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引用本文:周江涛. 中国古代社会安全思想论纲[J]. 滨州学院学报, 2009, 25(1)
摘    要:中国古代社会安全思想源远流长、博大精深,而且较多地体现在当时的社会福利保障思想和治国安邦实践中。储粮备荒、积谷防饥,尊老、敬老、养老,爱幼善疾,关怀劳动者休息,重视劳动者健康,文武官吏的"致仕"制度,民间自愿组织的群众互助性救济思想以及居封建社会思想正统的孔孟社会安全思想等,都是中国古代社会安全思想的奇葩。

关 键 词:社会安全  古代社会  福利思想

Dissertation on Chinese Ancient Safety Thought
ZHOU Jiang-tao. Dissertation on Chinese Ancient Safety Thought[J]. Journal of Binzhou University, 2009, 25(1)
Authors:ZHOU Jiang-tao
Affiliation:Safety Culture Research Centre;Binzhou University;Binzhou 256603;China
Abstract:Chinese ancient safety thought is of long standing and it mainly incarnates in the temporal social welfare thoughts and the practice of managing state affairs.A series of thoughts such as storing foodstuff for lean years,deferring and reverencing to the elders,cherishing the children and handicapped,caring for the labors and retirees,relieving each other of one's own accord and especially the Confucianism and the Mencius' thoughts are all intensive in Chinese ancient safety thought system.
Keywords:social safety  ancient society  welfare thought  
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