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为了提高曲轴连杆的加工质量,降低加工成本,针对曲轴连杆结构特点,提出了一种同时实现曲轴连杆的曲轴颈和连杆颈加工的新型车削工艺,并从车削工艺和工艺装备结构改造两个方面进行了可行性论证。  相似文献   

几千年来的中国思想史,由于特殊的历史条件和文化背景,自然地形成了如下几个重大的思想史难题:一、道德主体何以证立;二、内圣外王如何贯通;三、生命意义何以在学理上予以说明。对于这些难题,古来多少思想家都在论说,就连现代新儒家诸贤亦竭尽心力。可时至今日,惟有三百年前的衡阳王子给出了合理的解答。他通过对“气”这一范畴的独特理解,构建起一座以历史本体论为骨架的哲学大厦,且凭此而对诸如政治、经济、历史、道德、宗教等论域提出了全新的解释模式,其见解之深刻,观念之现代,远在20世纪的熊十力、牟宗三等人之上。对于这样一份厚重而又富有现代价值的思想遗产,吾人实应将其宣扬于世界,功德于现实。  相似文献   

春季,本应是百花盛开,莺歌燕舞,但2003年的春季,中国却在猝不及防之中,遭遇了“非典型肺炎”的突然袭击。肆虐的“非典”带给我们的是感染、患病、死亡等严重威胁,是旅游、交通、餐饮等行业遭受沉重打击;社会生活遭遇严峻挑战,经济发展经历严重危机。  相似文献   

呼唤大学城大学化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国兴起一股大学城热,一些经济发达省市纷纷建立或筹建大学城或研究生城。但是以政府政策和行政行为为主的人为建构模式,从本质上不同于西方自然生成型。我国大学城从根本上说只是完成了大学的城市化,而忽略了大学城的大学化。大学的实质决定了我们需要的不仅是城市化的大学,更是文化型的大学城。  相似文献   

I describe here an ongoing pilot project aimed at a full integration of teaching and research at the undergraduate level. Our chief innovation is the mechanism of inheritance: each year students receive a body of work produced by the previous group of students and make improvements and additions to it; this process can be repeated until publishable materials are produced. This is part of a system of learning that enables students to function as a real and evolving community of researchers.  相似文献   

The rotor of a Roots blower is the key component relating to its capability, so the profile design of the rotor in a Roots blower is extremely important. We focused on the modelling and verification for a novel Roots blower tooth profile based on the performance analysis. By comparing the area utilization coefficient and the ratio of several traditional rotor profiles, we proposed a new rotor profile. Then, we further accomplished the mathematical modelling of the proposed rotor profile and the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, and obtained the Roots blower outlet flow monitoring curves. Finally, we verified the characteristics by a physical experiment.  相似文献   

本文提出一种电磁驱动全方位运动球形机器人驱动原理.采用几何分析的方法,推导出球形机器人低速运动时,转弯半径的表达式;利用分析力学的力平衡、力矩平衡方法,考虑到离心力、陀螺效应等因素的影响,对球形机器人的转弯特性进行了深入的分析,分别建立了球形机器人中速、高速运动时的转弯半径计算方程;通过对比分析,验证了所建立的转弯半径计算公式的正确性.  相似文献   

通过对多种均匀带电体绕定轴转动的磁矩的讨论,得出了与相应刚体绕定轴转动的转动惯量相似的计算公式。  相似文献   

几千年来的中国思想史,由于特殊的历史条件和文化背景,自然地形成了如下几个重大的思想史难题:一、道德主体何以证立;二、内圣外王如何贯通;三、生命意义何以在学理上予以说明。对于这些难题,古来多少思想家都在论说,就连现代新儒家诸贤亦竭尽心力。可时至今日,惟有三百年前的衡阳王子给出了合理的解答。他通过对“气”这一范畴的独特理解,构建起一座以历史本体论为骨架的哲学大厦,且凭此而对诸如政治、经济、历史、道德、宗教等论域提出了全新的解释模式,其见解之深刻,观念之现代,远在20世纪的熊十力、牟宗三等人之上:对于这样一份厚重而又富有现代价值的思想遗产,吾人实应将其宣扬于世界,功德于现实。  相似文献   

A. K. Shukla 《Resonance》2006,11(7):42-50
The intensity of solar radiation in the Earth’s direction from the Sun is approximately 1353 kW/m2, a number also called the ‘solar constant’. Accordingly, it is estimated that Earth receives about 96 billion kilowatts from the Sun each second. If this colossal and unlimited energy could be more fully utilized, our dependence on fast dwindling fossil cache will be drastically reduced. Solar energy is available in various forms such as direct solar radiation, wind, wave power, rain (in the form of hydropower), photosynthesis and ocean thermal gradients. Among these, the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity is clean and attractive. This article highlights various routes to directly harness electricity from sunlight. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

There was rapid growth of Alabama community colleges in the late 1960s. At the same time, there was rapid growth nationally of fire science associate degree programs. With these concurrent events, one would expect fire department personnel in Alabama to benefit from new community college opportunities in fire science and fire administration. Instead, participation in fire science degree programs has been disappointing. Almost 40 years later, most of the fire-related community college programs in Alabama have closed due to low enrollment, while the national trend for fire science programs indicates steady or growing enrollment elsewhere. This article looks at the 25-year period of 1977 to 2002. Reasons for the decline in Alabama fire-related community college programs are examined. During this period of decline, fire chiefs and leaders of the statewide fire associations failed to publicly embrace higher education. The inescapable conclusion is that the expected benefits to the people of Alabama resulting from significantly higher levels of professional training and education programs for Alabama fire fighters and officers have not been realized.  相似文献   

对矩阵引进了滚动运算,然后研究了它的一些有趣性质。  相似文献   

The mean and variance of the number of turning points in random permutations are evaluated. These results are applied to a test of randomness of fluctuations.  相似文献   

技术创新的生态化转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察了技术创新生态化转向提出的背景、意义蕴涵和价值观基础,认为在目前情况下,要解决人类的问题和危机,一个重要的途径就是借助于技术的生态化转向。这既是可持续发展的核心手段,也是人类新的文明抉择和文明创造。  相似文献   

中国教育学经历了百年曲折、走到了今天的繁荣,然而繁荣的背后也存在着深层的发展危机。国内学界从理论及学科研究范式、学术合法性危机、综合整体危机、"内裂"和"外解"双重危机等方面表述了中国教育学面临的困境,在危机面前也表现了不同的认识和态度。更多的研究者从破解"密码"、回归生活世界,重建理论、学科及研究范式,重新建构教育学研究对象,创建中国自己的教育学派等方面进行了"突出重围"的尝试。基于对上述研究的评论,本文提出要从寻根问底、对话"域"外和反求诸己三条路径寻找中国教育学发展的转机,昭示了中国教育学可以在与教育变革实践的互动中、在与他国他学科的对话中、在回扣自身的反思与重建中得以光大和发展。  相似文献   

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