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动物实验在当今医学发展中正起着越来越重要的作用。有关实验动物的伦理问题已经引起了广大学者的高度重视。尽管目前为保障实验动物的福利得以实现,在诸多方面都有了明确规定并将其付诸法律法规中,然而在实际中仍会出现一些有悖于实验动物伦理的情形出现。寻找并发展有效替代实验动物的有效方法已经成为研究焦点,虚拟实验作为一种全新的实验模式,将彻底改变实验动物的现状,使其福利最大限度地得以保障,真正实现人类与动物及生态环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

实验动物是生命科学相关学科基础理论研究以及生药制造,化药筛选、检定等必不可少的试验材料和发展基础。实验动物的生物学特性及其感染情况,不仅直接影响实验动物本身的发展,而且还关系到生命科学基础理论与应用结果的判定,这些都属于实验动物医学研究范畴,因此开设实验动物医学课程,对推动实验动物科学健康发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

动物实验对于生物医学、生物技术的发展走着非常重要的作用。但它同时也受到了动物权利保护主义的挑战。人类应该尊重动物福利的合理性存在。动物实验是人所从事的动物实验,人类社会和自然的和谐相处需要科学合理的动物实验。  相似文献   

医学教育是一种相对特殊的教育活动.作为医学生,在医学实验过程中要经历一个相对复杂的心理和伦理转变历程,这一问题的研究对医学教育的顺利发展具有重要意义.本文采用问卷调查的方法,对140名医学生的动物实验心理状况进行调查,结果发现:医学生普遍能够接纳动物实验的占92%.而学生对动物实验产生困境主要表现为:担心被动物伤害的占34%;担心动物受到伤害而不忍参与的占42%;心理反应表现为恐惧的占26%,好奇的占32%,厌恶的占15%;研究结果表明,现在医学教育急需加强学生的心理教育和伦理教育,并提供必要的技术指导.  相似文献   

医学动物实验是生物医学研究的基本途径和有效手段,其研究对发展生物医学和增进人类健康至关重要。但动物实验研究让许多实验动物受到了伤害和痛苦,甚至丧失生命,这与生命伦理学尊重、行善、不伤害及公正的基本原则相冲突,与尊重和善待生命的宗旨相矛盾。对于医学动物实验所引发的伦理学问题、争论甚至冲突,可通过以下途径与策略来缓和与化解:促进生物医学与生命伦理学的良性互动与合作;遵循3R原则,科学、人道地实验;维护实验动物福利;充分发挥伦理委员会保护实验动物的作用;完善实验动物伦理规范与法律制度;共享动物实验数据。以此实现生物医学研究与伦理道德文明同步、协调、和谐发展。  相似文献   

动物生理学是一门研究动物机能活动及其规律的实验科学,对每一种生理功能的揭示,都是通过实验获得的。因此,动物生理学实验课的教学尤为重要。传统的动物生理学实验教学是以教师教授实验方法为主,学生按要求进行实验操作的形式,学生能动性差,教学效果不理想。随着大规模新型在线开放课程(慕课等)和学习平台在世界范围内迅速兴起,高等教育质量改革已进入新的发展时期,这也为动物生理学实验课教学提供机遇与挑战。作者尝试将慕课与虚拟实验室应用到动物生理学实验课教学中,提高课堂实验效率和教育教学质量。  相似文献   

实验动物环境设施建设与规范化管理   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文综述了现代科学发展对实验动物和动物实验提出的新要求,探讨了洁净实验动物环境设施建设的基本原则和要求,以及规范化管理的措施。  相似文献   

针对高校动物实验管理现状及存在的主要问题,结合当前动物实验社会化服务的发展趋势和服务主要内容,分析了高校动物实验管理向社会化服务模式转变的意义;通过体制机制的改革和创新,实现高校与实验动物行业企业的深度融合和科技资源共享,促进以政府为主导、市场为基础、企事业各自发挥优势、资源配置合理的实验动物行业的科学发展,创建真正与社会需求相适应、与科学研究相配套的动物实验社会化服务体系。  相似文献   

