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引用本文:唐明欢. 跆拳道竞赛规则改革探析[J]. 搏击·武术科学, 2014, 11(10): 84-85
摘    要:跆拳道比赛在2000年进入奥运会,随着运动员技术的不断提高,跆拳道比赛不断在完善。但由于多年来跆拳道比赛收视率不高,不能满足观众的需求,甚至有呼声跆拳道将会推出奥运舞台。跆拳道协会针对比赛的实际情况,动作技术单一,运动员进攻保守,得分动作简单等情况进行分析,对跆拳道赛事进行相应的改变,使跆拳道运动能够更好的发展。文章根据具体实践,浅谈跆拳道竞赛方法的改革,2005年、2008年、2010年三次竞赛得分的变化及2009年、2010年、2011年的参赛资格与竞赛规则为例。

关 键 词:跆拳道  竞赛  规则  改革

On the Reform of Taekwondo Competition Rules
Tang Minghuan. On the Reform of Taekwondo Competition Rules[J]. BOJI(WUSHUKEXUE), 2014, 11(10): 84-85
Authors:Tang Minghuan
Affiliation:Tang Minghuan ( P.E. School of Qinzhou University, Qinzhou Guangxi 040201 ,China)
Abstract:Taekwondo was first included in the Olympics in 2000, with the continuous improvement of athletes and technology, which has been constantly improved. However, due to years of taekwondo low ratings, which can not meet the needs of the audience, and there are even some voices of quitting taekwondo out of Olympic stage. According to the realities of situations in the Taekwondo Association , such as analyzing a single action of technology, athletes attacking conservative, simple actions such scores, etc, and making some changes for taekwondo competition which makes better development for Taekwondo. According to the reality of current level of taekwondo, this thesis discusses the reform of taekwondo competition, and takes the examples of three race score changes from 2005, 2008, 2010 and the qualifications and competition rules from 2009, 2010, 2011.
Keywords:taekwondo competition rules reform
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