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引用本文:金龙. 言语行为理论在大学英语教学中的运用[J]. 湖北广播电视大学学报, 2011, 31(4): 131-132
摘    要:言语行为理论认为说话和做事是统一的,它对英语教学有很大的启发意义,有助于改变教学中重语法轻听说,重知识轻运用的倾向。本文从"学生主体"的发话行为,"教师主导"的行事行为,和"师生互动"的取效行为三方面论述了该理论在英语教学中的意义。

关 键 词:言语行为理论  英语教学  启发意义

The Appliance of Speech Act Theory in College English Teaching
JIN Long. The Appliance of Speech Act Theory in College English Teaching[J]. Journal of Hubei Radio& Televisonuniversity, 2011, 31(4): 131-132
Authors:JIN Long
Abstract:It is believed in the "Speech Act Theory" that there is a unity in one's speech and act,which is very inspiring to the teaching of English.This theory helps change the trend of focusing on grammar and knowledge instead of speaking,listening and appliance.The article intends to illustrate the appliance of "Speech Act Theory" in English teaching from aspects of "student-centered locutionary act","teacher-guided illocutionary act" and "student-teacher interaction perlocutionary act".
Keywords:"Speech Act Theory"  English teaching  inspiring
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