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引用本文:李辉. 从闲雅风度到自我表现——论北宋党争对士人词风的影响[J]. 南京师范大学文学院学报, 2014, 0(4): 54-58
摘    要:北宋党争是北宋中后期的基本政治生态,也是审视北宋士人词风变化不可或缺的重要社会因素。仁宗朝党争初起时,士人的染指使词摆脱了晚唐以来的艳情遗风,词中的士大夫形象因抒发失意后的胸怀而逐渐清晰;神宗朝新旧两党围绕变法的党同伐异愈演愈烈,苏轼黄州词记录了词人政治理想破灭后的苦闷与人生感悟,寓词以诗人情怀,开士人词诗化的新风;哲宗朝党争激化,卷入政治漩涡的士人在文祸、贬谪的生存忧患面前,常借词营造极富个性的“我”之形象。党争促使士人词从抒写闲雅风度到注重表现自我的转变,也推动词终成独立的抒情文体。

关 键 词:北宋  党争  士人词  创作主体

From Elegant Style to Self-Expression: The Influence of Partisan Conflicts on the Style of Ci Poems in the Northern Song Dynasty
Li Hui. From Elegant Style to Self-Expression: The Influence of Partisan Conflicts on the Style of Ci Poems in the Northern Song Dynasty[J]. Journal of Chinese Language and Culture School Nanjing Normal University, 2014, 0(4): 54-58
Authors:Li Hui
Abstract:Partisan conflict was a basic political biology in the later period of the Northern Song Dynasty. It is also an indispensable factor for observing the changing of the ci poem style of the scholars in this period. When the partisan conflict first started at the Ren Zong' s time, the scholarly ci writers made it getting rid of the erotic style of the later Tang Dynasty, and used it as a tool to express their frustrated feelings. During the Shen Zong' s regime, the conflict between the new and the old parties become even more violent. Su Shi' s ci poems written at Huang Zhou recorded his deep anguish and emotional sigh after the vanishing of his political ideal, which opened a new style for the scholarly ci poems. The partisan conflicts were further intensified during the regime of Zhe Zong, many scholars had been involved and were suffering the trouble of literary inquisi- tion and relegating. They usually use ci poems to create the unique personal images of themselves. Partisan conflicts promoted the transforming of ei style from elegancy to self - expression ; it also finally established the status of ci as an independent genre of emotional expression.
Keywords:Northern Song Dynasty  partisan conflict scholarly ci poems  the subject of creation
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