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引用本文:李尧,郝文. IPv4/IPv6转换网关中的TCP包控制解决方案[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2009, 24(8): 47-50
作者姓名:李尧  郝文
作者单位:1. 内江师范学院计算机科学学院//网络应用项目开发重点实验室,四川,内江
2. 国家信息安全工程技术研究中心,北京,100093
摘    要:针对IPv6与IPv4协议不完全兼容,为了保证TCP包在IPv4/IPv6网络互通时的传输正确性,通过对TCP滑动窗口机制的分析,设计了一套新的会话控制列表结构来记录TCP包在进行转换时候序号发生的变化,并且在转换网关处理程序中加入对该表的控制,保证了转换中的数据包序号的正确性,同时也解决了重传包的检测和处理问题.

关 键 词:IPv4  IPv6  转换网关  TCP包

Solutions to TCP Packet Control of IPv4/IPv6 Conversion Gateway
LI Yao,HAO Wen. Solutions to TCP Packet Control of IPv4/IPv6 Conversion Gateway[J]. Journal of Neijiang Teachers College, 2009, 24(8): 47-50
Authors:LI Yao  HAO Wen
Affiliation:1.School of Computer Science// Key Laboratory for Project Development of Network Application;Neijiang Normal University;Neijiang;Sichuan 641110;China;2.National Information Security Engineering Center;NISEC;Beijing 100093;China
Abstract:In view of the partial compatibility of IPv6 and IPv4 protocol,how to ensure TCP packet transmission accuracy in the process of IPv4/IPv6 network intercommunication is something that merits our special attention.Based on the analysis of the mechanism of TCP slide window,a new set of table structures for session control is designed to record the serial number changes in the process of TCP packet conversion.Besides,in the processing program conversion gateway is embedded control of the said table,which enable...
Keywords:IPv4  IPv6
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