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引用本文:周永祥. 《金瓶梅》梦境描写的文化意蕴[J]. 临沂师范学院学报, 2004, 26(4): 29-32
摘    要:《金瓶梅》中的梦境描写共有16处,其中李瓶儿、西门庆的梦境完全符合中医梦理论中对梦的成因的分析和阐述。这绝不是作者创作时的一种不经意的巧合,而是深谙中国传统梦文化的一种显现,对梦入文学的精心布置。其反映出的文化信息与文化意蕴之丰富多彩,是任何一部古典小说都不能与之相媲美的。

关 键 词:金瓶梅 梦境描写 文化意蕴 梦文化

The Cultural Implication of the Description of the Dreamland in the Novel of the Golden Lotus
ZHOU Yong-xiang. The Cultural Implication of the Description of the Dreamland in the Novel of the Golden Lotus[J]. Journal of Linyi Teachers' College, 2004, 26(4): 29-32
Authors:ZHOU Yong-xiang
Abstract:The description of the dreamland in the Golden Lotus has made it real, precise, appropriate and unsurpassed for readers to read, and the dreams of Li Ping'er and Xi Menqing accord totally with the analysis and explanation that the Chinese medical theory has performed on the original cause of formation of the dreams. It is not the kind of careless coincidence in the author's creation, but a kind of demonstration of China's traditional dream culture, and one kind of precise arrangement for dreams to enter literature. Any classical novel can't compare favorably with its cultural information and cultural implication which are rich and colorful.
Keywords:the Golden Lotus  description of the dreamland  dream culture  cultural implications  
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