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Since 1979 China has been attempting to reform its rather poorly functioning command economy, which suffered from a poor allocation of resources, a lack of incentives, irrational and arbitrary pricing, great waste of resources and a rigid and stultifying bureaucracy. At the same time there has been considerable acknowledgment for some time at the highest levels of Chinese government of the need to ensure environmental sustainability and this has been most recently confirmed in the form of ‘ten great changes’ needed in Chinese environmental thinking. This paper describes the processes whereby environmental policies are created and disseminated in China and points to some of the issues facing western educators who wish to work with Chinese colleagues in advancing global sustainability. It concludes that the problems facing environmental education in China may not be so very different to those elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Article 6. The state conducts education in patriotism, collectivism, and socialism among recipients of education as well as education in ideals, morals, discipline, rule of law, national defense, and national solidarity.  相似文献   


It is well known that a major change has taken place in China's economic and social development strategy since 1979. The conditions and functions of the whole educational enterprise, including technical and vocational education, have been continuously upgraded and strengthened. Technical and vocational education has taken on a new look and made considerable progress during the 1980s. This article analyses the current situation of technical and vocational education in China and subsequently highlights the policies made for its improvement in the near future.  相似文献   

Conclusions This new series of Chinese olympiads is admittedly experimental. Chinese educators are studying the results of these contests. Building upon this acquired experience, they hope to improve and expand such competitions in the future. New standards of mathematical excellence are now being established in the PRC and future mathematical olympiads will accordingly be more demanding. It appears evident that in the near future, a team from the People's Republic of China will participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad [10].  相似文献   

This report is an extract reprinted from the article “Science reborn in China” originally published inNature Vol. 274, 31 August 1978, and now reproduced in short-ened form by courtesy of the editor and with the kind co-operation of the author.  相似文献   

Article 7, Clause 1. The state shall adopt measures to develop rural vocational education and to support the development of vocational education in ethnic minority areas and in border, remote, and poverty-stricken regions.  相似文献   

修订《中华人民共和国职业教育法》是指引当下职业教育健康发展的必要手段。要把握权利、义务、责任,法律、规章、政策,行政与市场,公益与营利,结构与均衡,职前与职后等六组关系的内部规律来确定修法的原则,针对法律定位、法律主体、法律特征、法律保障等方面的问题来进行修订。  相似文献   

This paper discusses pre‐school education in the People's Republic of China (PRC) and in particular describes the developments which have occurred in the last fifteen years. These developments include the effect of the one child policy and what parents now expect pre‐schools to emphasise as a result of this policy. In addition, other developments discussed include how the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky form foundations for curriculum in the PRC pre‐schools. Some of the teaching implications of the application of these theories are also presented.  相似文献   

Article 21. People's governments at all levels should adopt measures to cultivate and train teachers for ethnic minority areas and for remote and poverty-stricken areas.  相似文献   

新中国成立之初,宝安的幼儿园经历了一段曲折发展的历程。1957年后,人民公社、大跃进、大炼钢铁等运动的兴起,各地人们参与社会主义建设的热情高涨,大力发展幼儿园教育成为当时之急需,一方面幼儿园的开办对于解放妇女劳动力具有重要的现实意义,同时也是实现幼儿教育向工农大众开放的社会主义教育方针的具体体现。但当时那种“放卫星”式的大发展对整个幼儿教育造成了相当大的混乱。宝安幼儿教育的发展同样经历了一个“大跃进”的发展时期:幼儿园数量的激增,幼儿在园率急速提高,这种不顾客观条件的蛮干作法,严重违背教育规律,给宝安的幼儿教育带来不良影响。  相似文献   

干部教育政策是我国社会主义事业制度化、规范化发展的内置动力,是保证党和国家实现伟大梦想的战略性工程。正如此,本文深入梳理建国70年来干部教育政策的历史进程,总结经验,找寻规律,旨在探寻干部教育政策未来发展的趋向。  相似文献   

This article describes the resumption and development of graduate education in China since the end of the Cultural Revolution, the death of Mao Tse-tung, and the rise of a new Chinese leadership headed by Deng Xiaoping in 1976–1977. Based on field research conducted in China in 1980 and 1981, statistical documentation provided by Chinese education officials at national and local levels, and other primary and secondary source material, this study explores admissions patterns and statistics, admissions requirements, examinations and the continuing controversy in graduate enrollment, the stress on enrollment in science and engineering specialties, the different types of institutions training graduate students, the graduate curriculum and academic dissertations, the new Chinese academic degree system and the methods for conferral of degrees, and teaching and research employment patterns. The study stresses the interrelationship of graduate programs and educational and political debate within China since the mid-1960s, and the important problems Chinese graduate programs and educational administrators face in continuing the development of graduate education.  相似文献   

It has been said that the one thing that remains constant in China is change. 1978 is the year in which Chinese mathematics educators re-instituted provincial and national mathematics competitions at the school level, after an absence of fourteen years. The objective of these competitions is to seek out mathematically talented youth, an objective which is consistent with Chinese efforts to revitalize scientific development and move towards achieving the Four Modernizations: Science and Technology, National Defense, Agriculture, and Industry. The reader is provided, in this article, with an overview to the nature of mathematics competitions now unfolding in China.  相似文献   

研究生教育是高等教育的最高层次。新中国成立后我国研究生教育的发展大体上经历了5个阶段。对新中国成立后我国研究生教育及其结构发展的各个历史阶段加以考察,梳理其发展特点,以期为今后研究生教育的改革和可持续发展提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Summary The education and training of teachers is a current concern in Bulgaria, and a major reform is under way, of both the educational system and its teacher‐training specifically. The goals of permanent education play an important part in the reform, and the emphasis is placed on personal values equally with those of economic production.

Considerable attention is being given to the balance between different contributions to training programmes. Currently, for example, the pedagogical input is viewed as unsatisfactory. Additionally, more opportunity for specialisation is to be given.

In‐service education also receives major attention, and a range of establishments—including those responsible for initial training—contribute to INSET in Bulgaria. Other important contributions come from Teachers’ Qualification Centres and regional Pedagogical Consulting Offices.

Nonetheless, a new system of teacher‐training is required, which will emphasise not only pedagogy but also subject specialisms and interaction with the community. A new institutional pattern is being evolved, which will link pre‐ and in‐service education. To assist with the development of the new structure, a considerable commitment to research has been made at Ministry and Higher education levels.  相似文献   

Around the middle years of this century, American progressive educators formulated a vision of general education for the secondary school that would afford all youth common opportunities to integrate and apply knowledge toward the resolution of personal-social problems. This progressive vision of general education was consistent with principles of the US common school ideal and predated the heyday of general education at the college level. This progressive vision of general education can serve today both as a conceptual tool to analyse and as a practical alternative to the national standards movement in the US. This vision of general education also provides common ground for deliberation among reconceptualist-social reconstructionist and progressive-experimentalist curriculum theorists.  相似文献   

Developments in Chines higher education since the creation of the People's Republic in 1949 are reviewed with special reference to the periods before and after the Cultural Revolution. Recent changes in admission policies the use of work experience, the linking of theory with practice, length of course, and teacher-student relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

《义务教育法》在西藏得到较好贯彻实施,自1986年颁布实施以来,极大地加快了西藏义务教育事业的发展。《义务教育法》在西藏的实施也存在一些亟待解决的问题。随着我国义务教育进入全面攻坚阶段,西藏义务教育面临新的发展契机。站在新的起点上,展望未来,只要把《义务教育法》进一步贯彻实施好,西藏义务教育就能迈上新的台阶。  相似文献   

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