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稳定乡村教师队伍的政策工具改进: 以云南省为例
引用本文:郭凯. 我国义务教育教师资源配置政策工具的历史变迁、基本特征与功能定位[J]. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, (5): 82-91.
作者单位:1.广东第二师范学院 教育学院, 广州 510303
摘    要:运用豪利特和拉米什的政策工具分类模型,考察分析了我国义务教育教师资源配置政策工具的历史变迁及其基本特征,发现义务教育教师资源经历了单纯的强制性政策工具配置、强制性政策工具主导与自愿性政策工具为辅配置、自愿性政策工具广泛使用与混合性政策工具拓展配置、强制性政策工具改进配置四个不同的发展阶段。政策工具变迁呈现的基本特征包括:断裂式变迁和渐进式变迁相结合、从单一的政策工具走向多元组合的政策工具箱、价值取向从城市取向走向农村取向。促进义务教育教师资源均衡配置,必须以顶层设计形成人性、协同、系统的政策工具箱,发挥自愿性政策工具在教师资源配置中的基础性功能,强化强制性政策工具在教师资源配置中的矫正功能和标准功能,加强混合性政策工具在教师资源配置中的引导功能。

关 键 词:义务教育教师资源配置  强制性政策工具  混合性政策工具  自愿性政策工具

Historical Changes,Basic Characteristics and Functional Orientation of Policy Tools for Teacher Resources Allocation in Compulsory Education in China
GUO Kai. Historical Changes, Basic Characteristics and Functional Orientation of Policy Tools for Teacher Resources Allocation in Compulsory Education in China[J]. Journal of South China normal University (Social Science Edition), 2022, (5): 82-91.
Authors:GUO Kai
Abstract:The poliey tool classification model of Howlett and Ramesh is used to investigate and analyze the historical changes and basic characteristics of teacher resources allocation policy tools in compulsory education. It is found that the allocation of teacher resources in China's compulsory education have experienced four different development stages: (1) the allocation with simple mandatory policy tools, (2) the allocation dominated by mandatory policy tools and supplemented voluntary policy tools, (3) the allocation with extensive use of voluntary policy tools and the expanded use of mixed policy tools, (4) the allocation with improved mandatory policy tools. The basic characteristics of the change of policy tools include the combination of fracture change and gradual change, change from a single policy tool to a combination of multiple policy toolbox, and the value orientation change from urban orientation to rural orientation. To promote the balanced allocation of teacher resources in compulsory education, it is necessary to form a human, collaborative and systematic policy toolbox with top-level design, giving full play to the basic function of voluntary policy tools in the allocation of teacher resources, strengthening the functions of correction and standard of mandatory policy tools for the allocation of teacher resources, and strengthening the guiding function of mixed policy tools in the allocation of teacher resources.
Keywords:allocation of compulsory education teacher resources  mandatory policy instruments  mixed policy instruments  voluntary policy tools
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