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引用本文:余珍有. 论早期读写的习得性[J]. 幼儿教育, 2006, 0(2)
作者单位:北京师范大学教育学院 北京,100875
摘    要:本文围绕“幼儿是如何学习读写的”这一问题,探讨了幼儿早期读写学习的特征。幼儿的读写具有“早期性”和“奠基性”,早期读写学习主要是以习得的方式进行的。早期读写的习得性主要表现在学习情境的真实性和学习目的的间接性,学习过程的互动性和创造性以及学习结果的经验性等方面。了解早期读写习得性的意义在于,幼儿园早期读写教育应当以创设真实的有意义的读写情境为原则,以整合读写教育和其他领域的教育、整合日常读写活动和专门读写活动、整合口语学习和书面语学习为基本教育策略。

关 键 词:书面语言  早期读写  学得  习得

On Acquisition of Early Literacy
YU Zhenyou. On Acquisition of Early Literacy[J]. Early Childhood Education, 2006, 0(2)
Authors:YU Zhenyou
Abstract:Based on the issue of How do preschool students learn to read and write, this article explores two features in the acquisition of literacy in early childhood which refers to early phrases and foundation laying. Literacy development in early phrases performs as authenticity of learning situations, indirect learning objectives, interactivity and creativity in learning process and experience in learning outcome. The principle of early literacy education is to create authentic and meaningful situations, and its strategies are the integration of literacy learning with learning in other fields, the combination of daily literacy leaning and specific literacy learning, the association of oral learning and literacy language learning. [
Keywords:literacy language  early literacy  learning  acquisition  
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