯的储蓄或投资,它不仅包括财富的积累,而且还囊括了财富的保障和安排.本文从银行个人理财业务相关理念入手.分析了银行个人理财业务发展中存在的问题.并有针对性地提出了加快银行个人理财业务发展的策略。

关 键 词:银行  个人理财

Development Strategies of Personal Financial Service in banks
Zhou ting. Development Strategies of Personal Financial Service in banks[J]. Journal of Henan Radio & TV University, 2008, 21(4)
Authors:Zhou ting
Affiliation:Zhou ting(Zhejiang Broadcast , TV University Haining College,Haining Zhejiang 314400)
Abstract:The government needs to create more conditions to increase the property income for more common citizens.This com-pletely new logo about deepening the reform of the system for income distribution was proposed in the 17th CPC National Congress.On the basis of the analyses and regularizations of personal income,assets,and debts,as well as personal preference and bearing capacity of financial risks,the personal financial service is to administrate the assets and debts with various means of deposits,insurances,s...
Keywords:bank  personal financial service  business development strategies  
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