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A preventive intervention for reducing physical and relational aggression, peer victimization, and increasing prosocial behavior was developed for use in early childhood classrooms. Nine classrooms were randomly assigned to be intervention rooms (N = 202 children) and nine classrooms were control rooms (N = 201 children). Classroom was the unit of analysis and both observations and teacher-reports were obtained at pre and post-test. Focus groups were used to develop the initial program. The 6-week program consisted of developmentally appropriate puppet shows, active participatory sessions, passive concept activities and in vivo reinforcement periods. Preliminary findings suggest that the “Early Childhood Friendship Project” tended to reduce physical and relational aggression, as well as physical and relational victimization and tended to increase prosocial behavior more for intervention than control classrooms. Teachers and interventionists provided positive evaluations of the program and there is evidence for appropriate program implementation.  相似文献   

In consultation with experts in the fields of education research and whole school improvement, researchers at the Comprehensive School Reform Quality (CSRQ) Center created a framework for evaluating the scientific rigor of research studies that report on the efficacy of whole school improvement models. In this paper, the authors begin with a brief introduction to the challenges of developing standards of acceptable research practices and establishing a method of review that enables cross-program comparisons. The authors discuss CSRQ Center standards in reference to six primary areas of review: design, assessment, implementation, sampling, timing, and data analysis. Each standard is presented and the empirical rationale for evaluation criteria is explored. The authors conclude by presenting guidelines for researchers who report on the outcomes of evaluations of whole school improvement models. This discussion highlights the importance of ongoing conversation about the nature of evidence and components of research practice that illuminate program effectiveness within a larger framework of contemporary education policy and whole school improvement legislation.  相似文献   

This study evaluates Reading Intervention—a 10-week supplementary reading programme emphasising the link between phonological awareness and reading—when delivered in a realistic educational setting. Twenty-nine 6-year-olds with reading difficulties participated in Reading Intervention and their progress and attainments were compared with those of a representative control group from the same classes, matched on age and gender. Language profiles were also explored. Children with reading difficulties showed weaknesses in phonological awareness and literacy as well as nonphonological oral language skills and nonverbal reasoning. During the intervention, the intervention group made significantly greater progress than the control group in early word reading, phoneme awareness and phonetic spelling. Over a 6-month follow-up period, the intervention group maintained its gains but during this time made significantly less progress on single word reading, phoneme awareness and phonetic spelling than the control group. These findings provide evidence that reading interventions can be delivered effectively in standard educational settings. We argue that a better understanding of how to manage withdrawal of intervention and how to address poor readers’ additional oral language weaknesses is needed.  相似文献   

Several programmes have been developed to help support victims of bullying, but few have been formally evaluated. On the basis of previous research and from a review of existing programmes, a Social Skills Training (SST) Programme was developed for victims of bullying, and the effectiveness of this intervention was evaluated. Twenty-eight children (aged nine to 11 years) took part in the SST Programme – 15 in the experimental group and 13 in the waiting-list control group. A Peer Nomination Inventory was used to assess social skills problems, peer victimization and friendship/peer acceptance. In addition, a number of psycho­social adjustment variables (i.e. depression, anxiety, self-esteem) were assessed, using self-report. The measures were completed at three time points over the course of an academic year. It was found that there was an increase in ‘global self-worth’ (i.e. self-esteem) for the experimental group (compared to the control group). However, there were no other significant improvements, e.g. in terms of social skills problems or victim status. These findings have important implications for interventions to tackle the negative effects associated with bullying in schools.  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of early adolescents' environmental involvement based on a study with 10–13‐year‐olds. Drawing from literal and metaphorical interviews, a visual survey and visual maps, the study points to the dimensions of environmental involvement: connectedness, engagement with the environment, questioning, belief in capacity, taking a stance and strategic action. Children's agency runs across the dimensions, as children intentionally and strategically figure their way through significant life influences, beliefs towards nature and age‐defined barriers. Of interest is what the sources of environmental involvement are, as well as how a child interacts and engages in situations and with resources at hand. Along with awakening to the natural environment, children are discovering themselves and carving a place in the world.  相似文献   

宋人改编诗为歌辞,采用了“以诗度曲”、“檃括”等方式。“以诗为词”是“檃括”的方法之一,最直接的目的是使“诗”合于歌唱。陈师道评论苏轼“以诗为词”,即着眼于其“檃括”创作歌曲。李清照“句读不葺之诗”,当谓声诗。单纯从案头文学表现手法的角度阐释“以诗为词”有失全面。  相似文献   

缩小学校规模:美国教育改革的新动向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
缩小学校规模是美国为了提高基础教育质量所采取的新举措之一。本文主要分析了推动小型学校走向前台的教育和社会诱因,揭示出小型学校的教育特色以及小型学校在实施和推行的过程中所遭遇到的诸多困扰。  相似文献   

Extensive evidence exists demonstrating the utility of Curriculum‐Based Measurement in reading (R‐CBM) for progress‐monitoring purposes; however, most studies have evaluated R‐CBM from a traditional psychometric perspective, which allows for variability in individual student's data that is not a function of increased skills (i.e., measurement error) to be ignored. Although measurement error can be ignored when the level of interest is at the group level, it is difficult to ignore at the individual‐child level when evaluating intervention effectiveness. To account for measurement error, it is recommended that R‐CBM data be collected twice weekly for 10 weeks before making decisions regarding intervention effectiveness. Waiting 10 weeks to learn that an intervention is ineffective is troublesome. The current study explores maintenance of intervention effects as a supplemental procedure to R‐CBM progress‐monitoring procedures. Data from 4 students suggest that maintenance data might be valuable in the early termination of ineffective interventions. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 713–725, 2006.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether Reading Rescue continues to be an effective literacy intervention and factors that impact its effectiveness. Data were collected on 143 first-grade students, tutored by 104 tutors at 38 schools. There was significant growth on all foundational skills (ps?ps?d?=?1.62 sight words, d?=?1.68 oral reading/comprehension). Student-level factors of Individualized Education Program status, program completion, number of session, and invented spelling; tutor-level factors of sessions delivered and years of experience; school level factors of school size and percentage of language minority students all predicted grade-level passage or word reading (all ps?2007 Ehri, L. C., Dreyer, L. G., Flugman, B., &; Gross, A. (2007). Reading rescue: An effective tutoring intervention model for language-minority students who are struggling readers in first grade. American Educational Research Journal, 44(2), 414448.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) study. Efforts should focus on ensuring program completion and increasing program exposure in neediest schools.  相似文献   

