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Seminar课程是一种把课堂讨论与实际动手相结合的探究式的教学方式,旨在培养学生科学的思维方法和研究方法,激发学生的创新意识和主动学习的积极性。本文以数据结构课程的教学实践为依据,从教学目标和教学方式、教学效果、教学体会等方面进行了综合论述,并对进一步推广Seminar课程的教学提出了设想。  相似文献   

Seminar教学法是一种以研讨式为主的教学方法,已成为我国高校重要的教学模式。翻转课堂是指将学习的决定权从教师转移给学生,为Seminar教学法的开展提供了新思路。临床药理学课程是广西医科大学药学本科专业和研究生的主修课程,在临床药理学的授课中建立了基于翻转课堂的Seminar线上线下混合式教学法,通过分析在临床药理学课程中的应用成效,揭示这种新型教学方式的实践价值。实践发现,翻转课堂联合Seminar线上线下混合式教学法在临床药理学课程中取得了良好的教学效果,便于教师及时了解学生学习情况,增强师生互动,有效地提升教学成效,培养学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

在中职机械基础课程中,可采用项目教学法教学,依据教学内容的要求设置实践课题,将学生分成若干小组,使学生明确自己在组内的任务。本文就项目式教学方法的模式、具体的实施环节、特点以及本人在教学中的一点体会进行了介绍,并结合日常教学工作,机械基础课程的实际教学进行分析,实践表明开展项目式教学,将大大有利于提高教学效果,也有利于学生综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

能源经济学是能源经济专业的专业基础课和专业必修课。本文针对"能源经济学"的交叉性课程特点,阐述了该课程引入研讨式教学的改革重点,总结了研讨式教学改革的成效。实践证明,相比传统的以讲授为主的教学模式,研讨式教学更能激发学生的学习兴趣与主动参与的积极性,让学生更加积极地观察能源经济现象,并能够结合所学来寻找具体的能源经济学研究话题进行深入的定量研究和能源政策分析。  相似文献   

针对土木工程制图课程体系的现存问题,以创新应用型人才培养为主旨,围绕土木工程制图系列课程进行多元化综合教学改革与实践。教学实践案例与教学效果表明互动教学方式、团队任务定制等改革举措有利于激发学生学习兴趣,有利于增强学生专业素养与创新能力。  相似文献   

作者开设高分子科学Seminar课程已有五年,在课程选题中多选择综合型、普及型和趣味型课题,并根据不同学生选择不同的教学内容;在教学方式特别是课堂讨论中注重形式的生动活泼,收到了较为理想的教学效果。  相似文献   

所谓研究型德育课程教学方式是针对传统的理论灌输的德育课程教学而言的,即运用研究型教学模式进行教学。在小学高年级应用研究型德育课程教学方式,是将研究型教学的优势与小学德育课程的特点相结合,运用"小组工作"方式来创建教学方式。教学中建立师生间的主体间性关系,以培养学生的自主创新能力,并引入社区、家长多方参与。这种教学方式不但有利于学生的全面发展和教师的专业进步,而且能促进小学德育工作的不断完善。  相似文献   

防火防爆是安全工程专业本科生的基础理论课程,本课程内容复杂且理论性强.通过分析防火防爆课程教学现状,指出其中存在的问题,探讨了防火防爆课程教学改革的必要性与迫切性,从教学方式、教学内容、课程小组建设、理论与实践结合、教学评价五个方面对课程改革提出建议.实践证明,教学改革让学生的学习积极性和主动性有了明显的提升,教学效果...  相似文献   

《地理信息系统原理》是地理信息科学专业的核心课程,也是测绘工程专业的主干课程。为了顺应信息化大环境与"数字城市"建设的需要,《地理信息系统原理》实行研讨式教学内容和教学方式,针对教学重点和教学难点,在小班教学和大班教学中分别设置4—6个研讨式问题。实际的教学效果反映研讨式教学内容与方式更为学生所接受,学生思维更好地调动,课堂更加活跃,学生参与度较高。  相似文献   

Seminar教学模式是一种在国内外文科大学中广泛使用的研究性教学模式,它激发了学生的参与意识,注重培养学生灵活运用知识分析问题和解决问题的能力。本文探讨Seminar教学模式运用于生物医用材料课程的实践研究,对本校医疗器械专业(22名,实验组)和市场医器专业大班(90名,对照组)分别采用Seminar教学模式和传统讲授教学模式进行教学,并比较两组的教学效果。结果表明,实验组学生的教学效果优于对照组,对教学的总体满意度也较高。提示:Seminar教学模式能激发学生的学习兴趣,加深学生对所学知识的理解。  相似文献   

