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引用本文:汪聚应. 唐代任侠风气的社会文化成因[J]. 天水师范学院学报, 2004, 24(6): 8-13
摘    要:唐代任侠风气作为一种社会思潮,有其产生的社会文化条件和时代文化心理。概括起来,主要有以下数端:唐代帝王的崇侠尚义,唐代民族大融合与开放的文化政策,商品经济的发展和都市的繁荣,民族自信心、自豪感的高度张扬,复仇的流行和对复仇行为在一定程度上的旌扬,唐代边塞战事引发的向往立功边塞的时代精神和新的侠义传统以及唐代武举、府兵制的实行等。唐代开放的社会文化环境、民族大融合的进一步发展、中外文化交流的频繁形成唐人开放进取、自由乐观的时代精神和功业追求与世俗享乐并行不悖的时代文化心理,成为托起唐代任侠风气的精神支柱。而中土文化和异域文化(胡风)共同影响的结果,又赋予了唐代侠和侠风鲜明的时代特征和异域文化情调。

关 键 词:唐代  任侠风气  社会文化

Social Cultural Causes of Chivalrous Moral in Tang Dynasty
WANG Ju-ying. Social Cultural Causes of Chivalrous Moral in Tang Dynasty[J]. Journal of Tianshui Normal University, 2004, 24(6): 8-13
Authors:WANG Ju-ying
Abstract:As a social atmosphere, Tang Dynasty's chivalrous moral has its social cultural background and cultural psychology of the times, which boil down to the following: the emperors' chivalrous worship, merging of nationalities and open policy of culture, development of commodity economy and metropolitan prosperity, swelling of national confidence and pride, prevalence of revenge, and practice of imperial examinations specializing in military knowledge and skill.
Keywords:Tang Dynasty  chivalrous moral  social culture
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