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引用本文:苏志勇,高景林. 简论社会主义劳动观[J]. 中国德育, 2007, 2(4): 52-55
作者姓名:苏志勇  高景林
作者单位:江苏省健雄职业技术学院,江苏省健雄职业技术学院 江苏太仓 215400,江苏太仓 215400
摘    要:“以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻”高度概括了社会主义劳动观。劳动不仅创造了人和人类社会,还是实现人生价值的根本途径。“爱劳动”是社会主义道德的基本要求,“尊重劳动”是党和国家的一项重大方针。社会主义劳动观在今天有着突出的时代意义,全社会要营造热爱劳动的社会环境,重点加强对青少年群体的劳动观教育。

关 键 词:社会主义劳动观  爱劳动  尊重劳动  劳动观教育

On Socialist Labor Attitude
Su Zhiyong , Gao Jinglin. On Socialist Labor Attitude[J]. Chinese JOurnal of Moral Education, 2007, 2(4): 52-55
Authors:Su Zhiyong    Gao Jinglin
Affiliation:Jianxiong Vocational-Technical College, Taieang, Jiangsu,215400
Abstract:The yardstick of be diligent and not indolent highly summarizes the socialist concept of work.To work not only creates human being and society but also is the basic way to realize the value of life.Love for work is the basic principle of socialist morality,and respect for work is one of Party and national important policies.Socialist concept of work is of great significance to this day.Therefore,the social environment of love for work should be constructed,and concept of work should be strengthened for teenager.
Keywords:socialist concept of work  love for work  respect for work  education of concept of work
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