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引用本文:周娟. 意象对话技术在中职生就业指导中的运用[J]. 科教文汇, 2014, 0(28): 215-216
作者单位:安徽科技贸易学校基础教学部 安徽·蚌埠 233080
摘    要:就业问题关乎国计民生,近几年来应届大中专毕业生就业压力一直居高不下,相较于高校毕业生,中职生的就业问题有待更多的关注。采用意象对话这一全新的技术,可以较为便捷地了解和解决中职生的心理问题,帮助其转变就业观念,调整好心态,树立自信,为今后走上社会成就事业打下良好的基础。

关 键 词:心理技术  意象对话技术  运用  中职生  就业指导

On the Application of Imagery Conversing Technique in the Employment Guidance of Secondary Vocational School Students
Zhou Juan. On the Application of Imagery Conversing Technique in the Employment Guidance of Secondary Vocational School Students[J]. The Science Education Article Collects, 2014, 0(28): 215-216
Authors:Zhou Juan
Abstract:The employment issue concerns the people's livelihood,but in recent years, the employment pressure of fresh secondary and higher vocational school graduates has been high, and compared with college graduates, the employment problems of secondary vocational school students should be given more attention.This new technology, the imagery conversing technique, can be more convenient to understand and solve the psychological problems of students in secondary vocational school, to help them change their ideas about employment, adjust the good mentality,foster self-confidence, and help them to lay out good base for their successful future employment.
Keywords:psychological techniques  imagery conversing tech-nique  use  secondary vocational school students  employment guidance
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