通过对传统财务管理课教学与基于学习通平台的混合研讨教学进行比较分析,提出学习通下财务管理课程应当探索组建线上学习小组、创设主题讨论、线下课堂面授的混合研讨教学改革,这对顺应信息化时代需求,增强学生学习主动性、积极性与创造性具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于网络资源的英美文学本科教学改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等学校的英美文学课程是英语专业高年级学生的专业必修课程,目的在于培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英美文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法。本论文以我院英语本科教学为例,分析说明随着国际互联网和教育宽带的普及,文学教学越来越需要开放的、流动的、新颖的教学平台和丰富多彩的资料来源,借助于互联网的优势和多媒体技术,英语专业的文学课程不仅可以挖掘出不同于传统教学模式的网络资源,而且可以利用这种网络资源的优势促进、改善或提高英美文学课程的教学。  相似文献   

Summary Modules One, Two, and Three have been a required part of the seminars for the past eight years at Purdue University Calumet. It has been the experience of this university, that the students feel more comfortable in seminar with the small group setting. Since the EML/IRC is open 67 hours a week including evenings and Saturday, the students find they are better able to schedule their time to complete Modules One, Two, and Three in an independent manner. Faculty feel the seminars and modules are successful because instructors take on more of a leadership role in the seminar and leave the expertise of media to the Educational Media Lab/Instructional Resource Center. Specified topics are covered in each seminar class to ensure the students are exposed to topics and problems relevant to their future teaching experiences. Revisions are made on the Module booklets to ensure the students are aware of new equipment and technology. It is through these seminars and module experiences that the students can begin to grow and prepare for their teaching profession.  相似文献   

基于网络的课程专题讨论是现代远程教育的形式之一,是开放教育教学模式改革的方向和重点。在网上开展专题讨论有利于学生的广泛参与及师生互动的进行,应精心设计好讨论的主题,周密安排好讨论的计划,并采取切实有效的监督措施以确保专题讨论达到预期的目的。  相似文献   

"煤矿水文地质与工程地质"课程是一门应用性很强的专业课程,在课程实施过程中注重理论与实践密切结合,紧密跟踪国际水文地质工程地质发展趋势,密切结合中国煤矿的生产实际和地质条件,采用课堂授课、研讨与科技活动相结合的教学模式,适用灵活的研讨式教学方式,组建丰富的课程网络资源,使得学生学有所获,学有所用,提高了学习成效。  相似文献   

A series of faculty development seminars at Haverford College has been designed to address the issue of keeping science faculty teaching and research up-to-date, while building bridges between departments. To ensure coverage of emerging areas of science, we have elected to train existing faculty in new methods using a series of workshops for which faculty receive either teaching release time or stipends. The goals of these seminars include developing faculty expertise in important new topics and methodologies, stimulating the inclusion of these skills into their research and the curriculum, and broadening the scope of teaching and research collaborations. The initial three workshops have been targeted at areas of particular concern: boosting faculty expertise in scientific computing, bioinformatics, and issues surrounding the relationship of science and society. The seminar format has been designed to foster dialogue between different departments, as well as individual faculty, by including time for informal conversations and shared workshops, and by requiring collaborative curricular projects. The initial focus on the natural sciences has broadened into topics of interest to faculty in the social sciences and humanities.  相似文献   

In July, 2005, the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology at the campus of the University of Bordeaux, France, hosted a focused week of seminars, workshops, and discussions around the theme of “teaching signal transduction.” The purpose of the summer school was to offer both junior and senior university instructors a chance to reflect on the development and delivery of their teaching activities in this area. This was achieved by combining open seminars with restricted access workshops and discussion events. The results suggest ways in which systems biology, information and communication technology, Web-based investigations, and high standard illustrations might be more effectively and efficiently incorporated into modern cell biology courses.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the discourse of beginning teachers and mentors in Secondary Education throughout their participation in reflection groups on teaching practice, as part of a program designed to palliate the reality shock and encourage reflection on the practice, thus promoting the construction of professional knowledge.

The data collected consist of speech recordings from five pairs (beginning-mentor) who participated in five reflection groups during a school year. This interpretative and longitudinal study draws on a qualitative analysis (Atlas.ti) of the discussion topics and types of sentences produced by the participants. The most frequent discussion topics were the thematic areas considered to be the most problematic for beginners (pair adjustment; attention to the diversity; student assessment; assessment by the program; fatigue and stress; classroom management; teacher identity; status and school culture). Mentors tended to produce more metacognitive statements while beginning teachers tended to use more conceptual statements. The results show that taking part in a discussion group on teaching practice was not enough to promote a really thoughtful (most sophisticated) elaborative pattern for beginner teachers.  相似文献   

探索助教主导的小组讨论模式在专业课课程思政建设过程中的应用。通过挑选助教,建立讨论提纲,构建学习、管理和评价系统,设置激励机制关键环节等措施,在助教主导的研讨会中系统、连续地渗透思政内容。将思政教育与专业课教学有机融合,落实“课程思政”理念,破解难以将思政教育融入高校专业课程教学中的难题,提升思政教育实效,实现全过程和全方位育人。  相似文献   

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