Complexity,theory and praxis: Researching collaborative learning and tutoring processes in a networked learning community |
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Authors: | De Laat Maarten Lally Vic |
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Affiliation: | (1) Department of Pedagogical Sciences and Education, University of Nijmegen, Montessorilaan 3, 6525 HR Nijmegen, The Netherlands;(2) School of Education, University of Sheffield, 388 Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2JA, U.K. |
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Abstract: | This paper explores the complexity ofresearching networked learning and tutoring ontwo levels. Firstly, on the theoretical level,we argue that the nature of praxisin networked environments (that is, learning and tutoring)is so complex that no single theoretical model,among those currently available, is asufficiently powerful, descriptively,rhetorically, inferentially or in itsapplication to real contexts, to provide aframework for a research agenda that takes intoaccount the key aspects of human agency. Furthermore, we argue that this complexity ofpraxis requires a multi-method approach toempirical investigation, in order that theoryand praxis may converse, with both beingenriched by these investigations. Secondly, onan empirical level, and as an example thatdraws upon our theoretical argument aboutcomplexity, we present the findings of amulti-method analysis of the learning andtutoring processes occurring in an on-linecommunity of professionals engaged in aMaster's Programme in E-Learning. Thisinvestigation is informed by two mainstreamtheoretical perspectives on learning, andemploys computer-assisted content analysis andcritical event recall as complementarymethodologies. This study reveals thedifferentiated nature of participants'learning, even within a highly structuredcollaborative learning environment, identifiessome of the key functions and roles ofparticipants, and provides an indication of thevalue of such multi-method studies. Futureprospects for this approach to research in thefield are considered. |
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Keywords: | content analysis critical event recall networked learning on-line communities praxis theory tutoring |
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