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引用本文:周金华. 试论秦汉时期社会消费时尚[J]. 湘南学院学报, 2001, 22(4): 45-47,52
摘    要:社会消费时尚是社会消费主体在社会消费过程中所表现出来的一种普遍的心理态势和价值行为取向。秦汉时期,在地主阶级中形成了“耳目欲尽声色之好,口欲穷刍豢之味,而心夸矜势能之荣”的腐朽奢侈性社会消费心理和讲排场、摆阔气、争奢侈、赶时髦等价值行为取向。主要表现在饮食、服饰器用、住宅园林、婚姻丧葬、消闲娱乐等社会消费的几个方面。秦汉时期社会消费时尚反映了当时人们的经济状况、生活水平、价值观念和精神风貌。同时,它也折射出秦汉时期社会总体经济状况和时代风貌。它对当时和后世中国社会都产生了深远的影响。

关 键 词:秦汉时期  社会消费时尚  地主阶级  消费心理  消费行为  影响

On the Community Consuming Fashion in the Qin and Han Dynasty
ZHOU Jin-hua. On the Community Consuming Fashion in the Qin and Han Dynasty[J]. Journal of Xiangnan University, 2001, 22(4): 45-47,52
Authors:ZHOU Jin-hua
Abstract:Community consuming fashion is a kind of popular psychological trend and motivation of action for the consumers in the course of consuming. During the Qin and Han Dynasty, a kind of corrupt and luxurious consuming psychology was very popular among the landlords, competing with each other in eating and drinking, dress and decoration, housing and gardening, ceremony for marriage and burial and so on. The community consuming fashion in the Qin and Han Dynasty reflected the economic and living conditions and spiritual outlook. It also indicated the social and economic state of the Qin and Han Dynasty.
Keywords:period of Qin and Han Dynasty  community consuming fashion  the class of landlord  consuming psychology and action
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