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引用本文:杜明甫. 狄金森诗歌:女性主义视野下的儿童视角[J]. 徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2011, 37(3): 74-76
摘    要:生活在男权社会和宗教统治双重重压下的艾米莉.狄金森将自己隐匿诗后,巧妙地选取儿童视角,借助儿童的思维方式,透过儿童天真无邪的双眸审视世界和社会,以孩童顽皮乖戾的口吻尽情地宣泄了成人视角所无法实现的诗人对上帝虚伪的揭露、对宗教束缚的挑战、对种种社会现实的讽刺与批判,以及对自由人生的渴盼。这种叙述视角以表面上轻松愉快的语言缓解了成人视角批评的激烈程度,使诗人的悲愤和绝望情绪通过这样的缓冲,得到了理性的释放。诗人正是在这种"孩童面具"的遮掩下,建构着自己精神独立的人生目标,完善着她别样风景的艺术追求。

关 键 词:艾米莉.狄金森  女性主义  儿童视角  主流文化批判

Dickinson's Poetry:Children's Point of View under Feminism Perspective
DU Ming-fu. Dickinson's Poetry:Children's Point of View under Feminism Perspective[J]. Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2011, 37(3): 74-76
Authors:DU Ming-fu
Affiliation:DU Ming-fu(Foreign Languages Department,Henan College of Finance & Taxation,Zhengzhou 450002,China)
Abstract:Living under the double pressures of male-dominated society and religious control,Emily Dickinson hid herself behind the poems to review the world and society and expressed her criticism to the constraint of religion.She also exposed the hypocrisy of the God,revealed different social phenomena and showed her eagerness for a better life.This narrative perspective with a relaxed surface eases the intensity of criticism,relieving the poet's grief and despair through such a buffer.It is with the shelter of the ...
Keywords:Emily Dickinson  Feminism  children's perspective  criticism of mainstream culture  
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