借鉴西班牙机床学院的经验,从六个方面分析了目前在我国职业院校中存在的问题,提出了全面打造中国职业教育体系的理念.  相似文献   

借鉴西班牙机床学院的经验,从六个方面分析了目前在我国职业院校中存在的问题,提出了全面打造中国职业教育体系的理念。  相似文献   

The present study summarized research on school inspection of the last 30 years to provide an estimation of its effectiveness and to identify factors influencing inspection effectiveness. Following a systematic literature search, k = 30 inferential statistical studies on school inspection were coded. Due to the large variety in the analytical strategies used in the studies, the findings were synthesized in a systematic review. Twenty-four percent of the n = 222 effects of the k = 16 control group studies indicated positive and 18 % negative inspection effects. The majority of effects (58 %) was not significant. The most consistent positive inspection effects resulted for standardized achievement tests in Mathematics and in the mother language. Perceived accountability pressure and the perceived quality of the inspection were two of several factors that influenced inspection success in the k = 16 comparison group and correlational studies. The findings highlight new avenues for school inspection research and practice.  相似文献   

The impact of summer science‐enrichment programs on high‐school students' science motivation and confidence was evaluated in a 7‐month period following program completion. The programs took place on a college campus. The splashdown effect was defined as program‐related changes the program graduates recognized in themselves that became apparent to them after reentry to their home high school. The effect was studied in a group of 88 gifted girls and boys from 38 high schools. On qualitative and quantitative measures obtained during private interviews, students reported a strong splashdown effect after returning to their high school. Results supported the validity of the splashdown concept. Splashdown motivation and splashdown confidence (i.e., recognition of program‐related gains in motivation and confidence that occurred after high‐school reentry) predicted change in corresponding science attitudes during the follow‐up period. As predicted by social comparison theory, the intensity of the splashdown effect was associated with average school achievement in the student's home high school. Students from academically weaker schools reported stronger splashdown effects. Implications for enhancing and evaluating the effect of science‐enrichment programs on students' science attitudes are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 359–375, 2005  相似文献   

School effectiveness is a microtechnology of change. It is a relay device, which transfers macro policy into everyday processes and priorities in schools. It is part of the growing apparatus of performance evaluation. Change is brought about by a focus on the school as a site-based system to be managed. There has been corporate restructuring in response to the changing political economy of education. There are now new work regimes and radical changes in organizational cultures. Education, like other public services, is now characterized by a range of structural realignments, new relationships between purchasers and providers and new coalitions between management and politics. In this article, we will argue that the school effectiveness movement is an example of new managerialism in education. It is part of an ideological and technological process to industrialize educational productivity. That is to say, the emphasis on standards and standardization is evocative of production regimes drawn from industry. There is a belief that education, like other public services can be managed to ensure optimal outputs and zero defects in the educational product.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this paper is to examine the mutual relationship between school engagement of cross-border students (CBS) from Malaysia in Singapore and parental involvement in education. Focus-group interviews were conducted with school personnel, CBS and their non-local counterparts to provide a comprehensive understanding of the situation. The cross-border student group comprises diverse ethnicity and most of them are highly competitive and successful in engaging in the whole educational selection process from the beginning to their exit point. This paper argues that education for the CBS represents both a unique socio-cultural phenomenon in the two Asian societies and a manifestation of a widely shared pragmatic value of educational returns. The findings reveal that the nature of CBS engagement with schools is characterized by voluntary assimilation and is rewarded by the meritocratic system of Singapore.  相似文献   

亚元的创建是一个长期、复杂的过程,因而亚洲的合作进程只能是循序渐进的。就亚洲整体而言,也许要经过数十年的发展和努力,亚洲经济一体化才会有长足的发展,妨碍亚洲实现统一货币的种种障碍才能得以消除,也只有到那时才能真正建立起涵盖整个亚洲的统一货币。  相似文献   

This research study evaluated the efficacy of the Bracken Basic Concept Scale‐Revised (BBCS‐R; Bracken, 1998) and the Bracken Concept Development Program (BCDP; Bracken, 1986a) in a test‐teach‐test paradigm with students from a Head Start program. Prior to the intervention, 54 children were administered the BBCS‐R and were divided into three groups, two of which received basic concept instruction. Once the intervention was completed, the children were reassessed with the BBCS‐R. Posttest scores were calculated for each BBCS‐R subtest and the Total Test and School Readiness Composites after controlling for the pretest scores. A MANOVA and sequential ANOVAs were conducted and proved a significantly higher performance of the two intervention groups compared to the control group. Effect sizes for five of the six BBCS‐R subtests were classified as large, with the sixth (Time/Sequence) classified as medium. Discriminant function coefficients found that the Texture/Material subtest contributed the most to the detection of differences between the groups. However, no significant difference between the two intervention groups was found. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 301–311, 2004.  相似文献   

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