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引用本文:马亚玲. 在传承民族传统优秀文化中促进少数民族幼儿全面发展[J]. 学前教育研究, 2011, 0(8)
摘    要:每个少数民族都有自己独特的物质文化与精神文化.少数民族幼儿教育应继承和发扬本民族的传统优秀文化,才能促进本民族幼儿的全面健康和谐发展.然而当前无论是少数民族幼儿园还是少数民族年轻一代的家长都盲目遵从城市主流汉文化,在教育内容与方式上没有体现本民族的文化特色.为促进少数民族幼儿民族认同感与民族自豪感的形成,促进少数民族幼儿社会性的积极健康发展,少数民族幼儿园与家长应积极创设富有民族特色的教育环境,带领幼儿感受传统民族节日与风情,为幼儿提供丰富多彩的具有民族文化内涵的教育活动,并在言传身教中培养幼儿具备本民族的传统美德.

关 键 词:民族文化  传统文化  民族幼儿教育

On the Minority Early Childhood Education
Ma Yaling. On the Minority Early Childhood Education[J]. Studies In Preschool Education, 2011, 0(8)
Authors:Ma Yaling
Affiliation:Ma Yaling(Teachers Education College of Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008)
Abstract:Minority early childhood education should give chances for minority children to understand and receive their national culture.But at present both the minority kindergartens and families ignore the traditional culture's inheritance.The kindergartens and families should change their educational concepts and make full use of the minority culture to improve their children's development.
Keywords:minority culture  traditional culture  minority early childhood education  
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