通过对重庆市实验动物管理的现状与实验动物资源共享平台的建设思路的阐述,希望通过对平台的建设实现对全市实验动物资源的整合,提高技术服务和研究开发水平,促进以政府为主导、以市场为基础、资源配置合理的实验动物行业的科学发展。  相似文献   

论我国实验动物福利法律体系的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验动物福利既涉及动物保护,又涉及科学研究和国际贸易,还与社会文明发展有关,它是社会进步和经济发展到了一定阶段的必然产物,体现了一个国家社会文明的进步程度.本文在分析我国实验动物福利立法必要性及可行性的基础上,提出了完善我国实验动物福利法律体系的设想.  相似文献   

医学实验和实验教学是生物医学的重要组成部分,也是基础医学和临床医学的重要手段和环节。建立正确的实验动物伦理观,使“3R”原则和动物福利得以真正体现有助于生物医学的发展,调查和解决其中可能存在的问题是当前医学类高校的当务之急。本研究采用发放问卷调查表及微信公众平台推送相同内容的方式对湖北医药学院2017级五年制本科生、2017级留学生(五年制)、2018级护理(四年制)学生及本校实验动物中心从业人员、教师及科研人员在医学实验及实验教学中动物伦理现状进行了调查,深入分析了其中存在的问题并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

<动物寄生虫病学>课程是动物医学、兽医公共卫生、实验动物等专业学生重要的专业课程之一,长期以来所采用的传统教学方式已经难以适应新形势的发展需要,必须进行相应的教学改革.我们针对农业院校本课程教学过程中普遍存在的问题,通过教学大纲的修订、教学内容的调整、教学方法与手段的改进、实验实践教学环节的强化、考试方法的改革等措施,对课程进行了建设和改革.通过一段时间的实施,本课程建设与改革初步取得了一定的成效,成为了一门有自身特色、教学内容新颖生动、教学方法与手段先进、教学效果较好的课程,提升了我校人才培养的质量.  相似文献   

人类与动物相处的关系模式很多,人类的日常生活、精神生活以及生产劳作等少不了动物。在这诸多的联系中,人类对动物的一个主要方面就是爱护,这表现在以下五个方面:视动物和人的生命为一、珍视动物的特异禀赋、平等看待动物的境遇和情感、爱养家畜、反对虐待动物等等。  相似文献   

叶航  冷园 《海外英语》2012,(3):170-175
Metaphors have been described as a central role of our cognitive apparatus. It is central to our understanding of how language, thought and discourse are structured. Animal metaphors as an important part of metaphors take advantage of the animals’ characteristics to describe a person or a thing vividly and chiefly. Sometimes animal metaphors will give people a humorous and novel picture. In linguistics, it can fill in the vacancy in languages, and make the expression exact and visually. Metaphor is kind of figure of speech. The thesis analyzes the function and style of metaphor and discusses the metaphors’ structure in grammar. How we understand the animal’s meaning is the key to translate the animal metaphors. All the animal words have both denotative meanings and connotative meanings. In most cases, the animals connotative meanings are the same or similar. People usually have the same idea about the animals; therefore, even the people who do not know English can understand some animal metaphors However, due to his tory, religion, phonetics, geography, life style, aesthetics and social psychology, the animals’ connotative meanings are different or even con trary. Facing these problems, how we translate the animal metaphors. I find four methods: adaptation, simile with explanation, paraphrase, and annotation. Adaptation is very efficient for the animal metaphors, which have counterpart in Chinese. Simile-with-explanation is the commonest method to translate animal metaphors, which are similar across the cultures easy to comprehend. Paraphrase is the last method to translate animal metaphors, and especially it can deal with any case that the animal metaphors are profound. Annotation is used to trans late animal metaphors in context, particularly in written English. Using the four methods, we can translate animal metaphors successfully. And while we are doing translation, we should understand English animals’ name very well, and pay attention to the Chinese animals’ meaning to make sure our readers understand the author’s in tended meanings. The thesis consists of five parts. The first part of the thesis states the significance and necessity of topic, problems to be solved in the thesis, and the framework of the thesis. The second part is literature review. The third part analyzes the animal vocabulary’s meanings. The fourth part gives four methods to do the animal metaphors translation. The conclusion part reviews the whole thesis and points out the weakness to be improved.  相似文献   

