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科学发展观思想的提出,为我们各项工作的开展提供了鲜明的目标和明确的方向,结合科学发展观的学习,在高校推行教育成本核算,能充分体现"以人为本"的思想,使学校保持持续发展的势头,是科学发展观思想与当前高校客观实际相结合的最佳体现.  相似文献   

篮球运动不仅是一种社会现象,也是一种社会文化。高校篮球文化是在篮球文化中分离出来的一种形式,主要呈现的是高校内特定的文化现象和氛围,能够潜移默化的对教师和学生产生一定影响。高校篮球文化氛围可以理解成篮球运动的精神、物质、文化的综合,良好的篮球文化氛围能够促进大学生的身心健康,同时还能激发学生学习机能,达到对学生进行个性培养和拓展的目的。  相似文献   

Quality assurance of teacher training has become of a great concern nowadays. This paper addresses the quality of BEd programme of the University of Education (UE) Lahore. The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the quality of BEd programme with regard to the internal efficiency of Government Colleges for Elementary Teachers (GCETs), the affiliated institutions of UE. The study was conducted on a random sample of 600 BEd students drawn from 11 GCETs in Punjab province. Data was collected through a questionnaire which was validated through a pilot study in 2006. The reliability of the final questionnaire was established at 0.863 allowing the researcher to launch the study at large scale (Gay, 2000). The findings revealed that BEd programme was effective in terms of updating student teachers' knowledge and skills. Student teachers favoured the quality of BEd curriculum, lesson planning and presentation by themselves and their teacher educators, and had some reservations about the proper use of audio-visual aids for effective classroom teaching learning processes. Female gender showed more satisfaction with the quality of BEd curriculum and teaching than their male counterparts. No significant difference was found in the opinion of the students of GCETs having low, medium, and high enrolment.  相似文献   

深化高校后勤社会化改革,构建新型高校后勤保障体系,是当前我国高校后勤改革与发展的一项重要任务。高校后勤改革是高校改革的重要组成部分。本文从分析高校后勤改革内涵和内容入手,指出了改革对于高校发展的重要作用。  相似文献   

The present study tested the power of equity measures to predict students' commitment to college. Different patterns of results were observed across three academic disciplines (physics, economics, and political science), which are characterized by different levels of environmental uncertainty. Equity was found to be a more relevant predictor of students' behavior and attitudes in fields with a high level of paradigm development. In political science, the major predictor of students' commitment was the comparison of one's group with another. The dominant independent variable in economics was the comparison within the membership group, while in physics the main predictor was the internal standard. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

先秦隐逸思想与士人心态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先秦时,隐逸思想已大量存在,并表现出复杂的内涵。先秦隐逸思想既带有深刻的审时态度,体现出士人在出处方面灵活、开放的心态,又含有藉隐逸以避祸存身、或持守道德人格、或追求个体自由等内涵。而且,先秦隐逸思想已逐渐分疏为以儒、道两家为主的两种路径:前者对"时"的态度相对乐观,其隐逸思想主要在言论层面且带有权宜性,侧重于隐逸以持守道德人格;后者把握到"时"的无望,将隐逸落实到现实人生,侧重于隐逸以追求个体自由。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relative influence of factors and persons in college major choice and procedural justice perceptions of 449 undergraduate students enrolled in 1 private and 2 public universities in Turkey. Results showed that students found themselves to be the most influential person in their choice of college major, followed by parents/other family members. With regard to the factors, interest in the subject, guaranteed employment, expected earnings in the field, the university entrance exam score, and a prestigious career were ranked, respectively. Striking differences were found among majors. Findings also suggested that, whereas male and female students' choices were influenced by very similar factors and persons, female students declared more procedural justice.  相似文献   

合理扬弃陈旧的办馆思想,确立先进的办馆理念;改变落后的管理体制,建立科学高效的竞争机制和激励机制;采取多种途径提高馆员队伍的思想道德素质和业务素质,是新时期中小型高校图书馆发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

大学生的智能发展潜力巨大,但由于存在着一些常见的问题,大学生智能训练是一项长期而艰巨的任务。按照智能发展教育的进程,大学生智能发展教育策略主要有四种:引起注意、动机激发策略;阐释理论、认知重组策略;实践练习、知行结合策略;强化效果、信息整合策略。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育事业的快速发展,高等教育已步入大众化时代,高校的教育成本受到了高等教育机构和社会公众的普遍关注.采用分类计量法进行教育成本计量简单、实用.教育成本项目的部门可分为教学院系和学校服务部门;间接教育成本的计量采用直接分配法.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between intellectual development and identity from the beginning of the student's freshman year in college to the end of the sophomore year. Hierarchical structural equation modeling was performed on the data utilizing LISREL VI. The optimal structural model included significant positive longitudinal paths from time one to time two for both intellectual development and identity. In addition, the cross-lagged path from identity to intellectual development was significant and positive. The results of this investigation suggest that one's sense of identity as a college freshman plays an important role in his or her intellectual development at the end of the sophomore year. Results for intervention possibilities and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文就高校图书馆在知识经济中如何挖掘潜力,发挥优势,以信息中心、知识媒体传播中心的角色跻身于社会、服务于经济,充分发挥信息的功能进行了探讨。  相似文献   

哲学社会科学与自然科学同等重要 ,邓小平极其敏锐地、深刻地认识到了哲学社会科学对一个国家全面发展的意义。他所建立的相关理论以及亲身实践的成果 ,为繁荣和发展我国的哲学和社会科学作出了卓越的贡献。  相似文献   

We propose a concept of intellectual values as (a) shared within a group and defined by the extent to which intellectual engagement is regarded as worthwhile to the group's interests, (b) supported by an epistemological belief system, and (c) an important dimension of sociocultural practice and learning. A series of studies is described in which assessments of intellectual values and epistemological beliefs were found to show similar patterns of variation across cultural and subcultural groups of parents and children. Such groups may play a role in highlighting to their youth the intrinsic value of intellectual engagement (versus its instrumental value in achieving individual recognition and status). Intrinsically valued intellectual engagement, we suggest, provides the firmest basis for sustaining intellectual motivation through adolescence and into adulthood. Developing mature epistemological understanding, moreover, is key to this enterprise.  相似文献   

谈到体质,我们很自然的就会把它与体育锻炼联系在一起。运动生理学研究说明,经常参加体育活动可以促进机体各部分和各个系统的发育。本文深入分析了婴幼儿体育锻炼的内容与方法,体育锻炼与智力开发的关系和影响以及体育锻炼应注意的事项等问题。  相似文献   

高职院校能否成为进行系统道德教育的重要阵地,关键在教师能否发挥教书育人的作用,做好教师思想政治工作十分重要。针对新时期高职院校教师思想政治工作相对弱化的现象,根据高职院校教师的实际情况,高职院校教师思想政治工作必须创新,工作机制必须系统化,思想政治工作应采用渗透法和心理疏导法,师德师风应注重日常约束养成。  相似文献   

The problem of predicting who will succeed in college is currently of critical importance during an era of spiraling costs and declining enrollments and resources. Previous research has focused on academic factors such as high school grades and/or college entrance exam scores. There is a dearth of studies, however, examining psychological processes as predictors of students' participation and satisfaction, which are both indices of college success. One hundred twenty-five college freshmen at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University participated in a study designed to examine psychological processes underlying college academic success. The results indicated that students' rules of reasoning about effort and ability, their motivational goals, and their confidence in their intelligence and strongly related to students' types of participation in the college experience and their level of satisfaction. These relationships and their implications are examined carefully and suggestions for adminstrators and academicians in higher education are offered.  相似文献   

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