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引用本文:杜全忠. 鸦片战争时期的经世致用思潮[J]. 运城学院学报, 2001, 19(2): 78-81
摘    要:鸦片战争时期,随着西方殖民者的入侵,中国社会危机和民族危机日益严重.以天下为己任的仁人志士和开明官绅从天朝大国的迷梦中惊醒,极力提倡研究现实问题,匡救时艰,使久已消沉的"经世致用"思潮骤然复兴,成为鸦片战争时期治理国家、改良社会、挽救民族危机、向西方学习的新思潮.

关 键 词:鸦片战争  经世致用  思潮

An Ideological Trend during the Opium War
Du Quanzhong. An Ideological Trend during the Opium War[J]. JOURNAL OF YUNCHENG UNIVERSITY, 2001, 19(2): 78-81
Authors:Du Quanzhong
Abstract:Social and national crisis was becoming increasingly serious with the west colonia lists' invasion of China . People with lofty ideals eagerly advocated to study realistic problems. "study of Confucian elassics serves the reality"became a new ideological trend to run the state, reform the society, rescue the nation from crisis and learn from the west.
Keywords:the Opium War  study of confucian classies serves the reality  ideological trend
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