素食主义、动物保护主义禁不起理性的追问。关于杀生的伦理原则,应该是把需求量降到最低,把猎杀量降到最低。为了人类的生存和健康,我们不得不杀生,那是我们不得不作的恶。必要的作恶不算作恶,理性的作恶恶中有善。因为并不是每一个生命都有生长的权利,大部分物种的繁衍能力都远远超出其维持种群常数的需要,这超出的部分,就是提供给在食物链上居于其上一级的物种食用的。  相似文献   

This study examined 3‐ to 7‐year‐old children's reliance on informant testimony to learn about a novel animal. Sixty participants were given positive or negative information about an Australian marsupial from an informant described as a maternal figure or a zookeeper. Children were asked which informant was correct and were invited to touch the animal, which was a stuffed toy hidden in a crate. Overall, younger children endorsed the zookeeper's testimony about the animal, but touched the animal more readily when the maternal figure provided positive information. Older children endorsed the informant who provided positive information, but showed some sensitivity to zookeeper expertise. Age differences were obtained in the association between participant characteristics and informant selection and animal approach behavior.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The first objective of this study was to determine if children exposed to domestic violence were significantly more likely to be cruel to animals than children not exposed to violence. The second was to determine if there were significant age and gender differences between children who were and were not cruel to animals. METHOD: A community sample of 47 mothers with two children and a history of domestic violence were compared to a matched sample of 45 mothers with two children who did not have such a history. RESULTS: Children exposed to domestic violence were significantly more likely to have been cruel to animals than children not exposed to violence. The age and gender of children who were cruel to animals did not differ from children who were not cruel to animals. However, exposed children cruel to animals were significantly older than non-exposed children cruel to animals. CONCLUSION: Animal cruelty by children is correlated with exposure to domestic violence.  相似文献   

人和动物的关系史是一部残酷虐待和屠杀动物的写照。在几千年的人类文明里,西方社会在宗教神学和哲学文化这"二朵乌云"共同奠定的西方人类中心主义价值论下,对待动物的态度与东方文明相比更加残忍。然而西方人同情和保护动物的思想自古罗马时代就已经开始萌芽,近代西方的仁慈主义思想更是日益引起了同情和关怀动物的人们的道德共鸣,随着知识和文明的进步,现代西方动物解放运动得以蓬勃兴起,从而揭开了西方社会善待动物的新篇章。  相似文献   

英汉动物内涵的民俗文化及翻译   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同动物的形象所附带的文化信息 ,它们在英汉民族文化中所具有的共同文化内涵以及存在的差异  相似文献   

Media-selection decisions of 30 instructional development graduate students were studied under intuitive and model-directed decision-making conditions. Students were given three media-selection problems and were directed to select an appropriate medium for each problem and to write a rationale for the medium selected. The students used thier intuitions to select media for the first problem. They used a formal media selection process to select media for the other two problems. Results indicated that the proportion of students who made correct media selections when they used their intuition was not significantly different from the proportion who made correct selections the first time they used the formal selection process. The proportion of students who made correct selections the second time they used the formal process was significantly greater than the proportion who made correct selection decisions when using their intuition and when using the formal selection process the first time. Subsequent analysis, however, indicated that there was no correlation between the correct use of the formal selection process and making correct media-selection decisions. Implications for the design and use of formal media selection processes in instructional development are described. The authors appreciate the assistance provided by Gene Glass regarding the analysis and interpretation of the data reported in this study.  相似文献   

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