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引用本文:杨寄林. 《文献通考·选举考·宋登科记总目》校订补遗[J]. 河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2003, 26(4): 133-136
摘    要:在现存史籍中仅由《文献通考·选举考》开列的《宋登科记总目》 ,堪称两宋科举史纲要 ,但在各科录取人数和状元省元姓名两个方面存在着诸如歧异、讹误、遗漏等问题 ,对这些问题亟需择要加以补正者至少有 3 2条 ,如此剔除其翳障后 ,方能使该《总目》固有的史料价值得到进一步开掘和更好的利用。

关 键 词:《文献通考》  《宋登科记总目》  校订

Addendum to election of scholars by the imperial civil exams during the Song Dynasty
YANG Ji lin. Addendum to election of scholars by the imperial civil exams during the Song Dynasty[J]. Journal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science), 2003, 26(4): 133-136
Authors:YANG Ji lin
Abstract:Among historical literature we have today, A Critical History of Imperial Exam Election has recorded all those scholars passing the imperial civil exams during the Song Dynasty. But there are many mistakes and differences as for the total number of the registered scholars and their names. Among these problems, 32 items are necessary to be added and corrected. Only when peeling the obscurity off the list, can we make the book more valuable for future generations.
Keywords:election of scholars by the imperial civil exams during the Song Dynasty  scholars passing the imperial civil exams  addendum
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