国家与家庭关系的再考察——从家庭暴力视域分析 |
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引用本文: | 郑净方,郑雄升. 国家与家庭关系的再考察——从家庭暴力视域分析[J]. 怀化师专学报, 2012, 0(10): 56-60 |
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作者姓名: | 郑净方 郑雄升 |
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作者单位: | 闽江学院法律系,福建福州350001 |
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摘 要: | 国家与家庭是一种此消彼长的关系。传统上,国家在一定程度上尊重家庭自治。在现今社会.国家公权力的触角不断伸向家庭领域,对传统意义上的“私领域”进行了一定的干预。通过历史研究、比较研究、法哲学研究,认为公权力介入家庭暴力具有一定的必要性和可行性。同时,我们必须对公权力的介入预设一定的条件和进行必要的限度设计。
关 键 词: | 国家 家庭 家庭暴力 公权力介入 |
Further Investigation to the Relationship between State and Family--From the Perspective of Family Violence |
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Affiliation: | ZHENG Jing - fang, ZHENG Xiong - sheng ( Law Science Department, Minjiang College, Fuzhou, Fujian 350001 ) |
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Abstract: | There is a reciprocal relationship between State and family. In tradition, State shouht rspect family autonomy to a certain degree. In modem society, the antenna of national public power constantly progresses to the famdly area and makes some intervention to this traditional private area. The author holds that public power has certain necessity and feasibility of its intervention to domestic violence. Also, we should pre - design some conditions and limits to the intervention of public power. |
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Keywords: | state family domestic violence intervention of public power |
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